May 27, 2010

My New Centerpiece

The fun begins.

Any other climbers out there?


  1. My third is a climber in a way neither of the other two were. It scares me to death to find him in places I have not idea how he got to.

  2. Hi,
    I love your blog. Your posts always make my day even if my kids have drove me insane all day :) My son is around 17 months and he's just started climbing on the table like yours. I've had to literally make sure that all of my chairs are pushed in tight or else he will get on top. Luckily he has not figured out how to move the chairs. Disaster awaits I'm sure. My dream of having a nice decorative candle in the center is squashed. Nice to know I'm not alone!

  3. My youngest who is now 2, is/has/always will be a climber. How that child gets up on our bar is still amazing to me...especially with no stools or chairs around!

  4. Yes. I've found my climber on the countertop, in the kitchen sink (apparently, he needed to clean himself while at it), on top of his sister's chest of drawers, and the kitchen table.

    I hope this phase ends soon.

  5. My 3 yr old daughter was standing next to the garage door when I pushed the button to open it, I turned around to grab my purse. I turn back around to find my little monkey 3 feet off the ground riding the door. She has been worse than my 2 boys put together!

  6. My son started climbing at age 4...after watching his one-year-old sister do it.

    Evidently my brother was quite a climber. My mom found him on top of the refrigerator once. Also he climbed up a display of canned peaches at the grocery store; of course it was just as the man behind the meat counter was telling her how well behaved her four children were.

    Famous last words.

    Where can I get one of those center pieces? It's cuter than anything I could find at Hobby Lobby.

  7. My second climbed up our 5 tier bookcase before he was 18 months old...and has successfully scaled everything else in existence since then (finding him on the top shelf of the fridge, at the top of ladders to the roof, on top of boxes that are placed on top of chairs on top of beds, etc.). Needless to say, at age 3, he excels in his gymnastics class and once we find a sponsor, we're planning for the Olympics 2016 maybe? We don't even flinch anymore, his climbing and antics are so much a part of his personality...He has taught our other two WAY too much.

  8. I was a climber. I thought all kids were. I think the ones that don't climb are weird. :)

  9. My 2 oldest are climbers. The one that amazes me is my 3 year old. A couple months ago we found her in bed with a bag of marshmallows in the morning. Sometime between 4-7am she climbed onto the kitchen counter, made her way over to treat cupboard and got the marshmallows from the top shelf (which means she climbed the cupboard too). She told us she got them to feed her stuffed lamb, but she ate them all herself. The best part was that she did it without waking anyone which is quite a feat when there is a newborn in the house!

  10. Yep, my oldest, who is almost three, and then one of my 9 month old twins! It scares the heck out of me sometimes when I find them...

  11. If only you could see my den...we have the couches turned against the wall. It's the only way to prevent Baby B from climbing up there right now. And yeah, the cat is in heaven having the couches all to herself. And yeah, I hang out on the floor after the kiddos go to bed. No wonder my back hurts!

  12. My youngest is not quite 2 and a half - and just figured out how to climb into her sisters' top bunk...without any ladder. The ladder has been in storage for almost a year because she figured out how to climb it and we didn't want her up so high. Same child likes to push chairs up to the kitchen counters so she can climb up and pull paper towels off the roll. Yesterday I found her sitting in the bathroom sink.

    Her sisters were (are) also climbers.

  13. When my daughter was about one, she earned the nickname Mabel. As in, "Mabel, get off the table!!"

  14. All my kids were climbers including my triplets from a very early age. They are responsible for my gray hairs for this reason and others.

  15. AlsoMeanMay 28, 2010

    Very cute centerpiece, did you make it yourself?

    My two have moved on from the table to the trees and the back fence....

  16. When my daughter was six months old, we moved to Mexico, and stayed with a family while taking Spanish classes. The family had a huge table, with an equally massive lazy susan. It took my daughter all of one meal to realize that she was destined to spin. It became a daily contest - How close would she get to the lazy susan before someone caught her. Now 17, she still sits on the top of things.

  17. I am just impressed your kids eat salad. :)

  18. #4 mounted an 8' ladder which was set vertically against the wall. He was 13 months old. I haven't gone to the bathroom without him since.

  19. My first is a wicked scary climber. I wish I could include an image of him on the swingset. He climbs to the top of the swing bar (thing the swings attach to) and just sits there. The bar is something like 8-10 feet off the ground. Maybe I'll post a pic on my blog for the fun of it though my blog has little to do with his climbing.

  20. Hey at least its not a whale.. ha!

  21. One of my twins is a climber. I refer to him as my "heart-attack" baby, because one of these days, he will actually give me a heart attack when I see where he is sitting.

  22. Yep! My 20 month old is an expert climber. She can pull out a chair and climb on our kitchen table in 10 seconds. I timed her.

  23. I have twin 15 month old boys. Yup. Climbing on everything. Toilet, table, couches. I'm sure you can sympathize. Thanks for you blog, it's a bright spot in my day.

