June 4, 2010

The Flute

Many people don't know this about me, but I am a very talented musician. I played the flute for three years in middle school, eventually reaching second to last chair.

In the seventh grade, I was awarded "Musician of the Month." When presenting the award to me, my band teacher talked a lot about determination and courage, but very little about talent and bright futures. I'm sure this was so my classmates wouldn't resent me.

At my sister's wedding last week, my dad gave me an unexpected gift: my flute! He found it in a box in his attic.

Last night, I played the flute for the first time in twenty years. I'm just as good as I remembered.

All talents should be shared, and I am thrilled to finally have one that is appropriate for church.

Question: Parting gift or welcome present?

Specifically, should I sign up to play the flute (I only do solos of course) during during church services on my last Sunday in Pennsylvania or my first Sunday in Orlando?

It's a very tough decision, but one that could mean the difference between being always remembered and instant popularity.


  1. Karen in NCJune 04, 2010

    Whatever you decide, I think you should post a video of yourself playing the flute here for us to enjoy!! :-)

  2. Uh, BOTH.

    "I've decided to finally reveal to you my musical talent, just in time for me to leave. YOU'RE WELCOME."


    "My performance schedule gets filled up so quickly, I wanted to get this out of the way for all you new brothers and sisters. YOU'RE WELCOME."

  3. ooh, I'm leaning towards parting gift. I like the idea of branding yourself in their minds forever before you leave.

    jana, you are an onion that florida has to discover layer by layer - make em work for it. just be mysterious at the start in a new place. there's plenty of time there to bust out the surprises there. :-)

  4. Personally, I think that since you have hidden your talent "under a bushel" for so long in Pennsylvania, that it would be unfair to unveil your incomparable talent at this point.

    I say, wait 'til you get to Orlando, where your ward can rejoice, and proclaim: "Hooray! It's the gift that can keep on giving!" Start practicing "What Child is This" right now. I feel a Christmas program of epic proportions coming on!

  5. LET ME JUST JUST IT THIS WAY, JANA.... If you play the flute at your last Sunday at church here in PA, then they will NEVER stop talking about you, your family or your performance. It will be remembered for a LIFETIME.


  6. I think you should do your last church service in PA so that they envy your awesome talent and will truly miss you because not knowing your talent until the last moment they are unable to ask you play each and every Sunday. They will all be crying because they will be missing not only you but your flute awesomeness talent.

  7. Go for both- Rally if you play as a parting and it doesn't go great no big deal you won't be there anymore... plus it is great practice for the introduction in Orlando.... So you know what to work on and can stun everyone with your talent there.

  8. If you play the flute in your new ward, they will assume you can also play the piano, and then you will be branded a church musician, and will always only get music callings. Is that what you want? You must be very careful as you weigh your options! ;-)

  9. Second to last chair- your folks must have been so proud! :) Laughing out loud- as usual!!

  10. Please come play for us in Herkimer. Our branch is so small that you will be guaranteed a warm reception.

  11. Will you play 'Row, Row, Row your Boat?' or 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star'? Or maybe 'Mary had a Little Lamb'?? Song choice could def. influence your decision :)

  12. AnonymousJune 04, 2010

    In keeping with The Meanest Mom title, select the option that will most adversly affect your children for the longest amount of time, Orlando of course!

  13. Whatever you decide, please allow your family the joy and privilage to flank you as you perform for the congregation.

  14. Most surely BOTH!!! Jana you rock!

  15. BOTH! Make it extra squeaky in Pennsylvania so they don't miss you too terribly. And then in your new ward, you can be the crazy flute lady!

  16. This is so cool. My husband who turned 60 last week plays the trumpet. He is pretty good. He has only been playing for a year.
    I am glad you are playing again. Keep it up.
    I think you should do both and also I agree that you should post a video of it also.

  17. I'd opt for both! Make it thoroughly entertaining in a 'reverent' sort of way and, by all means, do all you can to embarrass the husband. He's the one making you do all of this work, right?!!

  18. I say parting- you want everyone to remember you for all your awesomeness, you'll be remembered for life...even eternity, but you don't want to make instant enemies in your new ward...you know how super jeal people can be when a multi-talented woman moves into the ward...I'm still getting backlash from 5 years ago when I moved.

