July 19, 2011

Other People's Underwear

Yesterday afternoon, I told my boys that I had a special surprise waiting for them in the space that someday will be a walled-in study (right now it's just an open and empty formal living room).

They dug through two loads of clean laundry looking for their presents until they realized that the clothing piles were their presents.

"Thank you!" I chirped and went off to make dinner.

Over the next thirty minutes, lots of activity took place in the empty living room. Unfortunately, none of it was productive.

When I peeked around the corner to check on the progress, the boys were fighting over who had to fold all of the underwear.

"Do you have any plastic gloves?" they asked me.

"The longer you guys drag this out," I told them, "The less time you're going to have in the pool."

When I turned my back, one of them (I don't know who) threw a bra at me. And a pair of toddler-sized Lighting McQueen underpants.

They landed next to my foot.

"Be careful," I said with a crazy look in my eye. "Or I might make you wear them."

Shockingly, everyone got over their issue with touching other people's underwear.


  1. Oh good idea--I think I should try it! We don't even bother folding undies anymore. In fact I don't even sort them--they all go in a big drawer and everyone has to find their own! (five boys...)

  2. Cherish these years while your boys are still horrified by bras. One day this women's undergarment will become a troublesome novelty.

  3. hahhaahha that's genius. I am number 2 out of 4 in my family, 2 girls then 2 boys.
    When I was in highschool the boys were in primary.
    They were well trained lads. Whenever one of them was sent down to the dairy to get a bottle of milk they'd hollar out 'does anybody need any tampons?" Bless their wee hearts.

  4. My two-year-old went through a stage a couple of months ago after he discovered that his older sister wore a bra. Then he asked me if I wore a bra, then another sister...I know he was just curious, but I decided to nip it in the bud when I remembered that his nursery teacher was also a woman.

  5. Makes me remember the day I came in and caught my teenage son changing the the clothes from the washer to the dryer with my BBQ tongs! When asked why, he holds up a wad of pink frilly srings and say's " I don't know which string is the one that's safe to touch" (his sisters, thong undies!) All I could say was "Smart Boy!"

  6. You aren't just funny, you are a genius. Summer fun never ends!

  7. I love it! In the winter every time we go out someone forgets their coat. I've often threatened I'm going to make a bright neon orange (or the ugliest fabric I could find) fuzzy coat that said, coat of shame on the back. And whoever forgot their coat would have to wear it. I probably ought to make it before it is needed next winter.

    Recently my boys do not want to get in bed or brush their teeth or whatever, so another thing that has truly worked every single time is I tell them if they don't do whatever I'm going to take my shirt off (& flash them). They usually start running at that point.

  8. AnonymousJuly 20, 2011

    Made me giggle! If you ever have to follow through, make sure to take lots of pictures!

  9. As only a woman of wisdom would reply!

  10. he he he he he...LOVE IT!

  11. Oh, the horror! I LOVE IT!

  12. FYI - Charles Manson's mom used to make him wear girls clothing to school and at family functions (aka drunk at a bar).. Then again she traded him for a pitcher of beer so it's not apple to apples.. just sayin' :)

  13. Bahahaha!! Thank you for that belly laugh. I needed it. My little one is 10 months old. Any suggestions for getting his to fold his own clothes?? :)

  14. I love your little stories so much! They are just short enough for my attention span, and they make me laugh out loud all the time. Thank you so much!
