September 28, 2010

Work from Home

There are lots of ways that moms can strike it rich with a home business:

Option A: make headbands/hair clips/ large infant hair bows and sell them on Etsy

Option B: sell herbal supplements/hypo-allergenic lip gloss/wickless candles to friends and neighbors

Devoid of creativity, people skills, and patience, I am left with no other choice but to go with Option C: namely, I buy toothbrushes at the Dollar Store and sell them for a profit to my children.

My kids cycle through toothbrushes like they're going out of style. When I wizened up to what was going on and instituted a strict limit of the number of toothbrushes one could use in any given month, horrible things started happening.

First, toothbrushes started disappearing from the bathroom.

"I CAN'T FIND MY TOOTHBRUSH!" they screamed. "If you want me to brush my teeth, you'll have to give me another one."

When that didn't work, the toothbrushes began committing suicide.

"It jumped into the toilet," my son told me, pointing to the corpse.

"The cat licked it," cried my daughter.

After losing six toothbrushes in two days (5 to the toilet and 1 to the cat), I turned into CVS.

"If you want a new toothbrush, you'll each have to give me a dollar," I told them.

"That's not fair!" my daughter wailed. She pointed out that the toothbrushes come three to a pack at the dollar store.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm just getting my piece of the pie," I told her.

My sons decided that they would rather fish their toothbrushes out of the toilet.

"Negative," I replied.

It's been three days, and so far I've made $5.

Easy money....I'm telling you.


  1. Such a great idea. And, I'm currently job hunting!

    Thanks for the tip.

  2. haha you crack me up!!

  3. This is genius. I'm doin' it. I have four toilet loving toothbrush bombers. They losing all the birthday money if they keep that up.

  4. This is brilliant. I wonder if I could pay my rent this way...

  5. lol You are too funny. I'll have to remember this for when my little guy has teeth to brush!

  6. Not a Bad Idea- I think I am going to sleep on that one!

  7. Love it!! The toothbrushes won't work for us, but I'm sure I can come up with another option... pencils, shoes, hair clips. The possibilities are endless!!

  8. I think the amazing thing here is your kids want to brush their teeth. When my son was younger that was a full time job ensuring he did.

  9. Hmmmmm...I chose thw wickless candles options, but I'm thinking between socks, underwear, and hand held video games, I could make a lot more money off my kids!

  10. Man, they obviously don't realize how much a decent toothbrush costs! I buy them every six months in two packs at WalMart and I still have to slow my breathing down and remind myself it's all for the best. THEN I have to convince my husband that his old one really is beyond use at this point and he MUST start using the one I just bought!

  11. Now think global: Sell your toothbrushes on Etsy to other people's kids.
    Bedazzled, of course.

  12. I used to make my kids pay to get their clean clothes back from the laundry. They realized it was much easier to throw clean, folded clothes back in the laundry then it was to actually pull open a drawer and put them away. It was a dead give-a-way when doing laundry I would happen on folded clothes in the dirty clothes hamper.

  13. This makes me feel so much better. I am going absolutely bonkers replacing kid toothbrushes! I am so, so, so glad that I am not the only one!

  14. HAHAHA....Wow! And I thought that it was bad that my son keeps playing in the bathroom sink.

  15. LOVE IT!!!!!!
    You should really write a book with all your cleer ideas.

  16. I sold pencils for $1/hour to students for a while (refunded if returned). It was far too profitable for my conscience.

  17. Newly following and thanks for making me laugh this morning! I needed it!!

  18. I believe Jenny is a genius - of course, with all the work required to Bedazzle the toothbrushes I would bump up the price to $1.75

  19. But in order to afford your exorbitant prices, your kids must have a better source of income than their mother?

  20. your children are gross.

  21. SAHM gotta get creative!

    I am inviting you to add your blog and/or business domain at - a directory of blogs and businesses by moms/parents with rate and review tools.

  22. i have a friend whos mom charges them hen they eat on the couch, cuz she hates it. its hilarious.

  23. That is just too funny. My sil has both an etsy shop AND sell herbal suppliments, and she's begining to dabble in the direct market lotions/lip gloss market too.

    My kids love their toothbrushes so much, I have a hard time getting them to replace them.

  24. I am unendingly amazed that humorless people read a humor blog.

    Keep up the good work, Jana.

  25. You forgot Heritage Maker photo books and Mary Kay.

    I'm just sayin'.

  26. FUN-NY!

    My money-maker was being the room-cleaning fairy and charging a fee for daughter has since taken over the role as a money-maker with her brothers.

  27. LOL My mom was so cheap with 6 kids she would grab all the tooth brushes run them through the dish washer and say "Everyone pick out a new color" That way if the cat licked it or the toilet got scrubbed she felt it was clean. YUCKK!!!

  28. i sell my 3 boys their lego pieces i pick up off the floor. and then 2 days later i pick them up off the floor again and sell them right back to them. maybe if i had more kids i'd make more...
