January 6, 2011

Apologies to my Hair

It's been five months since my last haircut, which isn't a problem for anyone except my husband and my new hair stylist, who I found from a coupon mass mailer.

"What are you plans for your hair?" my husband asked me at dinner the other night.

I put my fork down and counted to ten. Then I made a hair appointment.

"It's been awhile," the hair stylist scolded as she ran a comb through the back of my head. "When you have layers, you have to take care of them."

At that moment, I decided that I no longer wanted layers. I have enough living things to take care of without worrying about neglecting my bangs.

"This is why I don't get my hair cut very much," I told the woman. "Because hair salons always make me feel guilty."

The woman mumbled something about pride in ownership or pride in appearance or something and got to work.

"I'm going to have to charge extra," she warned at the half way point. "I've never had someone ask me to get rid of layers," she cried.

She acted like I had asked her to dye my hair orange and give me a perm.

"Don't you want me to dry it?" she asked as I hopped out of the chair. I shook my head. "I trust you," I replied.

My husband opened his mouth when I walked through the door. When he saw my face, he closed it.

"Do you like it?" he asked nervously. "Because that's all the matters."

I looked in the hallway mirror. What I saw (and still see) isn't pretty. However, the fact that the burden of caring for my hairstyle has been lifted has left me strangely relieved.


  1. I think we need a pic :)

  2. Yes I definitely need to see a picture of this. PLEASE?! It might make me feel better about myself. It's been 6 months since I "took care" of my layers.

  3. I never know if I should take your posts seriously or not, but I really did get rid of layers about 6 weeks ago and while I wasn't thrilled with how short I had to go to make that happen at first, my hair has grown out enough now that I am really liking it!
    Maybe you will, too!

  4. I'd love to get rid of my layers but I'm afraid of what I'd look like. You're brave!

  5. Oh we have to see a picture on this! Please...
    I have not had a hair cut in a WHILE... it had been like 9 months. My hardresser cried when I told her she was only allowed to take 1/2 inch off- I think that she wanted to shave my head.

  6. I concur where's the picture! Anyway, it's not so bad and it does grow eventually. I have a hair stylist that I've been going to since 8th grade. She knows me, she knows I get my hair cut twice a year if that and that I routinely go from long to short without blinking an eye because I was just too lazy to get my hair cut for a year and a half. Anyway, I'm grateful to her because one day I brought in a picture of some super cute layered look and told her I wanted it. She told me no. She said, "Natalie you're not going to take care of it anyway, so I'm not doing it." And she was right. I wasn't going to take care of it. So we chopped it off nice and level and I saw her again 6 months later.

  7. Post a picture!

    I never think about my hair until Ryan suggests that I should take a day to get to the salon. Don't like what you see, buddy? Then don't look. :)

  8. So.... it's too bad there is no accompanying picture.....

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Just put hot rollers in it and call it a day

  11. Can't put something like this out there without including a pic or two.. ;o)

  12. I miss my layers, but definitely understand why you got rid of them. We need a picture!

  13. What a fab post and great blog!! So glad I found you! I could've written this post myself. I'm dragging myself to the hairdressers this weekend. I HATE going!! I agree with the others, would love to see it!

  14. Wow, they made you feel guilty? And charged extra to get rid of layers? Because she couldn't just cut it! My hairstylist is in a different state, so they only expect me between 6-12 months, and they are totally cool with it.

  15. Ohmygosh you have to post a picture! And how do you get rid of layers? The only way I can think of is shaving!

  16. I just got my hair cut the other day and realized why I always put it off too...because I hate a new cut I always look like a 12 year old boy trying to hard:( I know your pain just remember it will grow out! But I will also have to ask for a picture because random strangers tend to be nicer than your own thoughts!

  17. I don't know where you are in Orlando, but I have a wonderful hair guy who will never make you feel guilty, even if you miss 3 cuts in a row :) He's in Dr. Phillips. I'd be glad to share his info with you. He's super affordable and I l-o-v-e how he cuts/dyes/styles my hair! thethinchef at g mail dot com if you want his info.

