August 26, 2011

The Zoo Train

By nature, two year-olds are obsessive. Last month, mine was into spatulas and lawn mowers. Now he has moved onto trains.

Fortunately, our local zoo has one. The train is small, red, and makes a loop around the parking lot every ten minutes. It also has exactly 13 seats. I know this because yesterday afternoon, I sat in every single one of them.

"Back again?" the conductor asked with a nervous chuckle after we returned from a brief bathroom break following round #4. When I flashed the guy my season pass, I thought he was going to faint.

"There's more like you than you'd think," he said matter-of-factly.

That made me feel slightly better about abusing the privilege.

After trip #7, I stopped getting off the train. "It's just easier this way," I told the conductor. He looked at Cameron and nodded.

What is it like to spend 2 straight hours on a train made for hobbits?

Think Dante's Inferno for me.

And Paradise for my son.


  1. This is hilarious! You're a good mommy!

    Also imagine how the conducter felt!? Doing it over and over with kids that he didn't have to like because they're not his hahah

  2. What a nice mom you are.
    Time to bring a book?

  3. What a great picture! Treasure the memories, they grow so quickly!

  4. I try to avoid getting anywhere near the train when we go to the zoo. For a few reasons... Gold stars to you for being a good sport.

  5. You're a good mom. I would drag them away kicking and screaming but I don't know who would be kicking and screaming more: Them or me!?

  6. I feel your pain. My four year old loves trains. Every Halloween he wants to be a train conductor. Elevators are also a big deal.

  7. I have a sneaking suspicion that you're really not the meanest mom. ;)

    Glad your baby is growing so healthy and happy!

  8. We have a season pass for the zoo here in Utah, but they don't let you ride the train for free. It still costs about $1.25 per person per ride (there is no waiting for the next go round). I'd say you were pretty lucky! (Although we at least have full-sized seats, but I'm not sure they're worth the price tag.)

  9. My almost 2 year old is obsessed with trains as well. You can see train tracks from the end of our driveway so we go sprinting down there everytime we hear a train coming. Super exciting to watch those 10 mile long trains going 2 miles an hour, all the while pointing and exlaiming "Choo choo!" at the top of his high-pitched little lungs.

  10. Our oldest, now ten, had an over the top obsession with Thomas the Tank Engine. Lucky for us (please sense my sarcasm) Thomas came to a nearby railroad station, and we got to go and ride Thomas. Thirty dollar tickets to sit on the train and back out of the station for fifteen minutes, then pull back in, for fifteen more minutes. Awesome. The kid loved it though, and thought it was really fantastic that my husband got a Thomas tattoo on his cheek. I thought it was a great reason to pretend like I didn't know them for the rest of hte afternoon.

  11. When my oldest was young he also had an obsession with trains. Would wake up every time one went through town (we lived in coal country so that was often) and not go back to sleep until I would answer "Yes, a choo choo train." When we got his first "train"ing pants he heard the word train and forever after in our house they were called choo choo pants. Good times!!

  12. You are so nice! Hope your weekend is train fre.

  13. This kind of shenanigans is exactly why I have the fancy phone that allow me to look at pictures of celebrities and play scrabble.

  14. lol Aww, but he looks so happy. :) There are worse things he could be obsessed with, right?

  15. At least it isn't Chuck E. Cheese! Don't ever take him there. You don't want to spend your day inside that hellhole.

  16. Lol! "ther's more like you than you think". Too funny. And hey for the smiles, totally worth it

  17. You should go up and visit the Jacksonville Zoo. They have an AWESOME train that circles the entire zoo, so at least you would get to see some animals,LOL. It is also built for full sized people, not hobbits, and is covered.

  18. Simply hilarious!! You seriously make me laugh. While I can relate to the total craziness that a two year old brings, you are a super-star mom. I don't know if I could of made round, after round, after round... Props to you!

  19. You're a great mommy! We have a season pass to the Philly zoo, but we need to pay for the train with the pass we have - boo!!

  20. There's a kind sensitive mommy under that sarcastic shell.

  21. You're a great mom!

  22. I've been trying to find the cheapest airline tickets for a great family trip for our kids this fall. Has anyone had any luck with finding good deals on family resorts and air travel?
