April 29, 2011

Hi Everybody!

Thank you so much for reading my blog. Really. Writing this blog is really fun for me, but it's also a privilege that I don't take lightly. In a lot of ways, blog posts are modern day messages in a bottle: you toss them into the ocean that is the Internet without knowing who will find them and where they will end up. One of the things I like best about my blog is learning about its readers and, specifically, who they are and where they live. More often than not, the answers are not at all what I expect. You are grandmothers, sorority girls, high school students, and newlyweds. You live all over the United States, as well as in India, Japan, Africa, and the Middle East. One of you walked up to me in Target last week and introduced yourself; another sent me an email asking me where I lived in Orlando. As it turned out, our kids go to the same school!

I don't say this nearly enough, but THANK YOU. I love getting your emails; they brighten my day, make me laugh, and more than once, have said things that I needed to hear at exactly that moment in my life. How do you always know?

In other news, I'm leaving later today for a research trip to Peru. I won't have Internet access while I'm away, so sadly, I won't be posting for the next few days. See y'all in a week!


  1. research? Peru?!!! Watch out for the snakes there :D

  2. I hardly comment on your blog but I get giddy every time I see you've updated:) your blog makes my day daily! Travel safe!

  3. I'm one of your newest followers, a fellow mommy living in Northern Virginia. The name of your blog is what caught my attention. I'm sure in the coming years my daughter will utter those exact words to me.

    Safe travels!! And thanks for making me smile!

  4. You're leaving us??? W/o even a post-dated post??? You really ARE the meanest mom!! LOL I'm one of your single grad student w/o kids readers in NC. Mom blogs like yours make me laugh... in a good way. Thanks!

  5. I am a mom of two in California and I love your writings! Keep them coming, you always make me laugh!

  6. Enjoy your trip, Jana ... will miss you. I agree about bloggyville ...
    some of the most wonderful 'sistah's' in the world.

    Have a beautiful PS weekend.
    TTFN ~

  7. this post scared me, I thought you were walking away from the blogging world! Have a safe trip!

  8. I think your husband might need to 'step up to the plate' and WHILE wrangling your adorable children, post for you while you're gone. LOL!

    Have fun in Peru. I here there are bigger snakes there!

    I don't always comment, but I ALWAYS read.

    Thanks for the laughs and thanks for keeping it real.


  9. wow. HEAR, not here. Sorry. Typing is made more difficult while nursing a croupy baby.

  10. Like "Cailey", I'm not one to leave comments. You have so many people that follow you, I just know there's no way you'll have time to read what little Me has to say.
    I'm a Mormon mom of 4 living in Colorado. Thank you for reminding us that life is not a magazine cover; perfect and still. My house is as crazy as yours, and now I know we're normal. LOL!

    Thank you!

  11. Good luck with your research!

    I've been reading your blog for about 2 years now. I rarely comment, but just love your hilarious posts!

  12. Hope you have a wonderful trip.

  13. A research trip to Peru? What does Peru have to do with Medieval Lit?

  14. Hope you have lots of fun in Peru! Any suggestions on where to go for my daily dose of laughter? Between you and www.middleagedmormonman.blogspot.com I can always count on tickling my funny bone.

  15. As a fellow mother of a crazy toddler I find your blog my little escape that lets me feel like my crazy life really is "normal" whatever that is! When I opened up your blog and started reading your post I was afraid that this was a farewell post and my heart skipped a beat! So glad that it is only for a short time!

  16. Whew! Had me worried. But a week we can live with. Anxiously awaiting your return.

    Wasn't Paddington Bear originally from "Darkest Peru"?

  17. I love your blog, I have no idea how I stumbled upon it but I've been reading for quite awhile now. I'm a newlywed living in Texas, so you can add that to your reader demographics! Have a great trip, safe travels.

  18. Hi there. Just thought I would let you know you have a reader in New Zealand too! I'm a mum to four with a husband who in addition to his full-time job is also in army reserves. He is currently away with army duties so I am well and truly outnumbered! It's always good to read about other mum's experiences in raising their kids - just to let us know we are not alone! Travel safe, C

  19. Have a safe journey. We'll catch up when you return.

  20. I gasped when I started reading this post... I thought you were retiring the blog!! You can never do that to us! You keep us all going. Have a great trip. Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!

  21. Good luck in Peru! I hope you have a fabulous time! I actually have an uncle that lives in Peru. And since you said you like to know about your readers- I'm a stay-at-home mom of one 14 month old boy. We live in a little town in Southeast Minnesota. Feel free to stop by my blog sometime if you would like to!


  22. I gasped when I read this, too. Please don't stop blogging!

  23. My heart almost stopped when I saw the "serious" writing without anything funny attached. SO scared you were stopping the blog!!! I need to read stories about your kids as teenagers, so never stop! Safe travels to you!!

  24. Whew, thought you were quitting on us! May you have a wonderful trip, and may it NOT involve poopy diapers and/or vomit on your only change of clothing. I'm a married mother of 3 year old twin boys from the Indianapolis area, and when the insanity calms down for 5 minutes, I love to catch up on your blog! ;)

  25. Wow! Peru?? Cool!

    And just so ya know-- I found your blog in a link on someone else's blog. Can't remember where, though. I'm in East Texas & am a married mama of 3 who works for the school district where my kids go.

