May 5, 2010

The Mother's Day Breakfast

This morning was the annual Mother's Day breakfast at my kids' elementary school. My kids spent the better part of last week fantasizing about the menu; I remember last year's fare all too well and made a point to eat before I left the house.

While I purchased the food, I told my kids to look for a table. After putting away my wallet, I scanned the busy cafeteria. I spotted my daughter at a table full of girls in the back of the room; Kellen was sitting with a group of boys at another table by the door. Cortlen was standing next to the trash can, his mouth full of food.

"Why don't we all sit together over here?" I said, pointing to an empty table.

Camber stomped her foot and gripped onto her chair for dear life. "I want to sit with my friends!" she cried.

"I'm done eating," said Cortlen. "Can I go play basketball in the gym?"

A group of women sitting at a nearby table witnessed the horrific exchange. One of them gestured to an empty chair and invited me to take a seat.

"Happy Mother's Day," she said flatly as I sat down.

"It's so nice to spend time with my children," added another.


  1. AnonymousMay 05, 2010

    Sure does make you feel loved when kids do things like that doesn't it?

    I'm waiting with anticipation for Mother's Day tea with my son on Friday. Happy happy joy joy.

  2. As a stalker; er.... I mean follower, I am correct in presuming that yours are still fairly young? If so, just get's better....not.

  3. A few years til they make you drop them off 1/2 a mile from the mall.

  4. I went to Preschool Mother's Day "Tea" Party with my daughter today. Your experience sounds a lot like mine. haha

  5. Wonderful! That's what I have to look forward to?!!? I have three under three, and right now I have a thankless job! I thought it would get better with time. I guess not ;)

  6. Well, at least you found some friends to sit with. Hopefully one day they will sit with you.

  7. AnonymousMay 06, 2010

    Don't you love other moms? I swear...the majority I meet sound like those deligtful women.

  8. AnonymousMay 06, 2010

    Well, if I had the meanest mom I'm not sure I would want to sit with her

  9. Yah, my 3 year old who thinks I'm the coolest does things like that to me already. Oh well, thank goodness for other moms whose kids do the same things to them! :)

  10. Last week my 18 year old son told me "I need to be sure and leave a Father's Day card for Dad before I go to boot camp. Mothter's Day is over, right?"

    It was a proud and tender moment between mother and son.

  11. What a timely read! I am about to leave for the pre school Mother's day tea. I hope mine is as exciting...

  12. AnonymousMay 06, 2010

    I learned to avoid those school mother's day events like the plague. And, hate to say, they get worse the older they get. Last year on the actual day before a inlaw gathering my spouse told the kids to make me breakfast: 20 minutes later a piece of crumbled burnt toast was flung onto my bed at me by my 13 year old who told me, "Here, I have to finish making Aunt L's (whom everyone hates) present before we leave. Oh, take a didn't want butter did you?" I'm dreading this year.


  13. That's right up there with my kids saying, "Mom, can I have some money? I want to buy something for you for Mother's Day."

  14. Well at least you weren't the only one :)

  15. Hahahahahaha!!!! I just have a two-year-old, but I have a feeling that I have a lot of underwhelming Mother's Days to look forward to. :-)

  16. AnonymousMay 06, 2010

    best post ever! I can't stop chuckling!

  17. And we love these creatures that cause us so much pain? I think we need mental help.

    I was ditched at Muffins with Mom. Did you catch that? Muffins WITH Mom. Yeah.

  18. AnonymousMay 06, 2010

    I can't wait until Mother's Day at church where they celebrate all women. Whether it is because you actually have children or if you just help with someone else's children or if you are just a mother in your heart. As if it is the same thing.

    Did they give up everything to bring up, care, love and teach their little bundles of joy who are thankless and demanding and ditch their moms for their friends at a Mother's day lunch?

    Not the same thing.

    I dread Mother's day. It is a set up for disaster. You can't even expect a little respect at the one place that is supposed to honor mothers and family.

    bah, humbug!

  19. They sure know how to make a mom feel loved, don't they? LOL!

  20. I really need to go to bed now (after reading your blog for the better part of 2 hours) but I just wanted you to know that I think you are hilarious! I'm not a mom yet but I have baby siblings, much younger cousins, and 2 nieces ages 3 and 6 that I watch almost every week. So my blog should probably be called "The Meanest Aunt" hahaha can't wait to finish your blog!! (I know this is a random post to comment on but this is the last one I read)
