July 13, 2011

The Cheerleadering Tic

Last weekend, I put Camber on a plane to California. Right at this moment she's experiencing what life is like at grandma and grandpa's house...with no brothers.

Here in Orlando, it's all sports all the time. It has been so blazing hot in the afternoons that I have started taking my boys to a local college gymnasium to play basketball.

On Monday, my boys shared the court with a group of very tall guys, one of whom looked like Grant Hill.

I immediately put the thought out of my mind. "Why would he be here?" I asked myself.

Then I remembered the NBA lockout.

Needless to say, my boys freaked out.

While my sons were drooling over the privilege of being in the company of current and former NBA superstars, I joined a dozen cheerleaders in line at the ladies' room. While we waited, I talked to some of them. They told me that they were in Orlando for a week-long camp.

The girls were very pleasant and easy to talk with, but I couldn't help but notice that they all had trouble standing still during our conversation. Specifically, they appeared to be doing little cheers and mouthing the words "Go-Fight-Win" while we discussed important things like the weather and frozen yogurt.

I found this extremely odd and a bit unnerving until I remembered that one of my college roommates, who was a former high school cheerleader, used to do the same thing when we were in line at the grocery store. And walking to school. And eating in restaurants. My roommate was always very grateful when I stopped her from cheering at bizarre times and in public places, as she claimed not to even be aware of what she was doing.

As I watched these girls today, something came into my mind: maybe cheering is a tic.


  1. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    How fun for your boys. I can't help but lol at the cheerleaders. I know some of my friends from high school that were cheerleaders will cheer right along still when they come to the games in our small home town.

  2. LOLOL @ cheerleading being a tic! Hilarity. Also soooo jealous at Grant Hill! He was my childhood bball crush! Lasted through college! AND I'm a huge Duke bball fan! But why does he look so frail??? My goodness!

  3. That sounds so fun for your boys! Our resident cool athlete is Austin Collie of the Indianapolis Colts. He married a girl who lived on our street and went to school with my oldest daughter. When they are in town they attend our ward with their new little guy who is about the same age as my Baby Doll. He is just the nicest guy and the cutest dad. I even bothered him for an autograph a couple of weeks ago for my dad and he was just so gracious...go COLTS!

  4. I was a cheerleader all 4 years of high school and sometimes I think it was a different person. I totally had the cheerleading tic and when I think about it now I'm just...embarrassed. But I really loved being a cheerleader.

  5. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    Great picture!

    I was on the dance team in high school and I would find myself counting. I didn't do dance moves but in my head it was 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 over and over. I wouldn't even realize I had been doing it and for what purpose? It wasn't as if I was counting how many steps it took to get home. Weird, I guess you could call it a tic.

  6. Omg, I totally do that! I was a stepper, not a traditional cheerleader, but I totally do that when I am bored.

    Hope your little girl is having fun!

  7. I'd like him more if he weren't part of that shot that beat Kentucky.

  8. One of my friends coaches for the local youth cheerleading teams and all of her daughters cheer. They all do that. I'll be having a conversation with one of them and then they start moving their hands and mouthing cheers....very unsettling to watch.

  9. Lucky boys!! That should totally give you some cool points for bringing them to play with NBA stars.

    Much love,
    Future Mama

  10. It's true! I was a cheerleader for 6 years and now it's been more than 10 years but I STILL find myself doing chants and movements (when I think no one is looking). I've seen my husband do basketball moves at random times though, so I don't feel too bad!
    How neat for your boys--you should get at least a few cool points for that one!

  11. GREAT picture of the boys... how exciting for them. I was very nervous that a "Meanest Mom" story was going to accompany them meeting him, but no? Hmmm, perhaps your sweet girl starts all the trouble? Ha! :)

  12. I'm not exactly a huge basketball fan but Grant Hill is my all-time favorite player. For real. Well, him and Larry Bird (yes, I'm that old). I am unbelievably jealous.

  13. I was a cheerleader for 13 years and a dancer for 4. I'm now 32 and still have the tic. I do cheer moves in the bathroom mirror and randomly leap through the living room. My 2 year old thinks I'm cool and my husband has no clue since I only do it when he's not home. :)

    The other night at the grocery store I spotted 2 teenagers with extra large bows tied around their pony tails. They were doing cheer moves in the parking lot. I had the urge to jump out of the car and join in but instead sunk lower into the passenger seat when my husband said, "Look! What is WRONG with those girls? What are they doing?"

  14. Ha! I danced for 20 years or so and when I'm nervous or bored I have a combination that runs through my head (jete, saute, jete, saute, jete, jete, jete, assemble)...much to the amusement of my co-workers at the hospital.

  15. This is off topic, but I just wanted to tell you that the Kirby vacuum guy came to our house last week, and it was horrible! For some reason I thought of you and how you could have written 50 blog posts about the one hour he was in my house. So if you are ever in need of ideas....invite the kirby guy over!

  16. Heheheheheh..... your tic observation reminds me of being a drummer in marching band. Best four years of my mom's life.

  17. I cheered my way through grocery stores all through junior high and high school and people who know me now "would have never thought you were a cheerleader!" OMG... but seriously? GRANT HILL? He was and still is my BBALL crush! My high school (real/local) crush gave me his poster that hung behind my door so I could give him a kiss before I went to bed and he could watch over me while I slept. I drank Sprite and wore Fila all because of my MAN! What an A-MAZ-ING opportunity!

  18. I used to coach cheer, and I still have the tic 5 years later! If I'm waiting to get something out of the oven or even waiting on my students to finish an activity, I'll find myself doing our arm movement exercise or this one particular cheer. I don't do them all out, but it's totally obvious what I'm doing.

  19. AnonymousJuly 18, 2011

    It's the same with a particular class called Zumba...I've been going to Zumba for the last 2 months twice a week and I am hopelessly addicted and can't get the routines out of my head I often catch myself doing particular things around the house, even the shower once.... it's bad enough that my hubby's birthday is tomorrow which is one of the class nights and I would rather go to class than be with my dear hubby on a date for his birthday!! Help! ;)

  20. A tic. That explains a lot.

    The Grant Hill thing is great for the boys!

  21. Grant is an awesome person and an ambassador to the sport. Lockout or not he's the kind of guy who does everything he can for future generations.
