June 20, 2011

My Visit to Coca-Cola Headquarters

Last week, I had the privilege of joining eleven other bloggers at the Coca-Cola headquarters in Atlanta. During my visit, I had the opportunity to do lots of cool stuff, including meeting with top female executives from Coca-Cola and McDonald’s.

I came away from the experience wanting a number of things including a designer business suit, a title that includes the words “General Manager” or “Vice President,” and a vending machine filled not with soda, but rather, “sparkling beverages.”

I am only half joking.

The folks I met from Coca-Cola and McDonald’s are amazing people who are doing amazing things… both to preserve the environment and improve local communities. Right now, the Coca-Cola Company is funding clean drinking water initiatives in Africa, sponsoring scientific research on women’s health, supporting over 100 physical activity programs world-wide, and making recycling easier and more efficient with things like PlantBottle packaging. And that’s just scratching the surface. To learn more about Coca-Cola’s Sustainability goals and achievements, head over HERE. To read about what McDonald’s is doing in these areas, go HERE.

Coca-Cola and McDonald’s are everywhere. It is hard to think of two companies who are more pervasive in the world…or more influential. If I learned one thing during my visit, it was that both corporations take seriously their responsibilities as global leaders. Specifically, they have embraced the idea that where much is given, much is required.

Coca-Cola and McDonald’s lead by example on important and pressing issues in the world, and encouraged us bloggers to do the same, with things that matter to us. Of course, I’m no large corporation, but still, my trip to Atlanta was a good reminder that all of us have been given much—in the way of knowledge, insight, and experience about something important. Each person’s gift is different, and all are equally valuable.

Where much is given, much is required.

I like that. My goal for the rest of the year is to live into it.


  1. AnonymousJune 20, 2011

    Sooo, you're pimping out blog space now? It's not just sidebars anymore folks. They have a name for that, what is it again...? Oh yeah, SELL OUT!

  2. Oh hush up "Anon"! The anonymous commentor perhaps is a Burger King employee who is jealous of the attention? I love your blog, and one thing I love about your blog is that you don't hesitate to let us know how you feel. They do alot for the environment, I agree, and a lot of charity work.

  3. I love anonymous people. So brave in their self-righteousness. I detest both companies, but this is your blog, not mine! Reading your posts make my days better. Than you for all you do!!!

  4. anon is jealous that she doesn't have the opportunity to "sell out" Just another jealous troll.

  5. I didn't get a chance to tell you that I loved your outfit! The pink heels and gold bracelet were so great. Wish I had more time to talk to you!

  6. AnonymousJune 21, 2011

    OMG! Was just going to ask you if you got to meet Mona from kirida.com. Looks like you did!

    Love her! (And your blog too). Two very funny and witty ladies!

  7. I totally hate to admit that I sorta agree with your first anonymous commenter....

    When big corporations (or even little corporations) sponsor blogger trips and send products for review, it always means some sort of obligatory "Aren't they the greatest" type post from the blogger in question. Sorta like Sundry's dairy farming post a few months back.

  8. AnonymousJune 21, 2011

    First of all I should admit that I eat at McDonalds and I drink Coke. And I normally love your blog (I don't mind the sidebars), but this post reeked of being bought off. I thought your sass and sacarcasm might make you immune to the whole Blogger junket quid pro quo scheme, but obviously not. This post just didn't seem true to your spunk- sorry.

  9. I wish these hippies would get off their high horses and do their own research into these companies instead of listening to other snobby hippies who do nothing but bash these companies because they have fattening food. So what! It's not the company that is shoving this food down people's throats, it is the consumer that should show restraint. I hate it when people don't take responsibility for their actions and instead blame big corporations for their stupid life style choices. I've seen "Super Size Me" and it didn't phase me one bit, because I realize that if you eat fast food for every meal OF COURSE bad things are going to happen to your body. DUH! Use your own judgement and freaking common sense people!! They have healthy alternatives, it doesn't take a rocket science to know a salad is better than super sizing their Big Mac.
    I had a friend who gave birth to a baby with medical difficulties. It was the Ronald McDonald house that put them up in one of their establishments and helped them through what could have been an extremely difficult time. This friend does nothing but praise McDonald's for what they do, and because of that I am a supporter as well. I think it shows these companies real character that you DON'T see all the good that they do. They are humble about it. They could have easily spent millions in advertising gloating and patting themselves on the back showing everyone how wonderful they are by all the awesome things they are doing. But instead they host a small convention and get people to come, among them a mom blogger! I mean come on...I love this blog, but she's not really national news. I commend Jana for posting this, it's a refreshing bit of TRUTH that so many people don't know about simply because they choose to snub because they blame them for making people fat and unhealthy.
    Check yourselves people and order a freaking salad next time!!

  10. Kara and Theo - the fact that it was McDonald's, Coca Cola....or any company, for that matter....is immaterial.

    It's not about the food. It's about selling out.

  11. I live near Atlanta. I am new to blogging, but what I have enjoyed most about it is getting to know about other moms. I am a single mom now, but was a stay at home mom for years. I enjoy writing my blog because I feel like it is cheap therapy. I have a message, but it is for me as much as anything else!

  12. I'm sorry, but as a small business owner, who needed a fountain machine in their business, and who were snubbed and talked down to by Coke, I'm not such a fan anymore. Maybe if they cared about as much at home, in the US, as they do overseas, I'd care a little bit more. Until then, I'll thank Pepsi for still caring about the "little guy".

  13. No giveaway? I thought Coke would give you bloggers that went there something to give to us readers who buy their products.

  14. mommyrantJuly 16, 2011

    Yeah, puke. I am beat over the head every day in every way by ads and companies - and I work in PR and marketing, so I get it. Mommy blogs were my escape. To get advertorials here, too... no thanks.

  15. I don't think you're selling out when you clearly state upfront that its a sponsored post. That makes it no different from the other ads. And good for you for being selected to go, sounds cool!

    And you know what, Coca-Cola's sustainability projects are truly impressive and inspirational. Does it make them perfect? No. But other companies can learn from their efforts.
