April 5, 2011

The Sandcastle Surprise

This weekend, our family went to the beach. The weather was fantastic, everyone remembered to bring their swimsuits, and we only lost one DVD that we had rented from the local library and brought with us to watch on our trip.

My kids dedicated most of the morning to digging holes the size of mine shafts in the sand. We spent the afternoon building a sand castle the size of Australia.

All of the manual labor made everybody hungry. While my kids were eating a snack, their attention turned to a man walking by us with his dog.

"Oh, look, a cute dog!" chirped Camber. Everyone was very excited.

The man did not acknowledge our presence. He did, however, pause long enough to let his dog urinate on our sand castle.

The perpetrators

It took a full five seconds for the shock to wear off, at which point my kids started crying.

"Why did he do that?" wailed Cortlen.

Eventually, we all went over the inspect the damage.

"I wish that he would have gone in the moat," my son said wistfully.


  1. That is too funny!! I do feel really bad for your kiddos though! It must have been heart breaking for them!

  2. way to think positive!

  3. Why didn't you bring your marshmallow gun?!

  4. What a great kid! You must be so proud of him...it's so nice when they can find the silver lining even in something as disgusting as that. I bet that guy thought he was just hilarious.

  5. I think I could have filled up that moat for him myself after hearing that comment!!! Priceless!!!

  6. WAIT! The man was standing there watching his dog pee on the castle?!!! He wasn't just spacing out or something?? That is just incredible!! Some people! (But your son's comment was awesome -- a totally boy thing to say!)

  7. Too funny but so rude of the man! I don't even let my dogs go on someone's lawn let alone a sandcastle that children built!

  8. what the heck is wrong with some people??!

  9. That is nasty. You should have shoveled it up and thrown it back at him. Well deserved, I think anway.

  10. Sort of sad, but very funny. Your son definitely was thinking the right way.

    People are so clueless, right?

    At least it's always a source of entertainment to see how crazy people are. Sorry about your sandcastle, but thanks for the story! :)

  11. I think you should have unleashed your kids on that guy. That would teach him...

  12. UN.BELIEVABLE! The unbelievable nerve!

  13. What a nut bag! Love your blog!

  14. Maybe the castle looked like a fire hydrant:) Such a great post. Thank you for sharing!

  15. Oh my gosh! i cannot believe this guy would let his dog just urinate in someone's castle!! that would have infuriated me! and im the adult!!! haha but i do think i would have started laughing after the guy walked away as if nothing would have happened hahahaha. do you think maybe he was blind? lol

  16. And you didn't say anything? I would have ran after the man and choked him with the dog leash. lol

  17. I would've walked over and let my daughters piss on it. Your kids didn't make it into an issue. Be thankful that wonderful dog gave you all 1min of correspondence. let alone see the the good in having a moat.. Looking forward to the next exciting episode of i"m a bad mom. Hope to hear from you at www.I'm agreatdad.whatever