    How's that for an intro?

  26. you had my heart going for a minute... I thought you were leading up to "and now I'm not going to be blogging anymore"....

    THANK GOODNESS I was wrong!

    Safe journey! :D

  27. I feel the same way. And thank you!

    Have a great trip!!

  28. Haha, I wonder what shenanigans your kids will get into while you are away?

    Research doesn't exactly sound fun but it is Peru so perhaps you will get in some tourist-y stuff and have some stories to bring back!

  29. sad! what will I do for my daily entertainment!!??

  30. The meanest mom doesn't sound very mean in this post. You sound very appreciative. Well, we appreciate YOU, too!

  31. I read your blog from London, England, and I've spread your blog throughout my friends, it's so good! Enjoy Peru!

  32. OK,"fess up" you WANTED us to think you were leaving blogland for good, didn't you. That is what we all thought at first. You just wanted to "scare us straight" didn't you. Well you certainly accomplished your goal. You got our attention and coaxed even us diehard "lurkers' out out silence. I have a confession to make. My kids are grown and I have four grandkids and I still love reading your blog. Count North Carolina in your fan base.

  33. Safe travels and have fun!

    I'm a new mommy to a entertaining 4 month old boy. We're currently stationed in Japan and I love reading your blog.

    Gives me something to look forward to when my little dude gets older. :D

  34. I'm a new follower to your blog and so glad I am. I'm up here in Canada (Vancouver) and your blog, along with others, have inspired me to start my own "Mommy Blog". It's a work in progress, but fun so far.

    Have a great time on your travels and I'll look forward to hearing about your adventures!

  35. Fun for you!!! Go to the Incan ruins!! Enjoy.

  36. Another country on your reader-list; I am from Holland and love to read your blog! Have been to Peru twice and hope some day to go back; it gets under your skin... Love Amelie

  37. I don't think I've commented before but my name is Asiaha and I'm from VA. I love reading your blog everyday!!

    Have a safe and fun trip, can't wait for more blog posts! :)

  38. Hey jana, i live in Lancaster NY but i am right now in argentina, where I am originally from. If you want to do some research down south, let me know and I' ll tour you around, i'll ne here for 2 weeks. Don't EVER stop blogging, that wouldn't be cool.;)

  39. Will u be researching the smell in Peru? My husband's mission keepsakes from 12 years ago still emit a smell. I have them packed in plastic and then containers lined with dryer sheets in hopes of keeping my closet from smelling like the blessed country.

  40. I will miss you! Be careful

  41. I love reading your blog and check in daily from my home in Turkey! Your humorous take on motherhood helps me stay lighthearted with my own crazy kiddos.

  42. Peru? Jana, you never cease to amaze me. Have fun! I am sure you will have lots to write about when you get back! :)

  43. I am not really sure how I found you, I did a search for something TOTALLY unrelated to your blog and somehow your blog came up. I clicked on it because it looked so odd in the middle of this 'unrelated' search. I am glad that I did. I have read through your bio and the first few posts - I am very happy I DID find you. I live up in Jacksonville and to blog. Please check out my site if you get a chance and I truly look forward to reading more of your posts. ~KM

    Krafty Max Originals

  44. Thank you for making me laugh - often when I need to the most!

  45. I am a mom of 2 from Calhoun, KY :) love reading your blog. Not sure how you do it with 4 kids...eek!! I told my girls yesterday that if they kept it up (acting CraZY in public) I would be gray by the end of the day of course they laughed & laughed. Safe travels & hurry back!

  46. Thank YOU for always leaving us smiling!
    Enjoy Peru... hope you make some time for a little fun outside of the research! =]

  47. I haven't posted before, but really enjoy reading your blog. I'm a mom of 2 little girls (3 and 1 on Wednesday) and finishing up my dissertation for my PhD (hope to graduate in July). Your story of being pregnant, having babies, etc while in grad school really hit home - it is a CRAZY time!

    Your blog cracks me up. Good luck in Peru!

  48. I love your sense of humor!! A must for a parent!! You certainly help me to get through the rough parenting times with a bit of grace.

    Thank you for sharing your world with the rest of us.

  49. I just came out of lurkdom to say how much I love your blog. From one mean mom to another, you are fantastic.

    Have a safe trip!!

  50. Hope you are having fun!!

  51. I love your blog. I have also been called the meanest mom. I also have a twisted sense of houmor. If its ok to add this, stop by a check out my new blog

  52. You are welcome! Have a safe trip!

  53. We will miss u!

    I live in Missouri, I'm almost thirteen, and my mom and I love reading your blog together!!!

    Thanks for posting so often and giving us the extra laugh that we need. I wish I had your ability to laugh at everything that goes wrong!

  54. We're in China too. :)

  55. I am from Utah. I am 27 and single. Not only moms enjoy your blog. Every post you write makes me laugh- sometimes out loud.
    I really enjoy the way you write and your posts are true-to-life. I love it.

  56. I really should comment more as nothing thrills me more than receiving comments from fans... I assumue you feel the same... if not, just delete this! Anyway, I head in here about once a month or so and catch up. I'm always reminded how tough it is to have young kids all running in different directions... and how wonderful it is to be a mom! Thanks for the great posts!