  19. This is a no-brainer. Make up for lost time and do both.

  20. I am just as gifted on the clarinet! We are like twins. Of course I really wanted to play the flute, but that is another story. Sadly for my church we are non-instrumental - they are totally missing out.

  21. Might your current church appreciate a donated instrument, instead?

  22. If you offer to play your first week in Orlando they will ask you again and again. It doesn't matter how talented you are, if you are willing most wards want you! My mom played the flute in highschool and when she made the mistake of telling people in Relief Society she got asked all the time.

  23. I played violin from 7th grade to 10th. I finally whipped it out last month for the first time in 13 years and performed in church along with the ward choir. I didn't receive any standing ovations, but it was worthwhile! You should give it a shot.

  24. I say play as a parting gift and if it goes well, do an encore performance in your new ward. Who doesn't love listening to the flute!

  25. A well-played flute is sweet as sweet can be...but, oh!, sometimes it can be the instigator of much mirth...

    Was at a midnight service where a lovely flute duet was played; the sounds from the pair of musicians were perfection but they'd chosen a rather loooooong piece for the occasion.

    Just about time the all-adult audience was beginning to get a bit antzy, the 3-foot music stand the two seated floutists were sharing decided it would slowly, slowly, slooooowly collapse...

    The floutists continued playing for the next few minutes without missing a beat, but by the time the piece was completed, the the sheets of music on the music stand were a mere 6-inches off the floor. Both musicians were bent over in their seats like pretzels as they read --and played-- the final notes. T.

  26. If you're doing it in Orlando, let me know when...such a talent, I wouldn't want to miss!

  27. last day, definitely..

  28. I say both! Why not have it all? Talent is meant to be shared :P

  29. I say first Sunday in Orlando! Let me know where you decide to attend, so that I can be present. :)

  30. I think you most definitely should share a little video of it HERE on your blog!! Would sooo love to see it :)

  31. Hey, I should come play with you. I played violin and was also second to last chair. I still have my violin, and it's in great condition, less about half the hairs on my bow from old age. We'd be great. We could play all 5 verses of, 'If You Could Hie to Kolob', unless you can think of a longer hymn.

  32. Can you do a lip sync thing, where you pretend to play a recording? Otherwise only play in PA so you can escape the flying rotton tomatoes quickly.

    I play flute seriously myself, and I need to practice two hours a day for three months to get to my peak level. You don't want that commitment.

  33. Please let me know. I will follow up with a moving rendition of "How Great Thou Art" on my kazoo.

  34. The church you're leaving--they'll always remember you then. New church--you don't want to be known for that one moment...... :)

  35. Play "Jesus Loves Me" while the children are singing. I'm sure their talents will just compliment your abilities perfectly.

    I think I have that same flute pic on my blog from when I announced my daughter chose the flute for band next year. Maybe y'all can do duets!

  36. Play your heart out in PA.

    I still play on occasion.

    BTW the chicks started to hatch today come check them out.

  37. AnonymousJune 07, 2010

    hahaha! last sunday. go out with a bang ;)

  38. Oh, I love the flute! A vlog, please!! of you playing...

  39. Leave the lasting impression. :)

  40. I too play flute, almost as well as you. It makes me happy to have it on the bookshelf so that from time to time vistors will say, "wow, you play the flute!" And I think to myself- you thoght I didnt have talent!

  41. never reveal musical talents... or you will suffer as ward choir director, or worse: ward chorister, which entails actually being on time for church EVERY sunday.

  42. Well, I was thinking that if you played at your "the new family gets to speak in Sacrament" meeting you'd make such a big impression that everyone would instantly know who you are. So conversations would go like this: Sister So&so is a new primary teacher."
    "You know, the lady who played the flute".
    Oh, I know who you mean. My kid isn't in her class, right?

  43. Jana,
    Where are you moving to in Orlando (east, west, in town, Winter Park, etc.?) I live here... it's humid.

  44. Either way, please secretly record it and post it on YouTube. You know that is how Justin Beiber was discovered right?

  45. AnonymousJune 09, 2010

    If you are good at the flute as I am at my clarinet I would chance reveling them right before your departure....someone famous I believe said "always leave them laughing"

  46. I think you should play for both the parting and the introduction. Talent like yours needs to be shared with everyone!You may be better than you expect, or everyone that is blessed by your music will at least praise your effort. =)

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