April 10, 2011


My in-laws have an indoor cat who urinates all over their stuff whenever they go on vacation.

Clearly my toddler and the cat have been talking.

I just got back from a conference in Tennessee. On the first day I was gone, Cameron, who is potty-trained, wet his pants three times.

"How's it going?" I asked my husband by phone.

"Not the best" was his reply. In addition to the unexplained accidents, Kellen came home from school with an ear infection, one of the sprinkler heads in our yard blew up (turning our yard into a geyser), and someone had kicked four soccer balls down the storm drain.

By the time I got home, my husband had run three loads of toddler underwear through the washing machine. There was also no cold cereal in the house. Evidently that was all that they ate in my absence.

"What's up dude?" I asked the little guy. Cameron was wearing a pair of his brother's underpants, rolled up three times, and nothing else.

Cameron didn't say anything. Instead, he let his bodily function do the talking. Since I've been home, there haven't been any more accidents.

It's good to be home.


  1. Well, he's a pretty opinionated little guy, isn't he?

  2. I have to confess that our family ate cold cereal for supper twice this week and I was home both times. I figure it has plenty of vitamins and minerals...at least that's what they tell me.

  3. I can see that happening. Cats and toddlers are both very opinionated creatures!

  4. That sounds like being the Mommy to me! I left home for the evening and my toddler pooped his pants and rubbed it on the carpet next to my bed. I wonder what he was trying to tell me....

  5. It was a revenge pee. My beagle does revenge poos when I go out without him.

    Same damn thing.

  6. I'm just jealous he's potty trained at all! Definitely revenge pee, though.

  7. Is it wrong that now I don't know whether to be a)totally jealous or b) asking for tips on potty training?

  8. Well I hoped you enjoyed your home state - was it a woman's conference? I just got back from one too & those things are wonderful. Cameron must have missed you :)

  9. My husband does a great job taking care of the kids when I'm away, but I still get a little nervous when I leave. The kids will probably eat whatever's easy rather than a balanced meal. They'll probably watch more tv than usual. But I know they'll also get some time to wrestle with dad, so that makes me happy :)

  10. Nothing says "I missed you" like a pile of urine soaked toddler underwear.

    I see a Hallmark card in there somewhere.

  11. Funny how what's happening in your world can be summed up by what's in your pants. . . .no matter how old you are.
    Mommy's home, all's right with the world.

  12. Cold cereal is the only thing my husband knows how to prepare, other than pb&j. I guess we should just be happy when they remember to feed them something?

    Oh the peeing the pants problem. Mine does it everytime he throws a tantrum, regardless of how long it has been since he was potty trained. Maybe being upset, whether due to a parental absence or the fact that his brother won't give him a truck, I guess kids pee when upset.

    I think I might try this. Perhaps if I pee my pants the next time none of my kids are listening to me they'll take notice?

  13. "Clearly my toddler and the cat have been talking."

    That was almost enough to make me pee my grown people's pants!

  14. My cat peed on my husbands pillow once after he gave her a bath...she never got a bath again. It's a good thing thats never happened with our kids before!

  15. I just came across your blog from a friend's blog and I have to tell you that I have not laughed so hard in a LONG time. I have tears rolling down my face. I'm 8 months pregnant and have a 2 and 4 year old, so I can relate to so many of your mother moments. And my 2 year old appears to make the same face as your toddler when he is in trouble (see your March 14th - I think - post). It cracked me up. What a fabulous blog you have! - Emily in SC

  16. That's so funny! I can only imagine what he looked like in his brother's underwear, rolled 3 times!

  17. Cameron's potty trained?! Good job! I haven't even tried with J, yet. I decided to wait until we were BOTH ready. I'm a slacker, and not so into cleaning up accidents or running to public restrooms.
