October 18, 2010

Pumpkin Patch Photos

On Saturday afternoon, my husband and I took the troops to the local pumpkin patch.

My older kids were still in their soccer uniforms and my two year-old was shirtless (thanks to his daily puke).

Despite all of this, I didn't feel inadequate until I started snapping photos.

Something I realized almost instantly: I was the only person on the premises without a camera the size of Siberia.

And a tripod.


  1. Oh wow. That is a little much isn't it? At what point should they just hire a professional to come with? HA!

  2. I'm thinking your camera was all you needed. It's kind of like little man syndrome. He that has the biggest truck, is the smallest man. Did that even make sense.

  3. You didn't even mention the light reflector! Holy cow do those people need lives or what?

  4. Wow. I was just thinking today how every single holiday has totally been blown up into a ginormous event. Heck, I know someone who makes special outfits for her kids to celebrate Memorial Day. What's next? Labor Day presents?

    The rising generation doesn't stand a chance. They've been given the impression that the world revolves around them and had everything handed to them. Kudos to you for keeping it under control.

  5. What? You didn't have a news crew, too, to document? You're so 2 thousand late.

    On the same subject.....I just included my pumpkin patch pictures with a note on it being the "obligatory" pumpkin patch photos post. It's become bigger than it should be!

  6. There are so many reasons I love you but your voice of reason is the best. Seriously, knowing you are out there and reading your chronicles seriously helps me!

  7. Don't you know that it's sarcasm awareness month?...lol...love reading your posts. Thanks for keepin' it real!

  8. You'd think the parents would at least wear shirts that didn't clash. I mean, really! :)

  9. Yeh, I'm afraid I'd be in some serious need of photog equipment if I went to the pumpkin patch, too. Really????

  10. What? You don't bring all that stuff with you to very event that involves your children? Dang, you really are a mean Mom!

  11. How do these people function? With all that gear, the quality concerns---talk about performance anxiety. What if they miss the shot when little Susie is smooching the pumpkin because they accidentally knocked over the tripod? The guilt! The agony! the creative failure. I;m good with my point-n-shoot, thanks.

  12. Who brings a tripod to a pumpkin patch!? Jeez. I didn't do that with *my* first (and only) child, so I'm going to chalk that up to "crazy".

  13. I recognize that patch, we were at the same one this weekend!


    We saw a couple who brought along their professional photographer.


  14. I sometimes think that these photo-obsessed parents are missing out on being in the moment because they're constantly behind the camera.

  15. I think the word "overboard" is definitely in order here... especially since it looks like the "pumpkin patch" is merely an open field next to a busy road. but that's just me.

  16. Oh come, those must be paid photographers there to take pictures of any little kid whose parents have the money--right?

  17. Those people must take their pumpkin patch visits much more seriously than I would. The dude's camera looks like it could be used as a lunch box too.

  18. Those people must only have one child. Or nothing better to do with their time. Or a child that has just puked.

  19. Just to throw my two cents in here, but maybe it was their kid's one professional photo shot for the year. (Maybe to document a birthday or something.) You wouldn't mock them if they'd taken their kid to a studio to have the pictures done...so what is the difference if they decided to do it outside? I think people need to lay off the mocking everyone else just a little bit. (And no, you don't need to go off on my being "one of those parents" so I just don't get it. I haven't even taken my kids to a pumpkin patch.) I just really think the world has gotten too used to mocking everyone else for any reason they can. It's kind of sad.

  20. Do lighten up Kim.

    No one here is mocking them. To their faces.

    It's just funny.

    If this is their "one big photo shoot of the year" then I would mock them even more.

  21. It's an epidemic, really. Everywhere I look there are big fancy cameras.

    At least you remembered your camera. We're two years running without a single picture of anything during Halloween. Or October. Possibly the entire fall season.

  22. My daughter would have been lucky if I'd drawn a stick figure of her when we left the pumpkin patch. Hard to believe I didn't scar her for life.

