May 11, 2010

Sillybandz--The Final Frontier


The line of people outside the dollar store yesterday afternoon waiting for the latest shipment of plastic bracelets to be put on the shelf.


See the young man in the red cap? He announced loudly to everyone in line that he was not there to buy sillybandz. "This store sells other stuff too!" he practically shouted.


The line of people grew longer even as we exited the store after making our purchases.

Lo and behold!

The man in the red cap purchased five packages of sillybandz after all.


The crushing blow:

Dear Parents:

Starting Wednesday Silly Bands will no longer be allowed at X Elementary School. Silly Bands are elastic bands that resemble thin rubber bands and are pressed into shapes such as dinosaurs, guitars, ice cream cones, etc. When stretched they fit over the wrist and look like thin rubber bands. These novelty items have created a disturbance on campus and have also become a safety concern in a number of ways.

In short, Silly Bands are being:

  • · Traded before, during, and after school
  • · Sold in the same manner
  • · Worn around the neck
  • · Snapped on students’ wrists and other areas
  • · Used as projectiles and stingers
  • · Disruptive to the educational environment

Please discourage your students from bringing these novelty items to school as they will be confiscated. Thank you for your assistance in keeping X Elementary School safe and focused on academic excellence.


Principal X

I am so over sillybanz I can't even tell you.


  1. Maybe you can introduce sillybanz to the central Floridians!

  2. I am SOOOO glad those sillybands haven't made it yet to Arizona, or maybe my kids are not aware of them yet. Anyhow, it's so silly how even adults give in to trendy stuff, that's hard to distinguish the who's the child and who is the adult. Better luck in Florida!!

  3. Man, you're nicer than me! I'm sure I wouldn't have let those things back in my house after the first encounter with them! Good luck! Maybe you can feed them to the crocodiles in Florida...

  4. wow...that's

    I sure hope they don't find their way to Utah!

  5. It's Beany Babies 2010! And why were you there again? I am surprised it took the school so long to send out that notice!

  6. I don't get what the big deal is with them at all.

  7. If you need any extras let me know, they aren't big up in Toledo, OH! I learned last week that they are actually from a distributor here. They are just sitting on shelves here just waiting to be the next big thing!

  8. Although they were not allowed during testing a few weeks ago, my kids elementary has yet to ban them. But with less than 3 weeks before summer vacation, they might just be hoping the fad is over before school starts back up in Aug.

  9. I had never heard of them until here and then one day, my daughter came home from school with one. The next day, my husband brought the girls a pack. Which one promptly got lost on the soccer field....

  10. I went to every CVS and Walgreens in a huge radius around my house in search of silly bandz. I finally found some and bought 2 packs to appease my kids. Lo and behold the very next week my sons preschool banned them. Too many of the preschoolers were "trading" them only to be upset when they couldn't get them back. LOL They were banned at my daughters elementary school this week because it's the big testing week. So far I think they can wear them after testing is over.

  11. once again im happy to have boys who dont care about these!
    remember garbage pail kids? oh, wait-you are too young...

  12. They are "all the rage" here too! Thankfully my son is too young to care. At my mom's school a teacher loudly announced "If you have a bracelet on your arm it is jewelry if it is in your mouth it is not jewelry- and will be confiscated!"

  13. I'm telling you: blanket moratorium.
    Whenever all of our friends had something we wanted and we'd ask my parents for it they'd say, "No. If you want it, go get a job. Don't ask me again."
    That was that.

  14. Love the letter from the school...wish my son's school would do the same.

    My son actually sold one silly bandz for $2.00 to a friend. I'm surprised my son didn't get into trouble for his little business deal.

  15. Good for that school. I hope they never come to ours.

  16. AnonymousMay 11, 2010

    We haven't even heard of them here. Thanks goodness!

  17. A line for rubber bands? I don't care if they're shaped like diamond rings, I'd tell my kid she can buy them herself with her own money. What? No allowance? Oh, I must have forgotten.

  18. When you posted your last post about them, I had not heard of them... but in the few weeks between that post and this one, they must have finally migrated over the river to New Jersey, because now they are all the rage here.. and have subsequently been banned.

