December 9, 2011

Car Thief

I went shopping with my kids today. When I came out of the store, I saw that someone had tried to break into my car. The lock on the passenger side door was broken and hanging out of its socket, having been pried loose by a screwdriver or other blunt object.

I was annoyed, of course, but also confused. The car is 10 years old and nothing to write home about. It also contains exactly zero things of interest or value inside of it.

My kids, on the other hand, were on the verge of hysterics. They couldn´t inspect their respective assigned seatcushions fast enough.

¨Thank goodness!¨ sighed Camber. She stopped hyperventilating long enough to hold up a flourescent rubber band. ¨At least he didn´t take my Christmas tree silly band.¨

¨What a relief,¨ I replied.

My boys were equally thrilled to discover that the thief also didn´t gain access to a pair of dirty socks that was hanging out in one of their cupholders. ¨We are so lucky,¨ they agreed.

No one believed me when I told them that whoever had tried to break into our car wasn´t interested in gross socks and plastic bracelets. What he wanted was something that we didn´t have: namely, money.

Three bodies dove over my armrest in unison. ¨Um, what do you call this?¨ they said knowingly as they shoved a wad of coins in my face.

The contents of my cupholder totaled $1.47 in change, mostly pennies.


  1. Probably some kids who figured that your "older" car wouldn't have a car alarm and would be easy to steal for a joyride. Sorry you will have to go through the hassle of having it fixed now:(

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If a thief broke into my car, lovingly named the "Black Ninja" by my sons.....which is hilarious because it is a 2005 Ford Freestyle..... he would score some MEGA loot. Free for the taking would be... smushed up cereal, empty fast food containers, an old blanket that was used outside and is dirty and some broken pieces of happy meal toys. It's almost an insult that your thief didn't take the coins.

  4. I have a decent car now, but there have definitely been times when I wished someone had broken into my car... and taken it, or driven it off of a cliff so I could collect the insurance money.

    Too bad you couldn't cash in

  5. Strangely enough, I had someone break into my car a couple months ago and steal: my owner's manual, my tire gauge, a flashlight, and (apparently) my ac/dc converter. The converter was a good one, and my hubby is still mad about that, but what on earth would they want my owners manual for?

  6. Peyton, they sell the owners manuals on ebay or craigslist. Go there and you can probably buy back your own! Maybe the ac/dc converter too.

  7. Wow, what a genius that theif must be! Broke your lock and didn't even gain anything for his troubles. Sorry for your tough luck. :-(

  8. Well, one man's trash...
    I love the value that kids assign to things - and that a handful of worthless coin trumps one big note anyday!

  9. I recently heard of someone who leaves their radio up as loud as possible as a theft deterent. You reckon that would work?

  10. I'm still trying to figure out why they didn't take the silly my house those things are like gold!

  11. I drive a 10 year old car too. Somehow I always think that makes me "safe" from the car thieves. I guess I'm wrong! This season seems to bring out the best in some people and the worst in others. Sorry you had to experience the latter.

  12. My car got broken into while I was at the dog park once - best I can figure is that they thought my lunch bag was a purse (It would be a far stretch but I could see it I guess!) since I had quite literally emptied it of ANYTHING remotely valuable. I would have loved to have seen their faces when they opened my "purse" up to find dirty tupperware!

  13. Funny! At least they didn't steal the hood (no kidding) off of my car a few years ago. I think I just dropped my bags and walked away!!

  14. I had someone try to steal my car with me and my dog in it!!! The police told me that these thieves can back up and hoist a car onto their truck in 7 seconds. My Accord is 14 years old! Apparently in this economy they can sell the parts pretty easily. Fortunately as he made eye contact with me and started backing up, I was able to peel back in reverse fairly quickly. I pulled up to him and said "what are you doing?" and he said "sorry, wrong car." There wasn't another parked car around for blocks... ugh.

  15. sorry for the tough luck. anyways, i like the last 2 paragraphs.

  16. When we were in a movie as a kid, we came out to find one of the windows smashed in. They took my moms camera and my 5 year old brother's wallet. The only thing inside, a dairy queen token for a free ice cream. You can imagine the devastation

  17. Hilarious. Always when we least expect it but it is kind of creepy!

  18. What matters to kids is different. When I was six our car caught fire going down the freeway when we were stating on vacation. As the firefighters came and put it out my brother and I were crying by the side of the road, him for his favorite stuffed animal and me for my $3 still in the burning car. At that age we didn't think of my poor mom watching her very important means of transportation going up in smoke.

  19. Never underestimate the power of selling car parts for money. Glad you still have your car, and that things didn't turn out much worse than a broken lock!

  20. My car got stolen once. Near Christmas, from under a light, in the front row of parking at the mall. So when they tell you that's the safest place to park... not necessarily. Busted out a window to get in and started the car with a screwdriver. My son's school-issued viola and all his schoolbooks, mp3 player, my glasses, and all the other junk you keep in a car, gone. Stranded me 25 mins from home, at night, near Christmas, with 2 young kids. Absolute nightmare. I sobbed all over the poor policemen who came to help.

    Got the car back, but got rid of it immediately for something un-creepy WITH an alarm system. Just didn't feel right driving that car... just felt... wrong.

  21. Wow, in the big leagues now. Run and deposit that money ASAP!

  22. Cannot even tell you how much like my kids that sounds. Cannot. Our car has several plastic spoons from fast food places that my kids would be distraught over losing.

  23. I am so happy that I came across your blog. You make me laugh every post! Thanks for sharing and sorry about your car door:(

  24. My car was broken into a few years ago, to steal the CD player... who does that?!

    My car didn't ahve any money in it either ;)

  25. When I was in middle school, our van was broken into while we were on vacation. All they got was a big black bag of dirty laundry. My New Kids on the Block t-shirt was in that bag. Talk about devastating. I still haven't gotten over that.

  26. That's hilarious! I love your kids reactions, it really shows how innocent they are!

  27. Kids certainly have an interesting perspective. Still, it's best to view things like them at a time like this. Nothing seriously valuable was stolen, so it's more or less just a frustrating speed bump.