  18. Hmmm...I had no idea you had to "take care" of layers. I think my average time between haircuts is around 18 months or so. lol

  19. You just reminded me.....it's been 8 months since my last cut! I can only imagine how my stylist will cringe when he sees my layers.....if he even remembers.

  20. the other day I got my haircut. i told the stylist "give me a cut that won't grow out stupid. the cut I got 3 months ago grew out stupid"

  21. I've been "taking care" of my layers by randomly chopping at the ends of the hair by my face. I don't remember when my last haircut was, but possibly 8 months ago. Of course my husband is no better. You se, we have a beautiful 7 month-old baby. I do hope to get my hair cut before he turns 1.

  22. I had used the coupon mailer haircut once - ONCE. I feel your pain.

  23. Obviously the reason that she had to send out a coupon is because her personality makes it hard to keep repeat customers. Never go back. Find someone who takes the time to find out what you want and need. Luckily it is just hair and will grow out. Tell your husband it was his fault you felt pressure to get it done too fast. Maybe he'll keep his mouth shut the next time and just get you a gift certificate to a good salon instead. Guys can go anywhere, a bad cut for them is just a week grow-out.

  24. I did the same thing (cut my hair short to get rid of the layers) when I was in college....my Mom started crying as soon as she saw me.

  25. Oh yes we need a picture! Thank you for scaring me out of getting rid of my layers.

  26. we all concur...a picture is required to truly appreciate this post...we've ALL had a bad haircut at least once in life...I remember when my stylist of 10 years didn't tell me he WAS adding TONS of layers...the first 2 weeks, I wanted his head on a platter...however, after week 2, I decided he was a genius, I asked his forgiveness and add as many layers as possible now!

    Maybe in 2 weeks you'll actually love it too...of course, I don't know since I haven't actually SEEN your hair... ;)

  27. I'm just going to shave my head and be done with it.

  28. Where's the picture!?!

  29. I WANT A PICTURE!!! :)

  30. Writing that post is like saying, "I was going to tell you about something but now that I think about it, I'd rather not." It's not allowed.

  31. post a picture! i totally bet it's gorgeous

  32. Yeah, I hate to get my hair cut, too. I'd almost rather go to the dentist - almost. Who wants to sit and look at yourself swathed in a cape with dripping hair for an hour while someone tch, tches around your head?

    I'm currently "growing my hair out", which really means I am putting off going to the salon as long as possible.

  33. I was going to ask about a picture but I see that's been asked repeatedly already. I guess I'm lucky that I'm a guy and we don't have to worry too much about our hair.

  34. So sorry! Bad haircuts are the worst. Most haircuts are the worst, as far as I'm concerned... I have been trying to grow my hair back out to a one-length, do-nothing style forever. Most of my hairsylists just don't know what ONE LENGTH I WANT TO GROW IT OUT means. And I just realized it's been six months since my last haircut.
    ps I love it when your husband asks you what you plan to do with your hair... those are my favorite stories. :)

  35. YOU HAVE TO SHARE A PICTURE! Come on now, we'll be supportive.

  36. I agree we need pictures!!! And I just went 6 months without a haircut so don't feel to bad. I also have long hair and Layers and NO ONE has ever told me it is hard to get rid of them. Because sometimes I have them and sometimes I don't. Next time ask friends who have great hair where they get it done. I would never pick because of a Coupon, my hair is to important. Good LUCK!!!

  37. I HATE when salons scold and put pressure on you...it's like, WTF is this and WHY would I want to come to a place and pay a ton of money to be whined at by a hairstylist? It's like, get over yourself - you always cut my hair too short anyway.

    I have to tell them now that I will not pay if they trim more than two inches or they take any liberty they want.

  38. I once went 3 yrs without getting a haircut. Now, I trade hubby's computer skills to a stylist for cuts a couple times a year. But, really, I wear a ponytail all day until after dinner so why really bother.

