April 21, 2011

The Cat's Towel

The other day, our cat got outside. She came back with fleas.

Last night, I forced my husband to help me give the cat a flea bath in our bathtub.

Guess which towel I happened to grab this morning after I got out of the shower?

The worst thing about using the cat's towel is that I didn't realize what I had done until I was sitting in a doctor's office several hours later. Something smelled in the waiting room. Unfortunately, that something turned out to be me.


  1. Oh! I feel for you! I think our aparements "dog park" is keeping our poor little dog (as well as the indoor cat) under an infestation. They are able to enjoy more baths than I am!

  2. The only thing worse than the smell of a wet cat is the smell of a wet dog! And why does it always seem that the time they want to be close to you is the time they smell the worst? Maybe they want to mark their territory? So sorry for you.

  3. Oh dear.

    By the way, I'm just impressed you gave your cat a bath. I've tried that. Cats and baths generally don't mix. Nice work!

  4. Shhh, it wasn't you! Blame the person sitting a few chairs away...

  5. Are you serious??!! So sorry for you!! Just be thankful it was not one of the kids who grabbed the towel as it could have spread to all of them!

  6. Have you perhaps been drinking again? Did you visit the neighbor's house before showered?

  7. hahaha, on my word...hahaha I think I'll take the toddler puke on my pants over cat/flea leftovers

  8. Ohhhhh that sucks! The only thing worse would have been grabbing a towel that said cat had peed on and yea... I've done that!

  9. Another reason to add to my list of why I will NOT have indoor pets. Horses are good. :)

  10. At least you know why it smelled! Towels left in my kids room have an interesting aroma and I can't figure out where it is coming from. Evidently it is their natural smell. Thank goodness for deordorant!

  11. That sounds just like something I would do. I'm laughing with you... really I am.

  12. Not that this would smell much better, but it is cheaper and works better than flea baths AND is definitely safer with kids running around - a vet once told me the true secret to getting rid of fleas: dawn dishsoap, original. I rescued a dog once, and she had fleas. I washed her with dawn and I'm telling you, dead flea bodies poured off her as I washed her. Also, vacuum "the everything" out of your carpet - multiple times within the next few days. However many fleas you saw on the cat represent only one tenth of how many eggs are laid. BTW, neither one of my permanent dogs got fleas from the rescue, and after I washed her, and put frontline on her, I gave her to a friend who wanted her and she paid attention and never ever saw a flea. :) It works! (on fleas)

  13. Holy crap! How awful :(

  14. lol...oh no, that's awful!

  15. shudder... shudder.... shudder! That's all I can say!

  16. OMG! You poor poor thing! On a side note, isn't it fun to give a cat a bath? My kids love watching as our cat scratches most of my flesh right from my arms. Nice.
