October 28, 2010

What is your favorite time of the day?

Mine are the hours between 5 and 7pm.


  1. 4 and 7. It's nap time at our house. Brings new meaning to the phrase "Happy Hour"

  2. Hmmm... my first response is after 8pm, which means the little ones are in bed. But, I really wouldn't want to say that my favorite time of day is without them. So.... I'll say from about 10am till 2pm. Lots of fun together, and nobody is cranky or wound up at that time.

  3. You love the witching hour(s) too?! That's so awesome!

  4. Oh, for sure between 5 and 7, or at 6:15 when it's time to wake the kids up to get ready for school. Although, those hours are especially endearing when everyone is super hungry and hasn't had enough sleep.

  5. Same here! I love the color of the air--if that makes any sense. It's not the sky. It's the air. But I only see it consistently in some places. Right now I live in California, and I haven't seen that golden sheen since I've moved here in April.

    I also love early, early, early morning (when I can get up) before anyone else is awake. I think I just like the feeling of being alone in the world for a little while and seeing things only a few other people are seeing right then.

  6. Well, on weekdays it is about 930pm when the kids are in bed & I can have time to myself for a moment. Sundays for sure are my favorite day - nap time for mom @ 1pm :) love it!

  7. Oh yes, me too. Hungry, patient children who tidy the house while I cheerfully make supper and wish my kids could stay up an extra hour so we can chat a while longer. Definitely my favorite time of day.

    I hear ya, once again.

  8. In our house, 5-7pm is "Bobcat Territory" -- meaning our 2-year-old begins to howl like a bobcat and everyone's psyche steadily degrades. I think I have sustained permanent hearing loss.

  9. yea the witching hours. aren't they just peachy? if i could get by without wishing bodily harm to one and all I'd say it was a good day. too bad I can't remember the last time that was, unless it was a day I had dinner made for me and got to skip out on putting kids to bed. :)

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  13. 8pm. its bed time for the kids.

  14. I don't know why exactly but for some reason I detect sarcasim in this post.


  15. At present, I'm loving 4:30 am... when no human should see anything outside their own eyelids and I hear my 2.5 year old sounding croupy and snotty.... followed closely by getting said 2.5 year old to sit down to ingest anything but air.

    Oh look, the sun is coming up!

  16. the witching hours!!!! yikes

  17. 12 am to 6 am -- generally sleeping then. ;)

  18. AHAHAHAHA!!! That just made me laugh out loud!!!!

  19. I love it.

    I love that I'm also not alone.

  20. hahahahahaha!!! i especially like 5-7 when my husband works late. brilliant.

  21. Right now our witching our is between 6 and 7 a.m. when our teenage daughter must inform us of how incompetent we are before she leaves for school.

    "I TOLD you I needed cookies tonight..."

    "I need $10 for this club and $10 for that club - dues you know."

    "Where's that college admissions paper I had the other day?"

    "GREAT! My life is RUIINED!"

    "You two are making me a freak at school 'cause I can't wear this...."

    "Oh, can I have people over tonight?"

    I'm glad I could give you all hope for what's to come....

  22. 5am and 7am. Really. I'm a morning person and this is my time - I go to the gym and then to work and my husband gets up with the boys and gets them to their schools.

  23. 6 a.m. when I have to get the kids up for daycare/school. Colin has developed a bizarre attachment to his Handy Manny pj pants which makes trying to put real pants on him super fun. Keira needs to bring her full-size bath towel with her in case she throws up (which she has never done before), and Connor cries because he thinks he should stay with mommy forever.

  24. I happen to love 5-7pm.... it's gymnastics practice time! :) LOL
    (is that terrible to admit?)

  25. I'm in trouble LOL. For me it's between 8am-12pm...when the kids are in school...and I go BACK to bed. AAAAAANNNDDDD between 11 pm and 3 am....when husband and kids go to bed and I can stay up and not LISTEN to them. Well, minus the hubby's freight train snoring.

    What can I say? I have 2 teen boys in that arguing stage.


  26. 7 am to 9 am. For the exact same reasons you posted YOUR favorite time.

    Does the screaming ever stop, btw? I'm wondering how many years I have to listen to my daughter yell at me because I didn't burn the waffles ENOUGH. I'm not kidding. This kid likes her waffles burned to a crisp.

  27. 10:30-11:00pm, when it's finally time for me to go to bed.

  28. I love Marie's comment almost as much as I love you for posting this.

  29. Oh boy, do I hear you, those are ROUGH times with my 4 girls. I always remember Sister Beck's talk, when she said that this was the most important "shift" of the day, but I still haven't figured out how to make those hours run more smoothly....

  30. 6:30 am-7:35 am, and then 3:30pm-7pm. Horrible I know, but I am so tired of the drama king 5 year old living in my house, throwing temper tantrums over everything. I asked him to bring home a better attitude and his listening ears from school today after he told me that he uses his listening ears at school at the time.

