April 13, 2011

The Night of Friends and Fashion

I thought that the women in my neighborhood didn't like me. I've never been invited on one of their morning power walks, nor has anyone offered me a puff of the cigarette that they all share after their walk is done.

As it turns out, I had it all wrong. Today I found an invitation in my mailbox for "a night of friends and fashion."

The only thing in the world that I imagine being more enjoyable than shopping for clothes is shopping for clothes in a stranger's living room. The invitation describes it as "the ultimate shopping experience." I can see why.

"What are you going to tell them?" my husband wanted to know. If he had it his way, we would role play the conversation that I'm going to have with the ladies tomorrow. My husband is worried (unnecessarily) that I might say something insensitive and rude.

"It's funny how they suddenly want to be my friend when they have something to sell," I observed.

One of the ladies smiled encouragingly at me at the bus stop this afternoon.

"Don't say that," my husband advised.

I'm half tempted to go to the party. Perhaps in sweat pants. I would seriously consider it if I felt confident in my ability to talk my neighbors into buying matching outfits.

That is pretty much my dream.


  1. A hundred years ago I used to sell Tupperware to my unsuspecting friends and family. That is until they got a clue...then they got really good at just avoiding me. I guess there are some people who so crave that sort of togetherness that they are actually excited to throw a party and invite their friends over so they can get them to buy stuff they can't afford all so they can get a $10.00 gift for free. Me? I know where my nearest Kohl's is.

  2. Not so sure about shopping for clothes in someones living room. It sort of creeps me out. Plus, what if the stuff is terrible, you know you would make a comment, or I would anyway! :) DON'T GO!

  3. Oh I hate those kind of parties .... I actually had a "friend" who wouldn't talk to me any more when I didn't buy anything at one of those things .... REALLY?!

    Just bring a collection of Girl Scout cookies or school fundraising magazines or something to sell ....

  4. Wow, awkward! Let's just hope they don't pass the healthy little cigarette around to top off the night. :):)

  5. hahahahahahaa, good story...

    I Ilike it...:D

  6. It is odd how you are perceived as a friend when someone wants something. I have a few friends AND relatives whom I never see. It never fails, when there is a tupperware party or one of them is selling Mary Kay, that I seem to be on top of the list.

    I have one particular acquaintence who sells everything under the sun. When I see this person out, I avoid her at all cost. If she happens to spot me, I will be taking home no less than three phamplets (which she always seems to want me to return when I'm done).

  7. On a recent episode of the housewives of Orange County, they had one of those parties. (We will not discuss my addiction to train-wreck-reality-shows where the 'stars' are oblivious to 'reality') It was an opportunity for the women to be campy, mean and drink too much. I think you should attend...Why? More material to share with the rest of us! LOL

  8. Ummm, what kind of clothes are they selling??? Your husband just might be truly excited to have you attend...

  9. You should go. And buy a headband.

  10. You should go.

    You never know...at least you'd feel like you actually got to see what the other women were like in person?

    Perhaps they would have free booze too? I mean, that's difficult to turn down.

  11. My big worry is do you try on the clothes there? If so please tell me ‘fashion fun” isn’t code for unmentionables and it’s not just one pair to be passed around like the cigarette.

  12. I agree with Ruth Ann. What TYPE of clothing are they selling??? After all the previous people were swingers. {{shudder}}

  13. I had a similar experience and it turns out it was for "sex toys.". There is nothing more awkward than listening to a discussion of the pros and cons of edible underware with strangers or anyone else for that matter.

  14. Check this out! A fellow blogger is raising awareness for Crohn's Disease!


  15. I thought it was just me. I was super psyched when a neighbor hand delivered me an invitation while saying that his wife was having a "girls get together" and hoped I would come. I blurted out that I'd love to before I realized that the "girls night" was really a sales party. Thankfully, she canceled because no one could make it to her "party". She was only selling tote bags. No high fashion. :)

    By the way, I was actually concerned about the snake. It was the topic of conversation for 2 days at our house until it was found. I'm still wondering if your husband took this snake in his car? What if it had gotten loose?!

  16. I was tricked into one of those but instead of clothes it was "financial security" aka pyramid scheme. She still gets glaring stares from the people she invited to her "party". Not me though, she served great food!

  17. Go! (Well, only because I would really love to hear how it goes in your next post) But on a serious note, isn't it sad that we don't know our neighbors these days? At least that's how it is where I live. Looking forward to hearing about your night of "friends" and fashion :-)

  18. I might go to that but only because I'm nosey and like to see the inside of others peoples houses. Definitely go if for no other reason than to have a weeks worth of blog entries for us.

  19. You totally should go. I can't wait to hear about it! Maybe you can take a picture! LOL

  20. One of the more impressive blogs I’ve seen. Thanks so much for keeping the internet classy for a change. You’ve got style, class, bravado. I mean it. Please keep it up because without the internet is definitely lacking in intelligence.

  21. Just politely decline the invitation. You got along just fine without those neighbors so far. Something tells me that nothing will change at all.

  22. Seriously reading your blog is like reading the story of my life - except a couple kids less. Good luck.

  23. By the way it is because you live in Florida that you think the women don't like you. They are different here and in my area very, wekiva. I am telling you think back to the friends you had before you moved here, different huh??


  24. ooOOo do you go and have more writing material or do you set the record straight and have less annoyances for years to come?

    The best is when church "friends" invite you at CHURCH. I'm unsure how makemoneyathomeparties are a religious affiliation, but some women in my ward think they are. Eventually I just said, "I don't do these things. Thanks, though." That same "friend" promptly removed me from FB. It's all very entertaining.

  25. Awkward. Smiling neighbors with an order form...

    Do it, the more awkward the better!


  26. So.....did you go???????

  27. I really hope you went if for nothing more than some hilarious material to share with us later.

  28. UGH. Pass. Shopping is for stores and online. You're going to feel bad if the clothes are queer and you don't want to buy anything. Skip the party, but not the cigarette. (Just kidding about the last part, sort of).

  29. You sound like you may be looking down on your neighbors. Esp with the last part. They might be very nice and wanting to include you. It may be difficult for people to want to include you if they sense you feel that way. We don't get much time on this planet and you have been gifted with a great sense of humor. Share it in the real world too!

  30. I actually had a "friend" who wouldn't talk to me any more when I didn't buy anything at one of those things .

  31. It sort of creeps me out. Plus, what if the stuff is terrible, you know you would make a comment.

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