April 27, 2011

Soccer Shoes: Episode 254

My daughter does a really good job of keeping track of her stuff. Her brothers? Not so much.

There isn't a day that goes by that at least one pair of shoes goes missing.

At 4:45pm, I leave for soccer practice. My kids leave the house at that time too, regardless of what they are wearing.

Here's what we had today:

Two "left foot" soccer cleats and a pair of church shoes.

The coach doesn't even bat an eye anymore.


  1. Oh my gosh, that is HILARIOUS!! When I was younger, my little brother couldn't find his church shoes and we were late for church. My mom made him go in his socks. When he got to church, people were asking him why he was wearing socks? He told them, "My mom wouldn't let me wear any shoes." My mom was mortified! Kids...

  2. This sounds so much like my house! My five-year-old has shoes that come in the house, get tried on, and then are never seen again. My 7-year-old actually tried to wear his snow boots to basketball practice one night because he couldn't find anything else (not even church shoes). And I can't tell you the number of times my little ones have gone to church in just socks...

  3. I'm a mother of 4 too and that is a very common site when I'm out with the kids...nothing has to match, they just have to be dressed :)

  4. I went to church in tap shoes one Sunday because all my other shoes were MIA. I actually enjoyed it, and started hiding my shoes so I could do it more often. I hope my kids aren't like that. . .

  5. Ha, my little one dressed in striped tights, polka dotted skirt, plaid top, and flip flops one day. I know what you’re thinking, she needed just a dash paisley to complete her ensemble but that my friends would be over kill. Yes she went to daycare like that, and yes I am one of “those mommies”. Pictures of the horro on my blog. lol

  6. As long as they can find their shinguards . . .

  7. LOL! That seriously gave me a good chuckle. :-)

  8. To quote Indiana Jones, "I hate snakes." Seriously.

  9. (sorry the 'snake' comment wound up on the shoe story. oops: that's not a snake in the sneaker, is it?) :(

  10. And yet they don't learn from the mismatched shoewear? My future does not look bright.

  11. Oh yes! It is always the church shoes that are missing. I got a bench where the seat lifts up and that is where I now keep the kids shoes. Then if they don't put them in right after they come in the door, they go in time out. My kids are way young so that works but when it stops, they will lose something. Anyway, it has made a world of difference! It has become rare that we lose shoes now.

  12. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Wildon-Home-Brookings-Leather-Bedroom-Bench-with-Storage-and-Wood-Feet-in-Brown/12343907?findingMethod=rr
    Similar to this, it hides all the shoes and they are no longer thrown about when the kids are trying to find their shoes. They stay put. (I have 5 kids)

  13. Just when I think you can't make me laugh any harder, you (your kids) prove me wrong!

  14. That was awesome...I laughed and laughed!

  15. My kids are the exact opposite. My son (1 yr old) can find a needle in a hay stack, while my daughter (5 yrs old)couldn't find a bunk bed if it hit her in the face. Like the other day, I "caught" my son putting all the shoes away properly, while my daughter was walking around dropping her stuff and not even noticing that it was no longer in her possession. We've resigned to just having the 1 yr old find anything if there is any time limit involved.
