August 24, 2010

Loaves, Fishes, and Socks


Now that my children have started wearing shoes again, I find them everywhere: in the middle of the garage floor, wedged between sofa seat cushions, in car cup holders. This afternoon, I found one snuggled up next to a gallon of milk in the refrigerator.

"WHOSE SOCK IS THIS?" I asked with wild eyes.

The two children wearing shoes pointed at their barefoot sibling. The barefoot child pointed at the ceiling.

"You're telling me that Jesus put this sock in my refrigerator?" I asked, dangling the object between my fingertips.

The barefoot child reminded me that Jesus was the God of Miracles.

Based on the number of socks that I have unearthed from cavernous spaces in my house throughout the day, I was forced to agree. It's the only viable explanation for how 7 pairs of socks multiplied into enough foot coverings to dress a multitude.


  1. Sounds logical to me.

    Your children are brilliant.

    They must get it from their mother!

  2. But at least you know they are paying attention in Primary. That is the theme this month you know. Socks are the bane of my existence....they are everywhere...but never to be found in a pair.

  3. Mine kids seem to think that they must wear at least 3 pair a day now...

    and I can't figure out why my 14 year old insists on wearing his brand new socks outside in the dirt..I can only figure it's to make them match with his old ones because they don't look new anymore!

  4. It's good to know that "the barefoot child" was paying attention in Primary this month! They should have him say the theme on Sunday. :) Aren't kids so funny? We think we're clever then they one-up us. Oh well.

  5. If you had taken some extra time to photo shop little white socks with the red/blue/white stripes on the top onto some of the multitude in that picture - honest to goodness - I would have lost bladder control. No "maybe", no "almost". I would have simply laughed that small bit harder that would have made it impossible to control myself.

    Great post

  6. One of the many reasons I hate winter: shoes and socks. I hate getting coats on too! It shouldn't be that difficult, but I swear those 3 things are SO time consuming for us! I wish we could always wear cheap Old Navy flip flops. Always.

  7. This is why I wish socks were disposable.

  8. Oh good. my son has an talk assignment on this very topic. thanks for the thoughts! LOL!

  9. Yup we have problems with socks at our house too. Last year after doing the laundry I realized not a single sock belonging to my daughter was in the wash. I asked her where they were and she left the room and came back with her arms full of dirty socks. She had been stuffing them behind the shoe rack when she came home from school and put on her flip flops.

  10. What is it about kids and socks? Why do they always prefer running around in bare feet like feral things? My daughter is the same, and the sock thing - how do they managed to multiply?!!

  11. At least you know that your child is paying attention in Primary! The theme for the month is "Jesus Christ Is the Son of God, and He Is a God of Miracles." Great application of the theme in every day life as well!! :- )

  12. I have a different problem with socks... I have a virtual black hole that sucks in every kids sock in sight. It started with a brand new bag of socks, 10 pairs each per kid... and for some reason, they were no longer found anywhere in the area of our house. I had to yell at my kids to put their socks on with their shoes to be yelled back that their sock drawer was empty and all the laundry had been washed and no socks had been cleaned as far as I knew. Down to my last straw, I took apart my kids rooms looking for the dang socks and got a clue when I found a furry pile of something lurking in the far corner under the beds... Yup, I found the black hole...

  13. I have only two kids, but we found 17 dirty socks behind the TV cabinet during one of our infrequent thorough cleanings. No wonder I have to keep buying socks!

  14. oh, soo funny. THanks for the laugh!!

  15. It's really that way with socks. They come and go. It's quite odd. You children might actually have a point there.

  16. So far... I've been far too controlling of a mother to let this happen. I'm sure with #3 on the way though, dissapearing socks will soon be a problem for me too!

  17. I have to keep buying Baby more and more socks because mates seem to end up missing. Is there some 5th dimension for socks or something?! Soon, she's just going to have to wear mismatched socks.

  18. And then of course there are the crumpled up wet socks that my son leaves in the bottom of his hamper. I know where they are but do I really want them there?

  19. Hey!! They are listening in primary!! (Yes, I now just read comment #2. Kirsty already told you...) But it was an exciting moment for me, considering I actually knew.

  20. At least the kid is listening to his Primary lessons!!!

  21. Well, it sounds a lot like men's apartments on college campuses. I don't know what the deal is with their socks and underwear, but they simply cannot keep them in their baskets from the laundry room to their apartments.

  22. I've resorted to marking my kids' socks with permanent markers. Each one has their own color so I can tell at a glance who the offender is. This started after socks started showing up on top of our roof. I am still baffled by that one. Marking them also makes it much easier to pair them when doing laundry, not that it gets done often...

  23. Yes! Socks, socks, everywhere! And what's more, they're all turned wrong side out!

  24. when I am really frustrated with the fact that I must strongly encourage my children to help out around the house, I tell them they must match socks. They see this as a form of punishment and torture. We have many, many socks (only four people in the household), but we also have children who PURPOSELY DO NOT WEAR MATCHING SOCKS OR TAKE THEM OFF IN DIFFERENT ROOMS OF THE HOUSE! This will change when school arrives, but since they are different genders, matching UNIFORM SOCKS is just as PAINFUL. They are SO SIMILAR and yet different, that it takes twice as long to match.

  25. You're just hilarious... I love your style!

  26. I'm so glad to know that the barefooted child was listening so well during Primary in August!
