November 9, 2010

The Learning Experience

I should have bought the washable ones.


  1. It will fade.....eventually. Much easier to deal with than the desitin hair treatment...

  2. LOL I thought that same thing when my oldest did this!

  3. HAHAHA! Boy this brought back memories of long ago ... cute!

    Have a great eve ~
    TTFN Hugs, Marydon

  4. Go swimming - I've found that if I can't scrub it off, a swimming pool will dissolve anything they can put on their child had a Picasso moment this week too...and she chose not to use the washable texta's that were stewn around the room, but rather the felt tip pen she came across. Our pool got a workout that evening.

  5. At least it wasn't the walls! Paint won't come off like skin cells!

  6. A couple of years ago I walked into my three-year-old's preschool class to see 6 girls sitting at a table quietly drawing on each others' faces. The teacher was only a few feet away pouring juice for a table full of boys. She turned around when she heard me say, "Oh, My!" She nearly dropped the juice when she saw the tattoos.

  7. Oh, I am SO showing this to my five year old daughter. She constantly asks me, "WHY can't I use the Sharpies??" But she hates to get ink on her skin, so this picture will be perfect! Thanks!!

  8. Or go all Color Wonder on the kids. Sure, they'll never be able to color because no mom is capable of keeping enough of the special paper around, but they have good imaginations, right?

  9. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...yeah.

  10. I just want to know...did he do it to himself? Or did his siblings help? FYI WD40 will get ANYTHING out. It is also non-toxic.

  11. Love it!! Mine did the best work with Sharpies on their bodies. Finger nail polish remover takes it away! The smell is not the best but I had to have pictures taken and had no time to wait!

  12. Oooh, only the washable ones are allowed here! Too many things ruined.

  13. He is absolutely precious!

  14. Looking quite proud of his artistic talents, isn't he?

  15. NOW the REAL question Jana... who colored Cameron... himself or one of his very "helpful" older siblings? LOL

  16. SPF 70 waterproof sport spray sunblock will take even sharpie off a young boys face. Invest in some!

  17. He looks so proud of himself though. It's art.

  18. I have several pictures like this. My favorite is the one with pink highlighter all over my daughter and her best friend.


  19. I can't believe he is so big. It seems like he was just a baby. Too funny. We have ha moments like these.

  20. Can I just say he is an absolute doll? What a cutie pa TOOTIE!!

  21. I heard olive oil (or baby oil) will help get that out of the skin faster.

  22. 5 year old and his cousin made themselves into spiderman with sharpies...after stripping themselves naked. Every little bit of them was colored in red with black stripes. They were encouraged and egged on by their 8 year old brothers, and we were upstairs playing board games thinking the kids were playing so well together downstairs...

  23. that's hilarious ... you need to buy this book and read it to him.

    all my 1st graders LOVE IT! ...

  24. Washable Crayola markers contain soy (in some form)....which my youngest is highly allergic to. You should see the rash & inflammation she gets after playing with washables. I'd rather she be colorful.

  25. Makes me think of my brother. I got home from school one day and he had gotten into my paint. He was covered with pink, blue, and purple window paint.

  26. Thanks for making me smile. I've had a really rough couple of weeks and it helps to read your blog when I need a pick-me-up

  27. FYI Crayola Washable are the only ones that will truly wash off. RoseArt and other off brands LIE!!!

    Also, just incase it crosses your mind even though the magic erasers are awesome on counters and walls,I heard it could burn a child's skin if you tried to use it on them.

  28. can i eat him up? i wanna eat him up. he's so stinkin' cute.

  29. Happens to us all the time. I don't even try to wash it off anymore. Washable smwashable!

  30. I just have to say your little Cameron is so cute. :)

  31. Haha! My two year old did this exact thing 3 days ago! With a Sharpie! Yeah, I don't know where he got it but it has finally faded. I love 2 year olds! :)

  32. Not to minimize your duress but... This is your first time with body art? You have four children, all creatively gifted and NONE of them have used a sharpie on themselves or a sibling before this?

    I mean, I could totally understand. Like, um, none of my perfect children EVER did this to themselves or each other (or allowed another child to doodle on his jeans during "Writer's Workshop" in kindergarten, causing him to stay inside for recess.

    Because that would be weird. And we're not.

  33. Actually. I think your choice was wise. You are simply preparing yourself for when your son comes home with his first tattoo.

  34. been there, done that! still find myself there accidentally....

  35. This could have been my 2 year old 2 days ago. Only red! He even colored his blond hair. He is still pink!

  36. Just seeing the picture made me laugh out loud! Made my morning!

  37. Better on 1 little boy then on: TV, carpeted stairs, stereo, walls, table and entertainment center. That's what my sister walked into while preparing dinner years ago.

  38. that's a great picture! put it in your Christmas letter!
    absolutely so cute, getting so big and clearly proud to be the one having his picture taken for Mommy's blog - FINALLY!!

  39. This is what my 2-year-old looks like every other day it seems. I can't for the life of me keep her older sisters' markers away. Needless to say she gets plenty of baths!!

  40. Since you are in a rental, at least it is on him and not the carpet!

  41. When my 11 year old daughter was 3 she said "mom, can I be a cat?" Thinking she was just gonna crawl on the floor and say "meow" a lot I said yes. When I came in the room to watch her I found she had taken an orange sharpie and drawn stripes all over her body.

  42. Too funny!!! Oh the joys of boys!

  43. LOL Ohhh i just had to laugh out loud at this one :)

  44. LOL Ohhh i just had to laugh out loud at this one :)

  45. Haha. I love it! My little boy is 3 and still loves to draw on himself. He loves to write and draw so I let him use pens, markers, etc and it always ends up all over his legs, arms and hands. You'd think I would learn my lesson...

  46. Rubbing alcohol works wonders. My daughter loves to draw all over herself. It hasn't failed me yet.

  47. too cute and he looks SO proud of his work!

  48. WD-40,baby wipes, rubbing alcohol, baby oil or swimming pool chloring all work wonders.

  49. Eh, it'll come off eventually.

  50. He is too cute!~

  51. Looks like the 'Cat that ate the canary' with that grin.
