September 30, 2011

$100 Visa Gift Card Giveaway

Last call....

$100 Visa Gift Card Giveaway sponsored by OnStar and Blogher.

Register HERE


  1. I enjoy reading your blog and think your stories are really funny, but the corporate sponsorship is starting to bug me.
    Is there a reason why you've gone this route with your blog?

  2. Just love the stories and most of them remind of the things my children did when they were little. Have hope it does get better or may I should just say it changes.

    The Gift card would be a great blessing in our lives right now as we struggle with diffulties financially

  3. The gift card would be great! And the onstar would come in handy trying to find addresses.

  4. i could use a date night with my husband....or a new dress. PICK ME!!

  5. I'm totally fine with opportunities to win free things once in a while. I like free stuff. :)

  6. Re Corporate Sponsorship and why Jana would choose to go that route:
    Um, duh? Money may not grow on trees, but for Jana it grows on words. There really aren't that many sponsorship blurbs, and when there are, they are clearly marked and provide free stuff for lucky winners.

    How else could she afford Gatorland outings?

  7. AHHH! How about some new books for my E reader? so my house and family can be neglected?

  8. I def could use a night out on the town :) new clothes, shoes, purse...O the list goes on & on...
    BTW: I LOVE your BLOG!!

  9. Courtney KruegerOctober 03, 2011

    I could really use a $100 gift card and I love your blog!!!

  10. Love your blog!! And would definitely love a gift card!

  11. I have been a stalker/reader/follower for about two years. I am trying to get back into bloggng but I could never measure up to your writing!

    Promise to do better from now on!!

  12. I love your funny stories. Thank you for reminding me of the humor of parenting.

    I would love to win your giveaway and don't mind the corp. plugging.
