October 25, 2011


My daughter needs new shoes for school. Instead of buying a new pair of sneakers, she proposed that I buy her a pair of boots.

This would not be such a bad thing had my daughter (who is 8) not realized over the summer that she can wear a size 6 woman's shoe.

I'm sure you know where this is going.

"I'll buy you anything on this row," I told her, gesturing to the kids' shoe aisle at Walmart.

Camber shriveled up her nose. "I want something with a heel."


"And pointy toes and fringe coming off the side."

I struggled to form a mental image of the boots she was describing that didn't include a pole dancer or a character from Dances with Wolves.

I held up a pair of generic Ugg boots. "What about these?"

She stomped off and hid in the women's underwear section, behind a rack of gigantic bras.

"The ice cream is melting," I reminded her, gesturing to the overflowing shopping cart. "So we've got to hurry up. Do you want the boots or not?"

Her arms were folded across her chest. "Not."

I was loading groceries onto the conveyor belt when she disappeared. Mildly panicked, I scanned the horizon. In the distance, I saw a shape hobbling towards me. The figure could barely walk, due to the two-inch heels...and the elastic band that was holding the boots together.


  1. That's when you know you've hit the bottom of the shoe totem pole; when you can't try them on if your feet are more than 4" apart.

  2. Nice. She didn't leave her old shoes behind on purpose, did she? lol I remember wanting to look and be very grown up when I started fitting into my mom's size 5-6 shoes. I can't remember how old I was but I was allowed heels in one inch increments per year(s) I got older. Just tell her high heels mess up your knees (and they do) and that she won't grow any taller if she wears them too early.

  3. Ugg! I bet you can't wait for the teenage years

  4. Are her friends allowed to wear boots like that?! At least they weren't over the knee hooker boots, but I agree 8 is too young for heels. They screw up the bones in your feet as well as your knees, so no point starting now. Hope she can pick some cute FLAT boots next time!

  5. Flat boots are totally IN right now. :)

  6. My girls love boots too. I've made them wait until their age in the in the double digits to wear heels that are more than an inch or so. Why do they want to grow up so fast? (sigh)

  7. Every Tuesday and Wednesday I have to give a 10 minute warning before PE, so my 2nd graders can change their boots for gym shoes.

  8. What would happen if YOU started wearing them?
    Would they still be 'all that'?!

  9. Girls always want to grow up before we're supposed to. Which, I guess, is what we're "supposed" to do, but it still sucks for the moms.

  10. This sounds like a preview of what's to come for me. My daughter is only four but she already has strong opinions about shoes, hair, clothing. My son could care less!

  11. She is a girl who knows what she wants! Not a bad quality. Now how do we harness that and still keep our eight year olds from funding the future summer home of the chiropractor in the next stripmall over???

  12. This is hysterical! I have two girls...10 and 9. I have a small foot, I wear a size 5. They are following suit, much to their dismay, and have small feet also. They are continuously "trying on" my shoes and chanting.."soon, Mommy,soon". Ahhh...Can't wait!

  13. Your children have an iron will just like mine. In they never. give. up. It's fun huh?

  14. Too funny! It's always a scary time when kids realize they can wear adult shoes!

  15. My 11-year-old daughter is the same way! My mom actually brought her over some of her old shoes (flat sandals), and they fit her. Every time she wears them I secretly laugh("grandma shoes!") But she thinks she's cool because they're "grown-up" shoes...

  16. haha this is too funny. I vote the Uggs.... they are so comfy! She will thank you later!

  17. That is hilarious and so what my 7 year old daughter would have done, although she surely would have tripped a few times on the way to the register. :) Thanks for the laugh.

  18. aaahhh! we have a carbon copy of the same child!


  19. So funny. Though I do find it a bit ironic that I am 28, I've got the heeled boots, and I definitely prefer to by kid sized sneakers whenever I can find them.

  20. My mom forced me to get giant, brown boots that had treads like tires and were vomiting fur out the tops and sides. I am still trying to recover. I am pro-their choice boots.Unless they're high heeled, unsafe on ice, stripper-esque, too cold...crap. I guess big fat ugly boots it is.

  21. I just posted on Facebook last week about a little girl in first grade that came to school in black leather hooker boots. They came up to her new, had a huge spiky heel and a bunch of silver buckles on them. Seriously. A six year old hooker. Blew my mind.

  22. My ten year old will walk around in my combat boots and my heels about equally. (I'm in the military) I keep asking her not to wear her hair in a bun all the time and try to explain to her that "mommy wears her hair up a bun every day because she has to, not because she wants to."

  23. Too funny! We have that same mild anxiety about all the kids friends coming over. I mean it can just get crazy with 6 kids running around...and the dogs and the birds...and that is just our family. Add in a few more and it's a recipe for disaster! :)

  24. this is hilarious! love the way you describe the whole event! just found your blog... im enjoy it!
    here is mine..
