November 10, 2011

The Canned Food Drive

Something about my pantry today didn't seem right. I stared at the shelves with a furrowed brow and tried to figure out what it was.

It took me significantly longer than it should to realize that almost all of my canned food was missing.

"Did you take 15 cans of chicken noodle soup with you to work?" I asked my husband on the phone. "And 8 cans of black beans? An a package of Oreos?"

When he didn't answer, I remembered that my kids' backpacks seemed overly bulky and heavy this morning.

It's for a good cause, I know.

My kids came home with chocolate powder around the rims of their mouths.

"My teacher said the couldn't take cookies," Cortlen explained with a knowing smile. "Only canned food."

"So you brought the Oreos back home, then?" I asked.

He just laughed and ran away.


  1. Sneaky little children you have there. I like them.

  2. Only the most generous hearted children would freely volunteer their Oreos. You should be proud. I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I was a bit more selfish as a child- and only cleaned out the pantry of foods I did not want to see on my plate at home. I recall copious amounts of canned green beans...

  3. My kids told me today that if they took in six cans of food they could have a one dollar credit at the Book Fair. I think we need to have a Cost of Living family meeting...

  4. You gotta love them! I wonder just how many oreo cookies they had each?

  5. Oreos never come back home. Garbanzo beans, maybe, but never oreos.

  6. Here, let me brush those crumbs off your lips.

  7. Your kids are "smart cookies"! Sorry for the bad pun :)

  8. I'm sure they had no idea the Oreos wouldn't be accepted! It's like how we buy tons of candy at Halloween, because we don't know we're only getting one trick-or-treater, just because it happens every year. Totally innocent.

  9. Off the laughing subject almost entirely; I have a yummy recipe for Oreo pancakes and/or waffles. There are SOOOOOOO easy! Google it; your kids will love it if you can keep cookies around long enough!

  10. Gotta love the canned goods cupboard. Why is it that whenever we reach for that one extra can of tomato sauce, stewed tomatoes, crushed tomatoes, petite diced tomatoes, rotel tomatoes or DICED's missing?! Seriously I have a beef with the differences in recipes sometimes. Now reaching for oreos and sharing?~ Props to your littles!

  11. I have not been to your blog in a while. I lost when my computer was re formated. So glad I am back and I love that the oreos did not make it back in
