December 14, 2010

Shabby Apple Dress & Ring Giveaway Winners!!!

Yowzers! You guys rock. I wish I had 800 dresses to give away, but thank you so much for entering.

The Shabby Apple Dress goes to Gwen from Texas who wrote:
"That dress is so beautiful & classic. The ring is so fun too!"

And the gorgeous ring goes to Mommy McD who wrote:

"Are you going to have another give away where you offer those long legs so us short people don't have to do any hemming. Because that dress is amazeballs.
As is the jewelry."

Congrats ladies! Shoot me an email at ASAP and we'll get your stuff shipped out to you.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so surprised & excited. I sent you an email.
