May 7, 2010

In My Spare Time

At school, my son Kellen sits at a table with three other kindergartners. Peer pressure is a powerful force, but not strong enough, it seems, to overpower truth.

May we all have a restful Mother's Day! According to my six-year-old, I am in danger of sleeping through it.

P.S. Thank you ladies for your responses to David! Strangely, I haven't heard from him today. Hee Hee!


  1. Classic. I love it.
    You know, you're the only smart mom in the group. We all should sleep in our spare time, so as to have plenty of energy and fun in our "family time".

  2. I wish I could sleep through mother's day - wouldn't that really be the greatest gift?

  3. Love it. I imagine the only spare time you actually have is when you are sleeping :-)

    Also, I am feeling a bit guilty that I am not playing scrabble in my spare time...

  4. AnonymousMay 07, 2010

    Meh. Those other moms are just LYING to their kids. My kids think I do laundry in my spare time. I've got 'em fooled.

  5. This reminds me of a pre-schooler of mine who came home one Mother's Day with a recipe book. Each child had verbalized what was a favorite dish his/her Mother made and relayed instructions on how to make it.

    My son's was "My Mom makes yummy pizza, she makes it by calling the man on the phone and then giving him money when he brings it to the door- the end? Everyone told me how much they loved my recipe for pizza.

  6. My niece told her class that her mom's favorite food is jelly beans. She was right. I think it is good when our children know us well.

  7. You sound like my soul sister! Except we could never get together because we would always be napping!

  8. Hey my 6 yr old said "my moms favorite thing to do is sleep all day!" some days I wish I could sleep all day! lol

  9. Oh that is so adorable! Apparently I said some crazy things like that about my mom when I was young!

  10. I am rolling! Truth hurts, doesn't it? :) On Friday I attended a Mother's Day breakfast with my daughter, who is in pre-K. The kids wrote little surveys about their moms. These are always scary, aren't they? I was pleasantly surprised when my daughter wrote that her mom was as pretty as a jewel. I was sad for the mom whose kid wrote that she was as pretty as a TABLE! :)

  11. That is the best thing I have seen all day.

  12. Love it!

    My son (also in kindy) had a homework sheet where he wrote "My mom is good at cooking." And he drew a picture of me and a microwave.

  13. In elementary school, my husband was asked to draw a picture of his mom, and he did. She was sleeping on the couch. She was mortified.

    There's nothing wrong with the truth. It makes the rest of us feel normal.

  14. Someone so point out to those other Kindergartners that it is not their moms' spare time if they are around to play scrabble/checkers with.

  15. Oh that is hilarious!

    My cousin went to school and did one of these once, They asked "What is your Moms favorite food?"

    He wrote "Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches"

    My aunt is allergic to peanut butter. ><

  16. Just found your blog. LOVE it! You have a Ph.D. in Medieval Literature from Duke University? SO COOL!

    Taking naps = beauty sleep. You are gorgeous. Continue the naps! Happy Mother's Day, you mean little mom!!

  17. So cute and adorable. I love things like this.

  18. Kids say the darndest things. I remember asking my mother shortly after she gave birth to one of my little brothers, "Is there another baby in your belly?" I'm sure that one will come right back to me! I also remember my mom locking herself in her bedroom and hearing her cry when one of my brothers and I were particularly awful...I think I should do more than give her a card tomorrow... Happy Mother's Day!!!

  19. Great notes!
    Happy Mother's Day to "mean mom" to another.

  20. I stalk your blog, but I don't think I've ever commented. I just have to tell you that I laugh until I cry most days.

  21. AnonymousMay 09, 2010

    It looks like your son learned something from his mean be original and to tell the truth. That says good mothering to me.

  22. Hahaha! My son listed my hobby as "sleeping and resting on couch [the red one]" Awesome. Happy Mom's Day to you!

  23. Oh that is awesome! I've had similar incidents.. like the time in preschool when they made a class chart of their favorite food their mommy cooks. The entire class had homemade food and my son said, " Wawa mac and cheese". And when his teacher proceeded to write " mac and cheese" he corrected her and made her add the "Wawa". I kept swearing on my child's life that I DID cook at home.

    Similarly, this mother's day ( my son is now 6) I got a handmade card where he wrote a very sweet sentiment and also drew pictures of my favorite things- a flower, a picture of me scrapbooking, a Harry Potter book, and me in bed sleeping. Seriously. The picture is very similar to the one you got. Maybe my son and yours collaborated?

  24. AnonymousMay 10, 2010

    my mom totally slept through mother's day. i tried calling but all i got back was grunts - lol

  25. In my son's first grade the teacher had them all write essays about their moms. They had to start out with a statement, then use supporting statments to prove their original idea was correct. Then she hung them out in the hall on the wall. Most of the kids essays started wtih "My mom is pretty" or "My mom is nice". Except mine, it started out "My mom is mean" and was followed by at least 6 supporting statements that proved his idea correct. I looked through every essay, I was the only mean mom in the 1st grade. When I mentioned this to the teacher, she said that Nathan's essay was her very favorite one.

  26. I think Jason's mom must do penmanship lessons with him. I've never seen such handwriting by a kindergartner. Hope you had a nice nap

  27. My mom saved one of those little books from when my brother was in kindergarten.

    The phrase was: My mom likes it when.....

    My brothers response: I leave her alone.

    That STILL cracks me up!

  28. It sounds like a trap. Like they're secretly looking for PTA volunteers or something.

    Sleeping is my favorite pasttime.

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