June 28, 2010

Cammie Returns...With a Vengeance

From the minute that Cameron was born, he has been used as bait.

"If you do all your homework without whining," I would tell my daughter, "I'll let you dress Cameron up in your doll clothes."

For the most part, Cameron has been pretty compliant with his sister's demands. Over the past twenty-one months, he has been forced into service as a lap dog, kitten, ferret, and Prince Charming. He spends most of his time, however, as "Cammie," beloved daughter of Her Highness.

As much as my daughter hates to admit it, the tide is turning against her. Cammie is pushing two and isn't as fond of the tutus, wigs, and ballet slippers as he used to be. While he can't talk and still isn't strong enough to wiggle out of a determined grasp, he is finding other ways to let his will be made known. This morning, my daughter converted the walk-in closet in her bedroom into a royal nursery. She piled the room high with blankets and pretzels and other essentials before stuffing Cammie inside it for a little nap. A few seconds later, she opened the door wide enough to hand her daughter a sippy cup and put a glittery headband on the sleeping angel's head.

The scream could be heard from down the street.

The sweet little princess had bitten the hand that fed her.


  1. Hilarious! I too guiltily dressed my poor brother up in our old dresses and made him play barbies with my other sisters and I! Poor Cameron, but whatever works to have your "real" lady do her jobs. hehe Classic

  2. I think it was a lucky fate that I ended up being the youngest. If I had any younger siblings they would have been at my mercy.
    Lucky for me I discovered that Cabbage Patch clothes fit quite nicely on my poodle and my two Siamese cats. They never forgave me.

  3. Nothing stays the same!
    Maybe getting her a cat to dress would be less dangerous!

  4. AnonymousJune 28, 2010

    my little brother made the cutest little princess, we still have the pic's to proove it!

  5. Do all girls do that? I remember dressing my beautiful little brother in one of my outgrown dresses and my parents went nuts and warned me to never, EVER, do a thing like that again! You would've thought I signed him up for the Gay Rights Parade. Geez!

  6. I love your blog. I look forward to reading it every morning. I love how silly your kids are and I love the kind of mother you are even more. You seem to have such a fun, loving household. :)

  7. Chances are that one day Cameron will be taller than his sister...so she'd better watch out...or at least make sure there's limited evidence in the form of pictures and video.

  8. My son used to talk about the day when his older sister would have to hand down her princess dresses to him because they wouldn't fit her anymore. She was outraged at the thought, and he now denies ever saying it.

  9. Good for Cameron!! That will probably be the first of many bites, until she finally gives up!

    I had one biter out of 6 kids and it ceased at about 4 years old.

    Have fun with that one!

  10. This makes me glad I was the youngest, and blessed with an older brother. Because even as a girl I would not have tolerated the glittery headband...not for long, anyway.

  11. Hahahaha. I once put make up on my brother to make him look like a clown.
    He was so patient.

  12. I used to dress my little brother up too. It was fun. He never bit me thank goodness.
    Maybe you need to buy her a life sized baby doll.
    Hope Cameron is okay.

  13. My oldest has always loved dressing up my youngest (6 years difference). She has been dressed up in all sorts of ways. I think it is getting better for her now though. Last week she was the recipient of full scale mani/pedi complete with foot spa and foot massage as they played "Spa"

  14. AnonymousJune 30, 2010

    When I was 7, and my sister was 5, we dressed our 2 year old brother up in a Snow White dress. My sister wore a Cinderella dress, and I wore a Belle dress(All from previous Halloweens). While we were determinded to play princesses, my brother was not. He was pretty loud. :)

  15. Too funny! Just the other day, my son was freakin out because he was playing "Pretty Pretty Princess" (the board game) with my daughter and once he had all the jewelery pieces on, she took a picture of him with her digital camera. He wanted the picture deleted! My husband had to show him an old picture from when he was younger and his own sister had dressed him up as a girl, high heels and all, to teach him that it's not the end of the world :) It happens to all little brothers, right ;)

  16. My 2 year old son Ulysses often becomes "Princess Ulina" when my 11year old daughter gets a tiny bit bored. He worships his big sister and loves when whe dresses him up. I'm waiting for him to yell "no, I can't wear that, that's a girl's coat"

  17. AnonymousJuly 02, 2010

    My daughter used to dress her little brother up too. His name is James, but for the purposes of her game she only kept the middle and called him 'Amy'. It was fun while it lasted, and I have some good pictures of him in tutus, but he eventually put his foot down.

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