  23. I think it's gotten out of hand :) You are not the only one...trust me!

  24. I rather enjoy the moment than capture it with a 10kg camera=)

  25. After being seriously bummed with the quality of pictures I took last week at the pumpkin patch in full sun, I've been tempted to take a similar setup next weekend when we go with other friends. I'm mostly just super-interested in taking my photo skills up a notch. I don't own a reflector, and my tripod is trashed, but I can definitely empathize with the desire to get the best picture anywhere. And, as one person suggested, I do struggle with my desire to take pictures of everything vs. live in the moment with the kids.

  26. Amen sister! I agree with others who've stated that many parents have become so photo obsessed that they don't actually live in the moment with their children. So many children are going to have serious complexes when they become adults and the paparazzi is no longer following them around. Parents - be the parent! There is nothing wrong with an occasional photo shoot, but get a grip! Side note: Do you also notice how so many people think they are professional photographers these days? Seriously, anyone with an expensive enough camera who reads the manual can take some pretty cool pics....I remember the days of developing your own film...and I'm only 32! That was "real" photography skills!

  27. I don't know about you, but I wanna see the pics they took!!!

    And that's so me ... without the tripod, flashy thing, and screen thing. I took approximately 200 pics of my kids at the Pumpkin Patch this year ... I scrapbook everything and save all pics to CDs. I can't help it ... I already love looking back at all the memories we made when they were babies, so I can only imagine what I'll feel when I look back in ten years :)
    How did this turn into a ramble? My B.
    But I'm seriously jealous of their screen thingy.

  28. I just took my son on his first preschool field trip, took my expensive camera(that I will admit I still don't know how to use,) and wondered if I was one of those people... Thanks for making me feel better since I didn't take my tri-pod, my son wouldn't look at or near the camera the entire time, and my pictures pretty much suck. :)

  29. Maybe the parents ARE photographers.....Yes, it looks a little overboard, but maybe photography is their thing. And they're first time parents ;)

  30. After years of careful study, I've come to the following conclusion: the bigger the camera, the uglier the kid.

  31. It's not the size of the tripod... it's the skills of the photographer...

  32. I agree with Kim - everything that isn't 'normal' is construed as weird, taboo, and so ridiculous. Stop being so judgemental for half a second and get a grip on reality. Why are you so wrapped up in the way other people photograph their kids? Jealous?

  33. You can definitely assume they are first-time parents. People with more than one child would never bother with all that equipment! You're too busy trying to get your children to all look at the camera at the same time! Love your blog -it's always good for a laugh!

  34. A. That's dumb.

    B. That's not even a real pumpkin patch. Why bring all that crap to a fake pumpkin patch?

  35. I ONLY have a camera phone. We suck at documenting our kids life.

  36. I couldn't be their friends....the pressure, jeeez!

  37. slightly off-topic tip for the newbie to the State...

    Don't carve your pumpkin until a day or so before halloween, else you will have a melted, soupy, rotten, maggot-infested mess.

    You're now living, basically, in an overheated swamp. We at the bottom of the state don't do it until the night of halloween. Since you're a bit north (where its a bit cooler at night), you might get a few more days out of the thing.

    My friend's hubby from Maryland refused to listen to us, and was SHOCKED at the state of their jacko a few days later.

    On the other hand, I suspect your kids will think the rotting mess is really cool.

    Happy Halloween!

  38. I'm one of those parents who takes their camera everywhere. Sadly no tripod or light reflector...I guess I need to up my game. :)

    I agree with whoever said that anyone with a fancy camera and a blog is now a professional photographer! Funny isn't it?

  39. Maybe they were professionals. Or trying to be. Sounds like everyone dogging the photo people may be just a little jealous?

  40. I love this blog...not a fan of this post or the comments made here though. They are kind of, well, mean. Everybody is being awfully judgmental about a couple of people no one knows.

  41. To those getting their panties in a bunch...

    While I appreciate your viewpoint, it's a blog (and subsequent amusing comments), not Dateline With Chris Maddow (or whatever).

    Relax, wouldja?

    Or...maybe thou dost protest too much?

  42. I am sorry I have only used this word once, in full form, on the internet...I apologize that it is on you blog...but...

    Are you FUCK*NG kidding me? A tripod and a light reflector with Mommyb*tch in the background trying to make Kevilynalia smile?

    Oh no, no...I would've sent one of my own spawn over to trip up the tripod and knock Momma down. Accidentally of course.

    God the suburbs suck.
