March 17, 2011

Leprechauns on Parade

Since when did leprechauns become like Gremlins?

My kids came home from school today with horrific tales of leprechauns who peed in their friends' toilets last night and messed up their friends' rooms. One little boy even claimed that a leprechaun bled out in his bathtub.

All of this makes our attempt to poison a leprechaun and auction him off to the highest bidder seem like a benevolent act of kindness.

When I was a child, leprechauns were too busy smoking pipes to be worrying about other people's business. Now that they've kicked the habit, they have lots of nervous energy to burn off.

That's the theory, at least in our house.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!


  1. Wow, scary Leprechauns!

  2. I just dread the day someone decides to turn St. Patrick's Day into a gift giving holiday. It's inevitable.

  3. My kids school did weird stuff like this too....knocked over the chairs...put green footprints on the floor and even green color in the toilets....I'm sorry but this is getting a little creepy.

  4. Yes yes, we have experienced all of this. But the best was yesterday when my preschooler kept screaming suddenly in the car, making me slam on the brakes... apparently there were invisible leprechauns running in front of our van. He didn't want me to kill them. Since, unlike him I do not have "invisibility eyes". No, but I do have whiplash...

  5. Our kids had leprechauns in elementary school. They would enter their classrooms when the kids were at lunch or music, rearrange chairs and leave treats for the kids. So at least our leprechauns gave them sugar after vandalizing their space.

    Until then I had not known that leprechauns actually made an appearance on St. Patrick's day. I suppose that is in place of pinching those who don't wear green. I think that's a no-no these days.

  6. We grew up believing that leprechauns were mischief makers - not the harbingers of evil-doings. But "he" would always make things topsy turvy in our bedrooms - move things around, put hats on our stuffed animals, silly and fun things.

  7. I'm with Mary. They are traditionally mischievous, but not wicked. We never really did anything like this for St. Patrick's Day though. We had a boiled dinner and sometimes mincemeat pie for dessert and called it good. Though in the prayer over the food, my dad would thank the Lord for St. Patrick's work in bring our ancestors to Christianity. And of course we would sometimes sing. But we never gave gifts or pulled pranks--we never really had any "appearances" from leprechauns at all.

  8. Jenny in NCMarch 18, 2011

    I love St. Patricks day because the Leprechauns bring fun and mischief, but they don't bring gifts. But I respect the fact that they don't come to your house.

  9. You have no life so make this crap up

  10. Anon made me laugh. You think THIS is what someone without a life would make up? Ha!

  11. Yeah, I don't get the other anonymous comment. That person obviously doesn't have kids. My daughter came home with the same stories. I don't know who came up with the leprechauns peeing in the toilet, but I think it's weird!

  12. I remember watching "Darby O'Gill and the Little People" back in the day. The leprechaun king was a jerk, but when he got drunk, he was funny. That and Sean Connery singing was what St. Patrick's Day meant to me!

  13. Leprechauns are silly characters who add fun to St. Patrick's Day, not evil doers. What ever happened to that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
