January 23, 2011


If you've read this blog for any length of time, you know my feelings towards uniforms.

I love them.

There is something about the idea of doing your job in a costume that I find extremely appealing.

Our visit to a certain tourist attraction on Saturday, however, awakened me to the sad reality that most of the uniforms available in Orlando are wholly undesirable.


  1. Uniforms always fascinate me as well, but there are some terrible ones. I once saw someone dressed as The Little Mermaid who should *not* have been.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I spent a few years in uniform during college at one of those tourist attractions in Ohio and I don't miss them at all. They still had the same uniforms when I visited last summer and I've been out of college a LONG time! :)

  4. You have to admit though, those guys are good.

    It depends on the uniform, but a good one is hard to beat.

  5. I remember begging my mom to let me work at Hot Dog on a Stick so I could wear those uniforms!

  6. I had to wear a skort (yes, I said skort. Skirt in the front. Shorts in the back.) and mock turtleneck sleeveless shell as a carhop for two summers in high school. Imagine my joy when the last check each year was reduced y a few pennies because we had to pay for wear and tear on the skort and shell. Oh, and they gave us exactly one uniform to wear all summer long. One way to guarantee wear and tear!

  7. I had to wear the Taco Bell taco when I was 16 and it was in July!

  8. Oh, that brings me back to those horribly hot and humid days when I was forced to wear a long-sleeved polyester pirate costume at one of the Magical Orlando Theme Parks.

    I was in college. I was desperate. I actually managed to look kind of cute as a pirate.

    A school uniform for my kiddo though--it would almost be worth sending him to private school. Unfortunately, I'd probably have to get the pirate job back to pay for it.

    Oh well...a Mom can dream...

  9. I LOVE uniforms too! I taught jr. high for nine years. My first year, first school, the students were required to wear uniforms, so I wore one too. LOVED it. Wish there was a mom uniform. I'm thinking about a star trek outfit. Do you know where I could get one?

  10. After 7 years in marching band, not only am I a complete nerd, but I can't stand uniforms. You think those are undesirable, try wearing thirty five pounds of polyester and a furry bucket on your head while marching ten miles in Louisiana's heat & humidity and carrying a trombone.
    Funny Stuff I Write

  11. A couple of years ago my fam ily took a trip to Disney land. My parents grew up in So Cal and as we were walking into the park my dad informed us he had worked there for a little while as a teenager...he played the clarinet in Robin Hood's Merry band as one of the "Merry Men"...tights and all.
    It took me a long time to get that image out of my head.

  12. I like uniforms so much I was in the marching band in hs and then joined the navy. Half of the taunting I endured as a kid/teen was about my clothes. With a uniform, even if what I was wearing was silly, at least I wasn't looking silly on my own. Now I have to pick my clothes every day and I hate it.

  13. LOVE school uniforms...my kids start wearing them for preschool and will continue to the day they graduate from high school.

    It is very easy to prepare every year....a trip to GAP for a few pairs of pants and shorts. New shoes and socks then everything else is order thru the uniform shop. Done in a few hours.

    No fights in the morning of what to wear...it is what it is.

    They can express their individually on the weekends.

  14. What is wrong with those uniforms???

  15. I had to the wear the Wendy dress at Wendy's, thank goodness I did not have to wear a wig with red pigtails too.

    They had one dress for 2 of us to wear (we had to take it home and wash it between wearings). I was 5ft10inches, the other girl was 5ft2inches. needless to say, we both looked like dorks in the dress.

  16. I sewed the Jasmine costume for an 8th grade performance! I had to make a completely new top because the girl who measured "Jasmine" didn't measure her closely enough. And Jasmine did wear the tan colored cover-ups like the iceskaters wear. That play was SO Much Fun!

  17. I've never been a fan of wearing uniforms, but I completely understand their usefulness and purpose. I'm even kind of warming up to the idea of some sort of uniforms in schools.

  18. I grew up wearing uniforms in school from kindergarten through eleventh grade and hated them. Now as a mother I would love for my kids to wear uniforms. As much as I hated them though, there is something very appealing about the idea of being a Disney princess everyday! That I could have handled!

  19. crazy ramblings of a tired mom. . . you need a shrink. and you need your mouth washed out with soap. you're a mess.

    after you delete her post. delete mine. do the world a favor.
