August 8, 2011

Grandma Reincarnated

On our way home from dropping off my mother-in-law at the airport, we stopped at the animal shelter.

Cats with no tails and half-missing ears aren't effective substitutes for grandparents who live in Los Angeles, but it's the best I can do.

"Can we get a cat because grandma left today?" asked Camber. She held up a fluffy black kitten.

"I want that one," Kellen said, pointing to a yellow cat the size of a horse.

"I'd be happy with a Slurpee," Cortlen added. He gazed longingly out the window to the 7-11 across the street.

"The last thing I need in my life right now is another living thing to take care of," I told them.

The crying that started on the way to the animal shelter continued after we left.

"I miss her so much," Kellen cried on the drive home.

It was unclear whether he was talking about his grandmother or the morbidly obese feline.

"We aren't getting another cat," I said again as we pulled into our garage.

Famous last words.

I kid you not: two minutes after we got home, my kids burst through the front door with a collarless cat that they had found in the bushes.

We're making posters and I've sent out emails to all the neighbors, but so far, there aren't any takers. Tomorrow we're taking her to the vet to see if she's microchipped.

"I have an idea for a name if we get to keep her," Camber said.

"Oh yeah? What?"

I should have guessed.



  1. I love that an ad for Grandparents Rights showed up when I was reading this in googlereader.

  2. Grandma should feel so honored. That is what my daughters wanted to name our baby. My mom was ultimately flattered by this.

  3. How much more awesome is this story going to be when "Grandma" turns up knocked up?

  4. My grandma has always been a cat magnet, so I think the name is pretty appropriate. And just think how useful that could be..."My kids need to be excused from school today because we had to take Grandma to the doctor."

  5. I am more of a dog of course, my kids have been begging me for a cat for years. although, my MIL has the sweetest cat and we have "cat sat" a few times. If I could be guarenteed a cat like him, I'd get them one in a heartbeat.

  6. Just a thought.... Cats kill snakes...and I heard once that the smell of their pee keeps snakes away.

  7. that is the sweetest story! my kids have been begging for an animal to take care of for years but because we're military i don't dare get one. plus w/family far away we're not home often..
    ps-my inlaws cat is named grandma.

  8. I'm curious...Why did you even stop at the animal shelter if you didn't intend to get a new pet??? Enjoy the stray while you have her.

  9. LOL! Better stock up on Grandma some food ;)

  10. Oh my gosh, that's hilarious! Apparently y'all are meant to have another kitty in your home! If you want 3 more, I've got one that pukes all the time, one that slings snot rockets on the walls, and another that's sickly and tries to escape on a daily basis. Takers?

  11. So the beloved grandma left town and to honor the occasion you took them to place to look at things they love but can never have all the while a 7-11 was across the street where they could have drown their sorrows with a slurpee that would only have lasted a few minutes?

    We should talk.

  12. I love your story. My own daughters have always had a great relationship with my mom so I understand that missing grandma...and guess what? She lives in L.A. also :)

  13. I vote for Slurpee being her middle name. re-BeckyB? I know a child who wanted, reallllly wanted, to name his baby brother "Juicebox" becaused he loved the little cartons of juice so much!

  14. Oh, dear. I'm so sorry be having such a good laugh at your expense, but that was just too funny. :) Thanks for sharing!!!

  15. No kidding, a kitten was on my doorstep this afternoon, it could be that I had food out front for the other cats that I feed. My husband says that I'm "the cat lady." I've put up signs too, hoping someone will claim her.

  16. Wait- why were you at the shelter in the first place? I would be afraid to take my kids there as I would never hear the end of it. Good luck :)

  17. I was thinking the same thing... My husband does not let me "just visit" the shelter anymore since I came home with two kittens (after I promised I would not get one kitten).
    I hope you will update on whether you found the kitten's owner or if "grandma" found a permanent home with your family.

  18. My daughter names every animal she sees- living, dead, or stuffed. And they mostly have the same clever names depending on species: Birdy, Toady, Ducky, Goosy, Raindy (the reindeer), Poggy (the frog), Allie (the alligtor). Every squirrel is Nuts, every cat is Milo, Joyce, Nadia, or Colonel (the last 2 being our cats), every dog is Otis or Sondra.
    Unfortunately, every turtle is Turdy.

  19. On the other hand, it would be highly amusing to have people overhear "We have to go home and feed Grandma and let her out of her cage."

  20. Oh, yes. Never say "never."

  21. Oh my goodness! This has got to be the cutest; it made me giggle! As much as you didn't want one, there it was just waiting outside your home... At least you didn't give in to taking home the one from the shelter or else you'd have two! (Gotta look at the bright side) ;)

  22. Why are there tampons in the cat's water bowl?
