March 5, 2011

Mother Hen

My husband was sick for a lot of the past week. Yesterday afternoon, I took the boys to the park. My daughter stayed home with Tim and watched a movie.

Within minutes of arriving at the park, my two year-old son made friends with a couple of eight year-old girls. The girls were perfectly happy to carry my son around on a chaise and feed him grapes, and my son was perfectly happy to let them.

"You two are such good little mommies," I told the girls. "Thanks for your help taking care of him."

The warm and fuzzy feelings were short lived.

Suddenly, out of no where, sprang Mother Hen. She emerged from the back seat of my husband's car with a look of fierce determination on her face. She took one look at the girls holding her brother and started sprinting.

"I would run away really fast if I were you,"I warned the girls. They had no idea what was about to hit them. It was a good thing that they listened.

My daughter spent the next several minutes inspecting her brother for signs of injury. Then she took him to the drinking fountain to wash off the girls' germs from his skin.

"Why did you let those girls hold my baby?" she hissed upon return.

I apologized profusely and begged forgiveness.

"I am never going to let you go to the park without me again," she said.

Clearly I cannot be trusted.


  1. That's hilarious! My daughters (11 & 13) are the same way with my two year old son. Glad we have mini mom's to keep us in line!

  2. So sweet! Mine usually want to kill each other.

  3. My girls would sell their brother to the first person to offer 50 cents for him. He's probably hampered by the fact that he's almost 8 and no longer cute and cuddly.

  4. The age difference between my middle daughter and youngest child is 7 1/2 years. My daughter has more than once chastized us in our caretaking of her brother. They are now 8 and almost 16 and pretty mch adore each other - at least most of the time.

  5. omg...that's hysterical! Mother Hen...I love it!


  7. This sounds eerily like my mother in law but thank goodness it is only your daughter. LOL

  8. Kind of like a toy - she wasn't playing with it but once others started to, she suddenly realized she wanted it too. 'It' just happens to be her little brother.

  9. How funny! My 9 yr old daughter is very much like this with my 6 year old son. It is going to look rather silly when he passes her up in height. Great blog!

  10. I love it! I check your blog daily...hoping for an update and a guaranteed laugh. You should be required to write daily!

  11. I seriously think you have the most amazing kids ever. I love reading about them. Their personalities are like mine : ) But they're little and I'm an actual grown up. Oy!

  12. I love oldest daughter used to be like that now all she wants is her own room and nothing to do with siblings :( and she's only 11!

  13. Funny how a slide made for kids to play on can be scary to a 2-year-old yet they try to do death-defying stunts on everything else!

  14. That is an adorable story about your little Mother Hen. I absolutely love it!

    Just discovered your blog today through a friend, and I am really enjoying it!

  15. You are so stinkin' funny. I live to read your posts, I ALWAYS laugh!
