October 4, 2010

Breakfast for Dinner

House guests bring out the best in my children. They also make them hungry.

My husband's parents are visiting from California this week. Upon arriving home from the airport, the grandparents were greeted at the door by a pack of hungry wolves with atrocious manners.

"When are we going out to eat?" they asked, licking their lips. It was 10:30 at night.

We had to pry the wolves off their prey.

The next morning, I woke up to find all three of my older children curled up next to their grandparents in bed. The senior citizens were sleeping. The seven year-olds were telling their relatives how much they loved them.

"Do you know what I really like to eat for breakfast?" Kellen whispered. "McDonald's hotcakes!"

At 10:30am, someone under the age of eight suggested that we spend the afternoon at an all-you-can-eat pizza buffet.

"Don't you ever feed them?" my father-in-law asked me and my husband.

"Not exclusively junk food," my husband replied.

"Let's have doughnuts!" said my daughter when my father-in-law asked what she would like to have for dinner.

As I write, dreams are coming true.

Do you see why no one at my house likes me?


  1. That's what grandparents are for ;)

  2. As a grandparent myself I find this totally acceptable, and stuff. ;) And the best part, we get to go home as heroes as you have to attend to the aftermath of the visit.

  3. My MIL brings an extra suitcase full of presents when she comes out 3 times a year--not even for birthdays. I know she doesn't see them as much as my mom, but she also waits on them hand and foot! And then when she's gone, they HATE me for insisting that they take a cup to the kitchen sink or put on their own underwear! (thanks for the venting space!) :)

  4. Look on the bright side. One day in the distant future, at least one of your children will have kids themselves...... payback might take a LONG time, but it will be worth the wait. :)

  5. Thank goodness Grandparents are awesome like yours! Otherwise what would be the point of having grandparents if not to spoil the kids?

  6. Do you think your parents would consider adopting me? I'm hungry. For crap! OOOOOOOOH my does that sound so good!!!!

  7. Grandparents let them get away with it because it is not the end of the world.

  8. My FIL has a nasty habit of keeping sweets in his house and NOT HELPING AT ALL TO EAT THEM! It drives his wife crazy and keeps the grandkids hyper. We haven't been to their house since the wee one was born, but we're going there for Thanksgiving (she's over a year) and we've already decided to talk to him about asking us before handing out handful after handful of M&Ms to a 14-month old. (To me however, he may give as many handouts as he deems fit.)

  9. Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your kids. :)

  10. That is so funny... and so true. My kids are like a pack of hungry wolves when my parents come to town too! They start chanting "McDonalds, McDonalds!"

  11. Whew, I thought I was the only grandparent who gave into my grandchildren's desire for junk food. I believe in family traditions and my parents did this to my children so I'm just carrying on. And I feel no guilt in case you are wondering!

  12. I can't relate to this on any level. My mom's mom is in California and we only saw her once a year and she never really had treats for us, she doesn't believe in that. She does make us blankets though, and those are always great and cozy.
    My dad's dad was diabetic, and his mom was always too far gone mentally to do anything like that, although she did make hot chocolate every morning. Of course, she'd forget and leave it on the stove so when we lived with her, on the days my mom was working we'd get home to a lovely milk skin...
    Just have the dentist threaten to yank teeth... see what that does.

  13. I was told this weekend I was on my soapbox for telling my MIL every time we go to the store together she is not allowed to buy our son something. I am a mean daughter-in-law apparently as well as a mean mom :)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Ha ha ha! Last night my kids were swarming around my parents giving them their birthday/Christmas gift wish lists...well, rather demands. My mom was writing as much down as she could, but had to practically beat them off with a stick! She finally told them she was only taking birthday suggestions for my 2 kids with Fall birthdays. My 8 yr. old son promptly replied with, well, Grandma C. always buys us pretty much exactly what we want. Hmmm....I think I smell a battle of the grandmas coming on! Silly, spoiled kids ;)

  16. HAHA! Suuuuusan! I am going to have to pinch you for giving those kids donuts for dinner! HA HA HA!!!

  17. My kids are totally vultures too!
    It's crazy how hungry they get just by stepping into the car. It must take lots of energy to buckle oneself up.- they are positively starving after.

  18. There is a difference between grandparents who love their grandchildren and want to show it, and grandparents who just want to make life harder for their own children to get them back for being teenagers! I know how hard it is to be a parent (I have 6 children) and I think it's cruel for anyone to try to make it even more difficult. Grandparents should support not sabotage. I also have 2 grandbabies and hope my love will be helpful to the new family.

  19. We just returned from a visit at the grandparents. I wish they only fed them sweets - dear Grandpa dropped the "Maybe I'll buy you a PONY next year". The kids never heard Maybe -only PONY. YIKES!!! I dread our visit next year when the kids ask where the Pony is.

  20. We go to my grandparent's house once a week for dinner and my older two have learned that they will get dessert even if they don't eat dinner. How do you say no when your grandparents want to spoil their great grandchildren?! I figure it is only once a week!
