October 17, 2010

The Accident

On Wednesday afternoon, I ran over Kellen's foot with my car.

It's not as bad as it sounds. We were at the DIY car wash and I was moving the car from the vacuum station to the washing stall. I was driving approximately .2 miles per hour when Kellen decided to open the car door and hop out. He found out the hard way that that was a very bad idea.

"You tried to kill me!" he screamed as he hopped up and down on one foot.

Two minutes later, he was jumping all over the place and asking if I would be willing to spray him with the hose.

"You're good?" I asked.

He was fine until we got home. When he saw all of our neighbors, he started to cry and claimed he couldn't walk.

"My mom ran over my foot with her car!" he wailed.

Eight people gave me the stink eye.

The accident escalated to massive proportions the next day at school.

"Kellen told his teacher that you hit him with your car," Cortlen told me. "He also told the lunch ladies."

"Fantastic," I replied.

It's been three days and no calls or surprise visits yet. I hope we're safe.


  1. Hahhaha OMG... I don't have any other words for this!

    ~The Mama Monster

  2. I have a friend who jumped out of the car to go to a high school dance, her mother didn't see her...and proceeded to run over her entire leg. She had to literally reverse the car to get back down my friend's leg. But it was just a deep bruise and the leg/my friend was fine. Except there were tread marks on her leg where her mother ran over her. And she showed them to everyone she met. At least you didn't leave tread marks?

  3. I accidentally stabbed my son in the arm with a pitchfork when he was about 10 years old. . . . somewhere around that age. Gosh, i felt just awful. And it was an accident. He likes to brag about how I did that to him. It mortifies me every time i think of it. My other son put me in the hospital with whip-lash from rough housing with me. He brags about that. I know that was an accident too. It happens.

  4. HAHA, my 7 year old daughter would have done the exact same thing!!

  5. Did you tell him that next time you REALLY will "hit" him with the car and then he REALLY will have something to complain about.

  6. A neighbor of ours once did the same thing and it broke her sons foot. She didn't live that one down for a long time!

  7. *snicker*....I don't have kids (yet)...you have the BEST stories, ever! I don't remember my childhood being this entertaining although I'm sure if I asked my mother she might tell me otherwise. :)

  8. My mum did the same thing to my older brother--and then to one of his friends not long after. Hahaha!

  9. Well, he's walking around just fine so I doubt people will take his exaggerated version seriously. :)

  10. Last year our five year old daughter was knocked down and run over by a truck. Thank goodness for good doctors who were able to piece her badly smashed leg back together again

    So glad your experience wasn't worse

  11. I think most people realize how kids like to add a "little extra" to events like this. ;)

  12. I couldn't help but laugh!

  13. My dad punched me in the eye when we were roughhousing and gave me a black eye... at age 7 or 8... then at age 12 or so we were on a family vacation and they nearly left me in the parkinglot cuz my mom forgot to unlock the back door for me to get in the car. Parents do things they regret to their children. It happens!

  14. My mom accidentally cut off the tip of my finger in a door when I was a year old. Anytime she gave me grief I could win the argument by holding my finger up. Fortunately it was my middle finger so I got double credit.

  15. Thanks for the LOL! Happy Monday :)


  16. I totally did this to my daughter, last year. She's totally fine, but she told anyone who would listen ALLLL about how her negligent mother ran her over!

    Seriously, I clipped the front edge of her shoe. I think it squashed back against her toe, that was the sum total.

    Our kids are drama queens.

  17. You just made my monday morning a little brighter.

  18. My spouse parked on TOP of my foot a few years back. Luckily we were already in the parking garage at the hospital.:)

    I accidentally knocked my eldest in the back of his head at a supermarket when he was 7. He then proceeded to tell every single person in the store how I punched him in the face. After 10 minutes and 3 lectures from shoppers I had to haul him to the car to shut him up. A year after that I had to pick him up from school early after he slapped a girl in the face (granted, she hit him first). Grounded him once we got home. Child was talking to construction workers out his window the rest of the day about how I dragged him home for no reason and locked him in his room with no food or water. He even claimed I had his ankle tied to his bed post. Next day CPS showed up.

    Aren't kids great?


  19. Jana, if CPS shows up (they did at my house after my daughter fell down a flight of stairs and broke her arm), make sure you coach your other kids to answer all questions only with the truth, without making things up. When the case worker interviewed my other children, my 5 year old said that he gets slapped in the face when he gets in trouble! I wasn't in the room at the time of the interview but I could hear everything and I almost died!!!!! She asked him back when was the last time he had gotten in trouble and he said he didn't remember. Needless is to say we don't slap him in the face or slap him at all but I think he thought that would sound dramatic enough. I was sweating and a nervous wreck thinking they were going to take my children away! Thankfully, the case worker knew better but it was not a fun time

  20. Okay this is completely unrelated to your post, but I wanted to share some Orlando greatness with you.

    You MUST take your family here:

    It is over in Waterford Lakes and they have to most amazing cupcakes and frozen yogurt. She even won cupcake wars on Food Network. It has my husband's and my favorite date place!

  21. with each story, you make me laugh.

    BTW: teacher's love kids like yours. they're bright spots of entertainment. really.

  22. My brother lifted up my 3 year old son...right into the swirling ceiling fan. 15 years later, my son always points up in my mom's kitchen (where it happened) and says, "Hey Uncle Tim, watch my head...."


  23. OMG! I can only imagine!! And you haven't received even a phone call to ask what happened?? That is so lucky!!

  24. It seem that he is fine;maybe having it checked out may be a good idea.

    Also something like that seems to good to not make up. Kid have amazing storytelling skills.

  25. My mom ran over my foot once when I was running errands for Young Women's. I hopped out of the car and she barely moved the car catching my foot directly under the tire. I yelled for her to "back up back up", she switched it into reverse which made the car lurch forward a bit so then I yelled "No go forward, go forward". My foot was actually laying a sideways under the tire. I had no injury to it at all, not even a bruise!

  26. Oh my gosh, I shouldn't have read this while eating. I almost choked on my leftover PB&J! Hilarious!

  27. Pretty serious experience! I have this experience also with my daughter. At the age of 6, she stole my car keys and drove away with my car and crashed. Good thing I saw her immediately and my daughter's safe. But unluckily, my car's been damaged. So I've decided to bring my car to a car shop that does collision repair. Plano has a lot of car shops perfectly for crashed cars. And they were great when it comes to collision repair. Plano, Tx car shop employees told me also to really watch for my daughter's safety, because what happened to her was a dangerous experience.