  24. AnonymousMay 28, 2010

    My youngest when she was 2 was a total cell phone junkie it was a must have so she could call everyone on my list, but we never caught her climbing to get it and she must have because no matter how high I put it it always ended up in her hot little hands with me wondering how.
    Plus her big brother, age 4, loved to climb on the kitchen counters to get stuff, one day instead of using the drawers or a chair to climb up on he jumped up and grabbed the kitchen faucet (you know the ones that pull out) and must have tried to use it like a rope, next thing you know he is racing into the living room screaming "I didn't do it, I didn't do it" and I hear what sounds like a waterfall in my kitchen. The head had busted off and water was gushing out hitting the ceiling and the fridge across the room, there was water everywhere. All I could do was laugh, what else can you do.

  25. all of mine have perched here... that being said maybe you could make some little whale costumes and find a few kids to wear them and set them in the center of the tables... lol... really I though this post was going to be the "it was a gag, I don't really have to make whale center pieces.

  26. I have one! I have to put the barstools of my kitchen island up or he will push them around and do things like shove bananas in the toaster.

    No kidding - check it out:

  27. Nothing is more jaw-dropping, heart-stopping than walking into your dining room to find your 10 month old daughter standing on the dining table playing with the chandelier ...she was an early walker at 9 months old... I feel your pain...

  28. AnonymousMay 28, 2010

    When in doubt, use rope. Not to tie your child up in any way, but to tie the chairs to the table legs. yes, I'm totally serious. This was the desperate measure we resorted to when my twins were toddlers. It's a pain for any other siblings (believe me!), but I could not keep up with 2 climbers at once.

  29. Yesterday, I walked in the room to find my 12-month-old on the top rung of the bunkbed ladder. He isn't even walking yet. I did not know he had that ability.

  30. AnonymousMay 28, 2010

    My child takes after his father. He is all over the place and climbs up wherever he can! My MIL always tells me that my husband and his brother would climp up on the ironing board...

  31. We leave the barstools turned upside down on top of the counter unless we are sitting on them and have completely removed the kitchen table chairs from the room and just have none. Been living this way for 6 months now. I keep wondering when his fascination with the climbing will end. It's driving me crazy! Good luck.

  32. 17 month old twins. Need I say more? Partners in crime.

  33. He's definitely cute than that ridiculous whale your sister wants you to make.

  34. Love it. My son would climb on tables and counters, washing machines and dryers. It was lots of fun. My nieces would climb the door jams.

  35. My twins were/are still climbers. The fact that there are two of them should alone bring on the hives!

  36. I feel your pain! Both my daughter and son are climbers but my son is by far the worse. He's now 4 and just 2 days ago he pulled off his socks and demonstrated to me how he could climb the doorjam. There is no unreachable space in our house to him!

  37. AnonymousMay 29, 2010

    I went out running errands solo (which I love to do!), entrusting the care of our twin 2-year-olds to my hubby. I pull into the driveway to witness both boys standing in the bay window, doing a strip tease. My oblivious husband was in the kitchen. He said he didn't realize that they could climb. Doh. The lack of noise/except for giggling should have been a big clue here dear.

  38. My youngest (the 3rd boy) is a climber to beat them all - I find him on top of everything. It's become easier to just let him play on the table than to spend my entire day pulling him off of it. I know he's gotten somewhere tricky when one of the other boys calls out "mooooooooommmmm - come get the baby!!!" His older brothers just fling themselves off the couch. Somehow that's easier to live with.

  39. 3 out of 4 of mine are/were climbers. My twins (8 years old) were climbers that scared the crap out of me. One day (when they were 18 months old) they used a dining room chair, which were stored on their sides to prevent such things, to climb onto our buffet. They had to push the chair clear across the room to get there. They made a nice mess with my crystal.
    My fourth (she's 2 now) is our centerpiece as well. I don't even bother putting her plate in a regular place on the table, because she is just going to sit in the middle. Yesterday my hubby had the kids outside on the swingset while I cleaned up from lunch and she climbed to the top of our treehouse without any help.
    Luckily, my third doesn't climb, never has, never will. I think she's my favorite.

  40. AnonymousMay 30, 2010

    I took my 14 month old to the doctor for a checkup. He asked, “How was Travis doing?” I answered like the tired, and exasperated young mommy that I was, saying. “I don’t know what to do with him, he climbs everything; he climbed to the top of the refrigerator.” His answer put all of life's problems in perspective; it truly changed my view of life. He said “Isn’t that wonderful!” and it was a wonderful blessing that he was able to drive me crazy like that, nine months before that Travis has open heart surgery (at 5 months of age) and was not given very good chances on making it. From then on I learned to take a step back and remember some of the most unexpected things are blessing in disguise.

  41. This is why, after 13 years of marriage, we still have folding chairs as dining chairs. It is so White Trash but it's kept all 5 kids off the table (most of the time anyway).

  42. My youngest is likely grow up to be: a firefighter, a professional moutnatin climber or a cat burglar! He amazes me constantly with his climbing skills! I said to my husband at the start of the spring that I bet this is the summer he masters the rock wall on the play set. Less than 2 minutes later he was at the top of it! No challenge for hiM!

  43. I think this centerpiece is way cuter than the ones your sister wants at her wedding! ;)

  44. I've got one! She broke an arm before she turned two and I'm sure it's just the first of many broken bones. I just hope CPS doesn't get involved.

  45. Hilarious!!!!!! I completely understand this post!

  46. I was on the roof at 18 months and my own son, shimmied out the window by himself at about 13 months to be returned to me by some random muscle clad neighbor who witness it while washing his car. "Paybacks" is all my mom said to me.



