October 11, 2011

No Rest for the Weary

I knew it was coming, though I didn't expect it all at once.

Cameron had the stomach flu on Saturday and Sunday. Last night at 2:30 in the morning, Cortlen woke me up with the news that he had just vomited all over his comforter.

While my husband and I were cleaning up mess #1, Kellen realized that he didn't feel so good either. While he was in bathroom, Camber emerged from her room. Her face was as white as a ghost.

While my kids all demonstrated clear symptoms of being sick last night, today was a different story. Everyone turned down breakfast (claiming upset stomachs), but ten minutes later, I caught my boys jousting with plastic swords.

"Are you sick or not?" I asked. "If you are sick, you need to lie on the couch and watch a movie. If you are well, you can help me fold laundry."

Everyone was sick.

After several hours of indeterminate behavior (one second moaning on the floor, the next playing with a hula hoop) I decided that everyone was well enough to go pick up a prescription at the pharmacy.

The trip wasn't necessary for anyone's physical well-being (the medicine wasn't for any of them), but getting out of the house was essential for my mental health.

I was going stir-crazy.

"I don't feel so good," Cortlen cried as I pulled out of the driveway.

"It's a drive-thru pharmacy," I told him. "You don't have to get out of the car."

Suddenly, he felt well enough to ask for a piece of gum.

"I feel yucky too," groaned Kellen, who was sitting directly behind me.

"You can have a piece of gum too if you want," I told him.

Two seconds later, he threw up on the back of my head. And on my husband's work-issued Blackberry, which, for some unknown reason, he was holding.


  1. Ouch. I'm sorry- that's just the worst day ever. I hope that everyone sleeps soundly tonight.

  2. And I thought my day was awful with a screaming 6 month old who was feverish due to his shots he got yesterday and teething. I think I'll gladly take my day back...and you can keep yours. Prayers are with you guys though! Hope the flu runs through the house quickly and everyone can get some rest!

  3. ugh. it would be funny if it were on a sitcom. sorry that you're going through the pukes.

  4. Oh man, I've had days like those. So sorry for you. Hope they all feel better soon.

  5. Hopefully today is better for you

  6. OMG, I have been there! My kids are that way, they aren't sick until they REALLY ARE. Then it is over until they are REALLY SICK again! This can all happen in the space of about 5 minutes! I hope that everyone is better soon... and that YOU don't get sick too! ~KM

  7. I'm sorry.

    Our kids must have a knack for destroying work issued phones.

    My son peed on my husband's work issued blackberry 5 hours before he was to go on a week-long work trip.

  8. Yuck! Is it wrong of me to say that I hope you do get sick that way you can stay in bed tomorrow and make your husband handle it? :)

  9. Flu is the worst. Speaking as the mother of older children it does get better. I have three old enough to get themselves to the bathroom and land it all in the toilet. It is seriously better than foot massages and unlimited coffee delivered to the door! It will get better. And I am thinking I am pretty sad to write a whole comment on how easy the flu can be... Hope it is over quickly!

  10. Oh man.
    You have my support if you choose to run away from home.

  11. Love your sense of humour even at the worse of times!

  12. OH MY GOD! That is all I have to say. You poor thing! Did you almost throw up too????

  13. thankyou for having a worse day than me! that really, really sucks!

  14. Lesson #4, 396 - Never doubt that The Puke will return at the most inconvenient moment ever.

    If it helps, I've been there (minus the blackberry...).

  15. Let us know how you get that smell out of the car!

  16. Let us know how you get that smell out of the car!

  17. When it rains it pours right? Everyone around me seems to be sick, praying I don't get it!

  18. Add that to your resume! We are all so blessed to have such great children to blog about!

  19. what a sucky day. One of mine has had a cold for like ever and today decided to sneeze ON me... whilst eating egg fried rice... yum!

    Elle ox


  20. Sick kids are so rude- one minute they're fine, the next they're a mess....why is it that when we become adults we feel like ass the WHOLE TIME we're sick so we don't end up barfing on others?
    I hope tomorrow is better....

  21. Ewww! I am so a sympathy barfer...I am SO glad it wasn't me!

  22. I hate when kids say they are sick then act not-sick so we treat them like they are not sick and then they get sick and blame us for not believing that they were sick!

  23. I hate days like that... when everyone is "sick", they act fine, and suddenly puke at the most inconvenient moment!

    I'm so sorry! Hope everyone feels better soon!
