September 7, 2010

Orlando: The Collection

If you have read this blog for any length of time, you know that I love Shabby Apple dresses. One of the things that I like best about this boutique (besides their super flattering clothes) is that the ladies who run the place are way into themes.

After experimenting with a variety of different types of themes ranging from the delicious (boysenberry), to faux French (oh la la), to pre-World War (1943), the designers at Shabby Apple seemed to have settled into a comfortable groove. If you haven't noticed, most of the boutique's recent dress collections are named after beautiful and inspiring places: the Berkshires, Central Park, Baja, Manhattan, Queensland, and, most recently, Yosemite.

There are many deserving candidates, but may I suggest the most worthy city for a future photo shoot?

Imagine this: a gorgeous model wearing equally an gorgeous dress standing on top of the Epcot Center.

And this: a gorgeous model wearing an equally gorgeous dress feeding Shamu a fish from a bucket.

And this: a gorgeous model wearing an equally gorgeous dress hanging out in the parking lot of the Titanic Museum.

I get goosebumps thinking about all the possibilities.

Why am I not a stylist? Or art director?

I ask myself these questions almost every day.

Until the arrival of the dress collection called "Orlando," we'll all have to make due with what's available.

Behold! Yosemite:

I've spent most of the day wishing I had bangs to work into mini-buns. Just so you know.


  1. Don't really have a comment, just wanted to be first at someting...teeheehee. However, I do love your blog, visit it often and have yet to be disappointed.

  2. I live only 2 hours from Yosemite. They should have used me as a model! Ugh. Why is it people only pick the girls with the luscious locks and shapely gams?

  3. I love, love, LOVE Shabby Apple dresses!

    And seriously, they could totally make a dress line designed around Orlando. There could be a Spider-man inspired dress for while they're at Universal Studios, and something with sequins on it to represent the tacky tourist district. Awesome.

  4. I think they wasted the two bun hair that would have been more appropriately placed in front of Disney since it looks Mickey Mouse inspired.

  5. I want to go there! I love their dresses too. You'd look great with mini-buns.

  6. You don't need bangs to do hair rolls. Actually long hair is better.

  7. Doesn't it just tick you off that the model STILL looks fabulous - even with mini buns?

  8. Gorgeous dresses! And modest too! More designers should take a lesson from Shabby Apple! Modest is hottest!

  9. Um, I could probably fit into those dresses if I had mini-buns. As it stands, my buns have never been called mini.

  10. "I've spent most of the day wishing I had bangs to work into mini-buns. Just so you know."

    I am anticipating posts about little kids cutting their own hair....
    It makes me cringe to think of it.

  11. modest is hottest! shabby apple has great modest dresses. orlando really would be a great design inspiration.

  12. I can bake you some minibuns instead!
    Great posts lately! Thanks!

  13. Careful,'re NorthWestern 'accent' is showing signs of sarcasm.

  14. Just lovely. I like those bun bangs.

  15. I want that turquoise dress, it's awesome! ( I also want to look like her but meh, that's not going to happen)

  16. I love, love, LOVE Shabby Apple dresses. I got on their website. So cute! And modest too!

  17. Mini-buns are actually a 40s hairdo called "victory rolls"...and they are easier to make with long hair.
    Love your meanest mom attitude!!! I'm working on mine!
