September 6, 2010

Shark Attack

This morning, my husband and I took the kids to Disney's Blizzard Beach (water park). Everyone had a great time until Cortlen got bit on the arm by a ten-year-old kid.

My husband was in the water with my son when it happened. He said that out of nowhere a boy swam up to them and, without provocation, bit Cortlen hard on the arm. Cortlen is a tough guy but understandably, started crying. Tim hollered at the boy and motioned to the life guard, who quickly snatched the boy out of the water. It was all over in a matter of a few seconds. Unfortunately, we'll probably never know what motivated the attack. The boy was from a different country and neither he nor his parents spoke English. We spent the rest of the morning inspecting the bite wound and trying to determine the best course of action for treating it. Fortunately, the bite didn't break the skin.

"You're an animal," I told my son on the way home.

"Probably not the best choice of metaphor," my husband replied.

"You were super brave today," I tried again.

After the shock and horror of what happened wore off, Cortlen began to embrace the attack as a badge of honor.

"The boy was kind of like a shark, right?" he asked.

"Yep," my husband answered.

"So I can tell people that I got bit by a shark then?"

We thought about it for a minute before my husband replied.

"Tell them it was a Great White."

11: 45pm Due to a racist comment (now deleted), I'm going to have to block comments on this one from this point out.

Thanks again to those who brought it to my attention.


  1. wow, that's all I can say. I guess that kid must have been a shark in his previous life. hahah

  2. HECK YEAH! What a lunatic! LOL Who does that???? Of course I've been asking myself the same thing lately about an adult, but still... he swam up to him and took a chomp. Wow.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Why do I get the feeling that this will be the talk of the playground tomorrow?

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  6. Wow. That is bizarre. I wonder if he is in any way related to the Cosco pooper.

  7. You know... I never thought there would be anywhere weirder than Philly/South Jersey... but you are proving that theory wrong. Naked cruisers in convertibles, drunk men with imaginary cars, grown men defecating in Costco and children swimming up to your kids and biting them. Wow. Florida sounds AWESOME!

  8. wow. little kids are insane, arent they?

  9. I think I'd pretend I didn't speak English too if one of my kids bit another kid. Sheesh. Not that my precious angels would ever do that...

  10. Wow! My friends moved to Florida and they don't have nearly as good of stories as you do! On a serious friend has a son with autism who is known to bite when he gets agitated or excited. (But, knowing that, I doubt she'd have placed him in a situation like that one.) You just never know what a day is going to bring!

  11. Well, they do eat differently in other countries!

  12. A 10 year old? That is crazy!

  13. huh. Pretty weird, eh? o_O
