October 27, 2010

Mileage Club

Several times a week my seven year-old son almost misses breakfast because he can't find his shoes.

He takes them off in weird places, and usually not at the same time. On Monday, we found his right shoe in the back of the car; its match was under the sofa.

"There is going to come a morning when your luck is going to run out," I prophesied.

Today was that day.

"I can't find my shoes and today is Mileage Club!" he heaved, his eyes wild with panic.

Once a month, all of the students at my kids' elementary school are marched out to the soccer field and are asked to run one mile.

I was buttering toast when the end of the world was announced. "Bummer," I replied.

A frantic search turned into a full blown meltdown as the house failed to yield the desired objects.

There was no point in talking sense into him at that point; all we could do was make the best of what we had...which was a pair of church shoes.

In less than an hour, my son will be running four laps in shorts, a t-shirt, and slip-on penny loafers.


  1. haha, I'm sure that will teach him to take of his shoes in just one place.

  2. He just might take off his shoes in the desired place for them from now on.....

    Or not:(

  3. who's taking bets he goes barefoot?

  4. So funny, especially because this happens at our house ALL THE TIME.

  5. You are SO MEAN! You didn't run him to the store to buy a new pair? I can't believe it. :)

  6. Awesome! I hope to be the second meanest mom out there.

    "You are going with or without shoes! Five minutes and we're leaving."

  7. Oh that poor poor kid. I hope he learns his lesson. Good luck next time.

  8. Betcha he loses them again tomorrow. Boys: Thick-headed little monsters of squeezable crunchy goodness.

  9. Just wait until the shoes are so big they are impossible to loose. Like huge boats in the middle of your floor. But even though they are extrememly visible, I still manage to trip over them. :)

  10. laughing at Desert Girl's comment. I so understand boys, having 2 of them myself. LOVE this post.

  11. Just few weeks ago, I was running shoes to school on my lunch hour 'cause the 10 y.o. had to wear mom's purple running shoes since his were in the back of my car!

    Bookmarking your blog!

  12. my favorite Love & Logic word: bummer.

    i use it all the time with my students.


  13. What is it with boys? My son runs around the house with one sock on. As soon as the shoes come off one sock seems to disappear. Never to be heard from again.

  14. Bummer is trotted out a lot here at our house, too. Especially over shoes. Is it wrong that I hope for my oldest to lose her shoes so that I can laugh and point (in my mind)?

  15. HI, I'm a new reader, and I really enjoy your posts. I just had to tell you the EXACT same thing happened to my kindergartner a few weeks ago. He couldn't find his shoes on P.E. day and had to wear his church shoes - penny loafers! That day they ran four laps around the playground! ha ha!

  16. LOL I did the very thing to my 5 year old today. Except that right now its snowing. Needless to say he frantically found another pair of shoes.

  17. We instituted clothes jail at our house which included shoes. I got way tired of asking Sheldon to pick up her stuff and just gathered it in a giant box. When she finally noticed we made her buy them back and she couldn't pick and choose, it was all or nothing. First time 25 cents, second 50 cents, when it moved to a dollar she stopped leaving her thong underwear on the guest bathroom floor.

  18. LOL! That is well funny. Harsh as it may be though, sometimes it takes humiliation like this to start remembering where you removed your shoes!

  19. We three moms have baskets by the door so the kids can stop as soon as they get home and put their shoes away. It works most of the time, but also provides a shoe smorgasbord for the dogs!!!

  20. Love your blog! You make me want to be a better mom & see humor instead of seeing RED! Unfortunately, my kids go to a private Catholic school with strictly regimented uniforms so I would look like a bad mom & be judged by all the other "perfect" moms.

  21. Megan OrsiniOctober 27, 2010

    We bought a fancy-ish dresser for our foyer, that has 5 drawers...the top is hats and mittens and the next 4 are a drawer for EACH CHILDS SHOES!! The HOUSE RULE is that the minute they walk in, shoes go in their drawer...even the 3 year old is reminded to comply!

    It has been the most useful piece of furniture we ever bought...looks nice and is MORE than functional, both in location (by the door) and size!!

  22. Okay, be honest: did you hide them?

  23. I just have to say, this happens at my house on a daily basis! I am constantly telling my 7 year old to find his shoes and asking WHY they are not in the cubby where they belong! 2 days after we bought him a new pair of shoes because his one pair of regular shoes was lost (it was getting too cold for flip flops) I found his shoes in the bottom bathroom drawer. I was so mad. All he had to say was, Well, this is awkward!!!!

  24. hilarious..and hopefully a lesson learned, though i doubt it, boys never seem to care too much about these things.

    hopped on over from Symmetry in Motion...cute blog. I will be adding you to my reader!

  25. It is good to know that my son is not the only one that does that! Looking for shoes is a daily task for us....

  26. Awesome. That mile is gonna hurt.

  27. OMG..Your posts make me seriously laugh hysterically! Your family's antics are such a riot and I hope someday to be in your shoes, as I have a hilarious almost 20-month old on my hands. Thanks for the many laughs!

  28. Have you looked behind the washer and dryer yet?

  29. My mother once made me go to church with my too small ballet slippers when I couldn't find any other shoes. It was so embarassing, and to this day, I have always put my shoes where they belong. She was a mean mom, and now- so am I! :)

  30. Amazing, who knew just getting dressed in the morning could be such a challenge!

  31. My sister, now 55, made fun of a boy at church wearing girls shoes. 30 years later she ran into that 'boy' and he reminded her of that day. He then informed her he couldn't find his shoes, yet again, and so his mom made him wear his sisters shoes to church.
    Don't know if that was the first and last time that happened. BOYS!

  32. My sister has a "special" pair of shoes for those lost shoe days. Large black hi-tops with "I've lost my shoes, have you seen them?" written on them in bright paint. This was her solution only after discovering that Child Protective Services does not look kindly on sending children to school without shoes.

  33. mandy's sweepstakesNovember 16, 2010

    What a familiar experience. Now he will probably focus very hard on not losing his shoes and will start losing something else - equally important - on a daily basis.