  31. I have two favorite times, 6:50am when I finish my workout and from 8:20am to 2:30 pm when they kids are at school.

    5:15am is my dreaded time, waking up to take my son to semminary.

  32. What you don't like fixing dinner, shoving kids (and a cat) out from under your feet, being whined to, forcing the troops into the shower and pj's, trying to do family prayer without snickers and complaints?

  33. Donna in VAOctober 29, 2010

    11/11:30pm, when everyone in the house is asleep and I feel as if I have "me" time as long as I want (surf the net, watch TV - Housewives shows on Bravo, make jewelry, etc...), although that means I end up going to sleep around 2am (and getting up at 7:30am)! :(

  34. You are sooooo funny! I second that.... Those are the best hours, followed by the moment the kids are in bed and asleep for the night :)

  35. Between 2-5, it's when I get to have my "me" time and go see my horse. My little man isn't in school yet, or else it would be those hours!

  36. It starts a little earlier for me. I hit a wall at about 3 pm every day and bedtime doesn't come soon enough!!

  37. Is THAT why my husband never gets home from work until 8? Huh. I never would have guessed.

    Yeah. I'm lovin' it too...

  38. hahahahah... (then imagine laughing that gets out of control and turns a little crazy until there is snorting and stuff)

    If you happen to have a husband who works late Mon-Fri, Friday starting at 3 pm is the best! I usually end up crying and need some sort of takeout food and a fake beer (prego#4) after bedtime. I always call Friday Cryday cuz I can't even see the rope anymore.

  39. I'm going to say flat out the best time of my day is when the kids go to bed. They are so much cuter in retrospect sometimes.

  40. Simple but effective post;)

  41. Is that a hint of sarcasm I hear? 5 and 7 is the worst time at our house. Dinner, sporting activity pick-ups or activities, day-care children parents arrive to pick up children. So, after 9pm would be the best...bedtime = quiet time for mom.

  42. Anything after 2:30 p.m.

  43. Megan OrsiniOctober 29, 2010

    HA ha ha ha ha...what's better? The dinner time crazies, the after dessert bonkerville, or the 5 minutes before you HAVE to leave for anywhere????

    All equally glorious moments ;)

  44. Ahhh....the arsenic hours...you can't decide whether you should give it, or take it... ;)

  45. My favorite time is at 3:30 am, waking up bleary eyed wondering why my living room light is on and stumbling into the room to find my 6 year old son watching cartoons.... and I kick his butt back to bed. It's becoming a habit...those early hours. *rolls her eyes*

  46. This definitely must be sarcasm because from 4pm to 8pm, I think my brain might explode! Love your blog!

  47. The hell?

    I'm going to assume you're kidding.

    Or, toasting during the witching hour.

    This is why I put my 2 youngest to bed at 6:30 each night.

  48. I'm going to assume you're joking. Weekends I love every hour, and weekdays I love 1:00 cause that's when I can take a short nap, and I LOVE naps! :) I also love the time when I pick the kids up from school. It's so fun to hear their stories and just see them again. Then in about an hour I start wishing Daddy would hurry home! :)

  49. Don't worry, the sarcasm is super clear to anyone with young children.

  50. I sense much sarcasm in this one... and I would have to agree with you. That's also when my mother-in-law always thinks to call and have a 45 min chat. "Oh, I'm sorry, are you cooking dinner? It's too early to do that here. It's very noisy in the background, I can hardly hear you. Well anyway, the weather really cooled off yesterday...."

  51. 5:30-8pm just ROCKS over in this house!!!

  52. 5-7? Shoot me. Only followed by my REAL favorite of 4-6.

  53. my "favorite" time of day is before the Dexmethylphenidate kicks in....

  54. 30 seconds after all of the kids are put in bed and the last door is shut.

    I do enjoy my children. They're just young, wild, loud, and we're outnumbered.

  55. Kim GinsbergNovember 01, 2010

    As so many have already said, 6 - 7:30 AM. Getting 2 kids up, dressed, and ready for daycare. Then, get hubby up and ready for work. Fight to get on coats, shoes (LOVED your post from the other day!) and snacks in the car, (I don’t want this cereal! I wanted apple juice…) then everyone out the door and to daycare by 7:30. Makes me want to roll over and take a vacation day...

  56. Definitely NOT the hours between 5 and 7 when my husband is away on business and I am left to entertain three kids - 5, 3, and 1. And of course, the 1 year old woke up sick just before my husband walked out the door and won't be back until Wednesday!

  57. I think Evelyn is thinking what I'm thinking.

    Look up Hilary Weeks "My Favorite Things" on youtube. When my kids are being especially rowdy/whiny/fighting my husband starts singing "bedtime and naptime and bedtime and naptime..." Lol.
