November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving...

from my pumpkin cheesecake.

Yes, it's oozing out of the oven.


  1. ouch! hope you had a back up dessert!

  2. Oh, fart!

    Is it too soon to be funny for you?

  3. Sad! But I'm sure you had a great holiday anyway...right? You have some fabulous kids to be thankful for.

  4. Ah man!!!! That's so sad...but funny...but sad.

  5. Oh.
    I'm guessing that's not the traditional method?

  6. Its okay. We had 2 oven fires.

  7. I was taking my homemade pecan pie out of the oven when I lost my grip on it--I had two seconds to admire its beauty before it smashed onto the floor and spewed pie guts all over the open oven, cabinets, and bystanding cats.

    Thanksgiving is a stupid holiday, anyway. ;)

  8. Oh, goodness! I'm sorry! :(

  9. oh no! i'm glad didn't happen to the pumpkin cheesecake my husband made!

  10. On the upside, I love the tile work in your kitchen.

  11. So sorry! If it makes you feel any better, my apple pie oozed over so badly that I had to stop and (carefully) scrape the stuff off the bottom of the oven so that it wouldn't catch on fire when I cooked the turkey!

  12. The first thing that I thought when I saw the picture was "Oh man. That is hilariously sad."

  13. that sucks... in every possible way. I have NEVER seen that happen before with a cheesecake - kind of curious as to what you did or didn't do...

  14. Oh my! That exact thing happened to me. Only it was chocolate cheesecake. Right as I put the pan in the oven, the spring on the springform pan popped open!

  15. Don't feel alone. For the very first time in my life, I attempted to bake homemade bread this year, sans a bread machine.

    That's right. I kneaded and baked it the old fashioned way.

    I knew something was wrong with it the minute I took it out of the oven and it nearly broke my wrists trying to life the 2 loaves.

    My dad said, "they can't be that bad, bring them anyway!"

    While I was in the bathroom, my dad replaced both the loaves with 2 bricks. Nobody said a word, of course.

    I truly think my dad may have peed himself a bit from laughing so hard.

    Warm family memories that will last a lifetime and linger in my heart forever.

  16. I made 10 pies for Thanksgiving and only 3 of them tasted good and were edible

  17. I made a great pumpkin cheesecake, and a very yummy apple crisp.... then there was the BURNT, UCKY Cheese cake! Oh well, 2 out of three not bad! Hope your day was good! ~KM

  18. Oops. Can I like the spoon?

  19. Wow. I honestly have never seen anything like that. And I've made a lot of cheesecakes. But look at it this way: if you leave it long enough your husband will probably break down and get you a maid. Or at least clean it up himself.

  20. Oh. My. Gosh! That sucks big time.

  21. Ugh! That almost happened to me with a quiche I made a few weeks ago. I luckily checked on it just as it was starting and was able to get a pan onto the shelf underneath it.

    Oh well, I hope the part that stayed in the pan was good anyway. Pumpkin cheesecake sounds delicious! Can you post the recipe?

    Michael / Home Ever After

  22. hahahahahahahaha! I'm sorry, but I have to laugh because that picture is the perfect representation of my culinary adventures!! Especially if it's for a special occasion or guests...

  23. Not the cheesecake!!!

    My mom makes everything for Thanksgiving, I help her but with her in charge, everything goes to plan. Of course it has taken years of practice because one fond holiday memory was looking into the oven and seeing the marshmellows on the sweetpotato pie on fire but I think that was my grandma's way of saying "I like my marshmellows burnt, thank you." (it was our first holiday after she had passed away).

  24. one year my parents were hosting a huge, business christmas party for all of my dad's coworkers and clients. she decided to make a huge cornucopia out of puff pastry as the centerpiece, with little sandwiches spilling out. great idea, right? it was. until she set it on fire. literally. she whisked it out of the oven with fireplace utensils and dropped it into the snow outside the back door. it stayed there until the snow melted in the spring.