  19. I've never even heard of these! Maybe I should stock up here so I can cash in, ha!

  20. I haven't even heard of them before. Maybe they haven't made their way to California yet?

  21. We just moved from Vegas to Jersey this past week and after following your blog for quite some time, I was familiar with "sillybanz" from your posts, but had never seen them in person. We were here less than 24 hours when (and I'm not kidding) I saw a little girl with about 30 of them up her wrist and arm. I laughed out loud and almost dropped my Coke. I couldn't help myself! So funny to finally see what you've been talking about all this time... hilarious!

    Love your blog! :)
    Fellow Mommy of 4

  22. AnonymousMay 11, 2010

    Tell me, would a mean mom stand in a line to buy silly bracelets? I think not. We haven't seen the little buggers here yet either...thank goodness! I do remember kids being crazy over pogs, and different trading cards though.

  23. Maybe they won't be a big deal in your kids new school. Here's hoping!!

  24. Good thing you're moving so you can just introduce them to an entirely new school! It's like fate!

  25. Sorry but they were banned in our Central Florida Elementary school this week too.
    For what it's worth I think it's ridiculous. What's next? Banning pencils because the kids could poke each other with them? They already sell mechanical ones on campus and my kid is constantly asking for 50 cents for a new one.
    Oh and in case you are looking there are a few houses in our neighborhood for sale. I've heard the prices are right too!

  26. ha, when i was in school it was those slap bracelets the long thin ones you hit your wrist with and it wrapped around and made a snapping noise. they banned those cuz of the same reason. they never really enforced it but yeah.

  27. I live in Central Florida, and the Sillybanz have been banned from our grade school. This was after they introduced them to us in the first place! They were in the Treasure Box the kids get to visit when they read 20 books, or get 20 stars.
    My kids loved them for all of the 20 seconds it took to show me the latest shape. Now they are laying on the floor in their room.
    Just more garbage I pick up and throw away that they never even know about.

  28. How timely. My 8yr old son just got his first one yesterday and then asked nonstop all night when could I drive him to the Hallmark store so he could buy some of his own...

  29. I was in Wildwood with my mother last weekend. She announced that I needed to buy some as a gift for my honorary niece. SHe convinced me to buy 4 regular packs and one pack of glow in the dark ones (the latter sent me back $5). I was unaware of the craze. However, since Monday, I see them EVERYWHERE. I told my nineth grade students what I bought for this 9 year old for her birthday. I was told by my students that they wished I was their aunt as I was the best one ever! wow!

  30. So funny! They banned pogs at my elementary school, I guess those got out of hand too.

  31. hip-hip HOORAY!!! not. I feel terrible for your kids!! I love silly bandz, but I hate wearing them. Not a useful combo. The result? I carry them around in a plastic baggie..

  32. seriously, i have never even heard of these things...maybe it's a regional phenomenon.

  33. AnonymousMay 13, 2010

    I finally saw silly bandz at a store! I commented on them. The guy said they just got them in. The day before they sold out - kids were crying over which one they got.
    I said I don't get it.
    He said They are JUST RUBBERBANDS.
    Enjoy the craze while you're in it!

  34. it's so silly how even adults give in to trendy stuff, that's hard to distinguish the who's the child and who is the adult.
    post free classified ads

  35. Yep- my school had to ban them as well :( I didn't mind them at first but kids were literally coming in with like 50 bands on their arm, cutting off circulation, snapping them at their friends, kids wanted to take some from their friends if they themselves didn't own was just crazy. I think we only allowed them for a week or two, the popularity of them was NUTS!

  36. Why such animosity ? Stores are making money in a horrible economy, businesses are loving this product.

    CHILDREN ARE MAKING FRIENDS IN *REAL LIFE* ---- IN A TIME WHERE SOCIAL INTERACTION IS LIMITED TO TV, INTERNET AND VIDEO GAMES. Sillybandz are not only fashionable, but educational and used in reports during class. They also promote sharing and it also teaches them monetary responbilities.. sometimes they'll trade a sillyband away then realize some one got over on them and made out better in that trade..
    Would you want them to be 16 and have that happen to them with actual money?

    I am worried about the parents that post on this board - not the children and teenagers who adore sillybandz.

  37. AnonymousMay 31, 2010

    1-800-921-8661 TO ORDER WHOLESALE.

    To HD - the(woman who in is michigan) you should probably order asap. It's getting big there.




