February 4, 2011

The Toxic Dishwasher

Two days ago, our dishwasher gave up the ghost in the middle of a wash cycle. My husband and I spent most of yesterday evening hand washing dishes and bailing out stagnant water. It was all very delicious.

This afternoon, I took the kids to an appliance store to shop for a replacement. The salesman took one look at me and licked his lips. He could smell desperation.

I told the man right up front that I had four kids and wanted a dishwasher that could get me through the next decade but didn't cost me an arm and a leg.

"This one has a special wash cycle just for china and crystal," he told me, pointing to a stainless steel contraption that cost $989.

I laughed like a hyena. Then I wandered over to the far corner of the store, where all the low-end reject appliances hang out.

My friends.

Right away, I found a dishwasher that wanted to come home with me. She was 40% off and had exactly three buttons besides the on/off switch.

The salesman wrinkled his nose when he saw me writing down my new friend's serial number.

"I strong suggest that you buy this one instead," he said, pointing to a $675 machine. He opened up the door so I could look inside. I didn't know what I was looking at, but I nodded my head and told the man that I was very impressed.

"The great thing about this dishwasher in particular," the man told me, "Is that it is made of completely non-toxic parts. Your children will never sick by eating off dishes washed in this machine."

You can imagine how terrified I was when I heard this news.

"Do you mean to tell me that all the other dishwashers in this store cause cancer?" I asked. Fearing for my life, I backed away from the row of appliances.

The man told me not to be ridiculous. He could neither confirm nor deny that the less expensive dishwashers in the store were carcinogens. All he knew for sure was that the $675 model was safe to use.

I didn't ask, but I'd be willing to bet that the $1000 model reduces your cholesterol.

I left the store without buying my new friend. I'm going to back tomorrow morning to get her, when the salesman is not there.

If I'm going to put my family in harm's way, the last thing I want to do is put the salesman--who works on commission--in a position where he is indirectly responsible.


  1. Hahaha! Love it. Seriously sales dude. They think we're dumb or so desperate not to know how to be a smart shopper just because we've got our kids with us.

  2. Ha Ha! I would have done the same thing! but probably would have acted like I was going to by the pricey one & told him that if my kids did get sick at all while using it I was going to sue him for false advertising!

  3. I applaud your decision to leave. I hate pressure tactics from sales people.

  4. My mom said she always got the best deals when she took us kids (plus friends) into commission stores and let us run wild. The salesmen were always desperate to get rid of the brood so they'd work quickly and usually give her a discount to close the deal.

  5. Well done. I'm lazy enough to buy a more expensive model so I don't have to pre-wash my dishes!

  6. Did he tell you maybe you should feed you kids? Yeah, got that one through the dressing room curtain today.

    I despise most salespeople, and yet, at the same time, they're seem so genuine and concerned--I think that's why I hate them.

  7. Okay...I know it was probably all just a snow job, but dang, them babies heat up something fierce and there are all those warnings about plastics now. Aren't all the innards in those things plastic?

    Maybe you could just train the baby to wash the dishes.

    <3, your appliance salesperson

  8. I am big time 'anti-salesperson'. They irritate aggravate and just plain pee me off.
    Funny story.

  9. I like the kind of dishwasher that has a LOCK OUT feature so the kids can't start it. You really ought to consider it!

  10. Good luck with the replacement!

  11. Oh Jana. I just love your blogs. The make me feel so...normal. I had a similar experience buying a washer and dryer.
    Me: "I'd just like one that wets, washes and spins. "
    Him: "Well this one has 42 1/2 different wash cycles and high tech computerized buttons!"
    Me: "Hmmm. How about this one with a twisty knob that'll work until my kids come home to move me to a retirement home and has wet, wash, spin cycles?"
    Him: "But this one is so...shiny!"
    Me: "And this one is so...cheap."
    Yeah. I'm sure we're dying right now of carcinogenic wash residue. I wonder if the American Cancer Association knows of these hazards?

  12. I have a washing machine where, if I'm not careful and use the sanitize cycle with ever wash will cause a new limb to grow somewhere unnatural on your body. I learned this when my son sprouted an arm, or maybe it was a leg, from his belly button.

    I hate sales people. They are a special bunch indeed.

  13. What a Jerk. Do those tactics really work for them? Until they tell me the have one that loads and unloads itself I am sticking to the cheapies.

    Anyway, go get that dishwahser girl.

  14. Great...now I have to fear my microwave AND the dishwasher? Cuz you can bet your bottom I didn't spend nearly that much on my dishwasher. =) Good choice leaving..hope the next salesperson wasn't as bad!

  15. I love that you left the store only to return when the salesman was not there.....I would have done the same thing!

  16. One of your best posts ever. I hope your children don't die from toxic clean.

  17. Just recently had to do the same...but beware of the cheap dishwashers, the handles break and the racks rust. Somewhere in the $500 range is safe.

  18. Love your blog! I've read through a few of your posts and about died laughing. Definitely, I will be following.

  19. Ahahahaha, I am laughing hard. I found Meditative Mom a few minuts ago and trough her, I found your blog. So funny. Thanks. : )

  20. When we remodeled our kitchen we bought a new DW. We shopped and shopped and choose, yes a very expensive one compared to what we had when all our kids (5) were at home. But we learned a lesson. The new one is Ultra quiet. Really! we can hear the TV, we can have conversations in the kitchen and no one has to raise thier voices. Now we know why our kitchen was loud with everyone talking. they had to cause there was a Jet Engine running under the counter. Only problem with the new DW, the buttons are at granchild eye height. We have to make sure we reset the wash cycle after they leave.

  21. PLus no need for judgement. Although it would have really given your reputation that extra NUDGE you really need to put you over the edge if you had said, REALLY? CANCER? I"Ll TAKE IT! I hate my kids anyway.


    (Because we both know he's full of crap and there isn't anything better than making someone else feel disturbed by your behavior... :))

  22. My washer went out over a month ago, and I'm in the same boat. Ugg! It is strange the things these sales people will tell you in the hopes of luring you to their higher commission. :) Good Luck to you!

    I've found the one I want and am getting the stores to fight over who can offer me the lowest price. It's kinda fun, like guys fighting over you but with less drama and something useful to show for it in the end.

  23. I would have rolled my eyes and just bought it then. I'm a need it now person no matter the salesperson.

  24. I typically prefer toxic items!

  25. This is why I hated being a commission sales person--I'm too honest! I would feebly try to sell extended warranties, and if the customer said, "Do I really need it?" I would usually say "no...the technology will be better before it dies..." SIGH... this guy sounds like the guys I worked with and despised--and I often found their customers coming back when they weren't there and buying from me! Bwahahahaaa....

  26. I love this! It's so true! I just bought a new dryer and had the same experience. Unless it's going to fold the clothes, I'm good with the basic model. I was assured that the one I wanted was really, really basic. Almost primitive.
    I guess they're anxious to make a living too but I sometimes feel they don't give he any credit for intelligence.

  27. But - but but - how will you wash all your china and crystal????
