June 15, 2011

I Always Knew You Hated Me

Nearly every night, my kids play musical beds. It always surprises me where I find my kids in the morning. Sometimes where they wake up is a surprise to their siblings as well.

"What are you doing in here?"

Compassion is not our strong suit.

Tonight my husband injected a little more excitement into the nightly routine by installing a bunk bed in one of the boys' rooms. The set-up process was only supposed to require three brain cells, but turned out taking three hours, three bad words, and three Advil.

(We got the BB at Wal-Mart. The bed's quality is surprisingly good, given the cost).

The individual assigned to sleep in the top bunk of the new bed was shocked and thrilled. As soon as the announcement was made public, the individual's two similarly-aged siblings pulled out their poison dart guns. The duo spent the next several minutes listing every reason why their brother was undeserving of the honor. When trash talking failed to generate the desired results, the sore losers made it personal.

"I always knew you hated me!" one screamed in my direction and stomped out of the room.

"I'm going to go outside and sleep on the driveway!" yelled the other on her way out.

My husband and I watched the pair lug their pillows and blankets out the front door.

"Good night!" we called after them.

Less than thirty seconds later, both had a change of heart. One decided that not being the first person to sleep on the top bunk wasn't the end of the world. The other still believed that he was being unfairly persecuted, but also did not want to be eaten by a hyena.


  1. he he he. are you by chance Amy's (the writer) sister? She is a dear friend. I remember her mentioning something about her sister writing a long time ago. either way, I'm glad you're writing, your blog is delightful.

  2. Oh... I remember top bunk fights. My mom used to say "Whoever gets to sleep on the top needs to put the sheets on it." Very smart...

  3. We have been contemplating getting bunk beds for our twins.... we havent because of the top bunk issure! Glad to know Walmarts bunk beds are sturdy for the future. Thanks!

  4. AnonymousJune 16, 2011

    hahah you are such a good writer these posts crack me up! you really paint the picture xD

  5. I get what you are saying about never knowing who is sleeping where...the other night my oldest left her two sleeping boys for an impromptu sleepover when our movie party went late. In the middle of the night her four-year-old got up from his bed on the couch and wandered into my 14-year-old daughter's room. Imagine her surprise when she rolled over...

  6. When I was younger it was the bottom bunk that was the treasured prize - it was queen size while the top bunk was only a double. The only time it wasn't great was when my little sister plopped out of bed in the morning, right on top of me.

  7. You're not the meanest mom. If they said they were going to sleep outside tonight, maybe you should have made them stick to that!

  8. HAHA! I usually got the top bunk as a child...a perk of being the oldest and the only girl!

    Much love,
    Future Mama

  9. I would have thought the snakes and alligators would have kept them indoors, but a hyena is also a good reason to sleep indoors.

  10. Can those beds come apart and stand alone? My daughters' bunk beds have been bunked, de-bunked, moved upstairs, moved downstairs, re-bunked and are currently side by side. Good luck. My sleep-walking daughter recently asked if they could have bunk beds again and IF she could be on top? Nah...not so much!

  11. Ya gotta watch out for those hyenas in Central Florida. If they don't get you, the dingos will.

  12. We rotate the top bunk - the first of every month, the girls switch who gets the top and bottom. Of course, most nights, they are together on one bed. My eldest doesn't care, as long as she is alone in her room!

  13. Oh, I love it! We have the same bunk bed (white model) for our girls. They too take their stance on the battlefield of the beds. Our oldest usually has the advantage because my Husband thinks the baby of the family (now 3) is too little for the top bunk (even with the railing). Daddy likes to bubble wrap his little girls.

  14. AnonymousJune 16, 2011

    I am looking forward to a post on the joys of changing that top bunk LOL!!

  15. Yeah well, I once jumped up and down on the top bunk endlessly, causing it to fall through and narrowly missed killing my brother. It would have been okay, I didn't like him very much at the time.

  16. he he he... I ran away to the garage once. Ahhhh...brings back such good memories.

    I hope it all works out. :)

  17. I started on the bottom bunk when my brother and I got ours. Until he got the stomach flu one night. After that, my parents felt he owed it to me for life.

  18. At least they're great for saving space!
