July 6, 2010

BLOGLUXE Funniest Blog Nominee!

I was just digging through a week's worth of emails and guess what I found!

I'm nominated again for Blogluxe's Funniest Blog Award! Woo Hoo! I feel tremendously honored, as even being nominated for this award is a big deal. Last year, I narrowly missed out on standing on the winner's podium and I am super psyched to be in the running again alongside some really funny blogs.

I feel a little lame asking you this on the heels of what is ironically one of my few serious posts, but will you consider voting for me?

If so, you can do so HERE. You can vote every day through July 12 if you'd like. Here are the official instructions/rules regarding votes as passed down to all the nominees by the higher ups:

Just a little side note - we are keeping a close eye on voting to make sure votes are legit. We have instituted an email authentication system (which is simple, we promise!) as well as cookie restriction. If you have any questions about this, let us know. Emails submitted for voting will not be used for any other means than to authenticate votes. If members of the same household who use the same computer want to vote the same day...just clear your cookies or open another browser and you should be all set.

Thanks so much!


  1. Just voted! And it was hard because you are up against Kristen from Rage Against the Minivan but I voted for you and then voted for her in a different category. So everyone wins. Hopefully.

  2. I just voted! I hope you win, because your blog is HIL-AR-I-OUS! Four words, not one.

  3. I just voted. Good Luck. I read each and every one of your posts so I hope you tin.

  4. I just voted for you! I love reading your blog, I know most of the time it's going to make me laugh!

  5. I just voted for you too! =) Thank you for sharing your families antics with the rest of us. So many times I smile and think, "I've so been there, done that, wanted to do that... " =) You make me smile and I love you for it! Livy