    Oh- and the stylist is my friend's husband (have known them for a decade) & he HATES my ponytail so he always cuts it juuuuust short enough that a ponytail is next to impossible to do for awhile.

  39. Yep, we definitely need a picture!

  40. Ya get what you pay for!!

    When you only get one cut a year then splurge and get a decent cut in a reputable salon and pay the $100 dollars!! As the layers grow out they are even and still look good, although you have to use more product. So instead of spending $100 on 5 cheap cuts and hate the cut for the first 3 weeks, spend the $100 on one cut and like it from the beginning!

    Also--never get a haircut when you are PMSing!

  41. I have layers and I only cut my hair twice a year....:) I agree, Jana we need a picture!

  42. "This is why I don't get my hair cut very much," I told the woman. "Because hair salons always make me feel guilty."

    That there is exactly why I hate most hairdressers - what's with the guilt trip?


  43. I just got my haircut last week - I think it had been 4 months since the last cut. I get layers because I wear my hair short and the curl looks good then. But I made sure I did NOT buy any PRODUCTS the stylist "advertised". Why pay $15 for something you can get for $4 at the grocery store? They don't seem to be that much better for my hair.

  44. Oh my gosh, how can you NOT post a picture!

  45. your favorite hairdresserJanuary 07, 2011

    How bad is it? I will fix it just come to pa. I miss you anyway. Hope all is well.

  46. I HATE going to the salon. My hair grows very, very, slowly. As it is now, I know I have split ends. Gosh darn it! I actually use hairspray and a curling iron once in awhile. Anyhoo, I wear my hair in a bun or a pony tail while it grows out. I've listened to the whole "You have to get your hair cut every six weeks so it will grow" shpeel a gazillion times. Guess what? If I take their advice my hair doesn't grow at all because I cut off all growth - split ends - I guess. So I haven't had a haircut in a year. Oh well, if that is what it takes to get my hair passed my shoulders! LOL. As for the hubs, I tell him I don't like his back hair. He shuts up. :)

  47. so I'm not the only one on this planet that avoids the stylist like the plague. I figure with longer hair you can get away with it right? And you're right about them making you feel guilty... it is our own hair right? ha ha

  48. I agree: a photo would be nice!

    As for bad haircuts, I went to the beauty school and thought that the same designer was cutting my hair so I didn't bother to bring a picture along. Turns out, I got a rookie. I told her I wanted a short, pixie cut because I have a busy toddler. She kept cutting and cutting until I asked her WHY it was sticking up so badly on the one side. She went to get the teacher. Teacher: Oh, NO, dear! You can't just keep cutting and cutting over here without taking some off the top or else it will never blend together. (I left there that day HATING IT - looking like a boy with a really bad haircut.) A few months later, my mom announced "WOW, your hair is really short!" I corrected her: Oh, no... this is grown out at least 2 months! HUBBY: What do you expect for a $7 haircut at the beauty school? Hey, at least it will grow!

  49. I am a mom, I OWN a salon, and I write a blog too. At my monthly Salon meeting, I read your blog posting. It was met with giggles and admonitions...to your stylist. We don't offer that kind of "advice" to our clients. MOXIE, a Salon....GandLmom.blogspot.com.
    Free advertising....

  50. After reading this post and additional comments I find that I am not alone on not getting my hair cut in a timely manner. I have worn my hair long for years because I don't want to take the time or money to cut it. A few years ago I had it cut to about shoulder length, thinking I was getting "too old" (I'm now in my 40s) for long hair; but I was wrong; you have to keep it up to keep it short, and I'm no good at that. Currently my hair is as short as it has ever been due to six months of chemo. Friends see me and remark on how they like my haircut-- I can't help but correct them and tell them it's a hair-grow, not a haircut!

  51. Umm... this must be accompanied. Sometimes pictures are worth a thousand words!

  52. Still no picture? Dear dear...how long will we be kept in suspense... :)
