October 20, 2010

Ziploc Bags

Two year-olds are awesome.

Some have favorite plates and cups. Mine will only eat out of resealable sandwich bags.

Put a spoonful of peas on a plate, and they're likely to end up on the floor. Ladle them lovingly into a clear plastic baggie, and they're a portable treasure. The same goes for the rest of the food groups.

I would have never put up with this with my first three, but there's something about my youngest that inspires me to encourage bad habits.

Tonight my husband caught me scooping lasagna into a baggie.

"You cannot be serious," he said.

I dumped the lasagna back into the pan.

"Sorry dude," I whispered to the man in the high chair.

My husband looked at Cameron. "How does he eat his oatmeal every morning?" he asked nervously.

Ignorance is bliss.


  1. bwhahahaha! Totally awesome!

  2. That is hilarious....there are just some battles we, as mothers, choose not to fight; isn't there?!?

  3. Hahaha this made me laugh. It so reminds me of my kids. My husband is looking at me like what? But I can't even try and tell him cuz he will never understand. There are just some things us mothers understand only. Candi Dokey was right...choose our battles.

  4. This is SUCH A GOOD IDEA!! I have a 1 and a 2 yr. old that LOVE to chuck their food at mealtimes.. (seriously, what kid doesn't?) Im trying this.

  5. No soup for you! Sorry, couldn't resist. Funny post! Too bad I can't buy stock in S.C. Johnson. I'd be rich! :)

  6. hey if it works??? And besides, a lot less washing up if the plate, sorry BAG is portable and disposable.... :)

  7. Awesome idea!! My youngest is an extremely picky eater...I wonder if this will work with her??

  8. This reminds me of all the tricks I used to use when mine were little. I say use the baggies, at least he is eating, and if Husband doesn't like it? Tell him at least it's not HIS oatmeal in a bag! :)

  9. I had the same thought as the previous comment - at least he's eating! I say go for it. Anything to keep him healthy and for you to stay sane.

  10. Hahahaha! And I have to agree on the encouraging bad habits with the youngest. How is it awful behavior with our older ones and endearing with the youngest? Oooops!

  11. Ha ha I do that too, but not with lasagna. Plastic bags are great for meals on the way to school. I also give snacks to my five year old in them because there is 300% less chance of spilling cereal or the dog eating it if it's in a bag vs a bowl. Why didn't I learn this trick before child #3?

  12. I used to give my daughter a little cup of ketchup so she could eat her green beans like french fries and dip them. It's the only way she'd eat her veggies.

    But the ziploc bags? I'm with Cameron. I love ziploc bags - all sizes. I don't eat my meals out of them but I do have issues with them - I love them so much. He will grow up to be a very organized young man. Once he realizes they will hold more than food...oh man, a whole new world will open up to him.

  13. My eight year old still loves to eat things out of baggies..... is she my youngest? Of course!

  14. We have the same weird fascination at my house. I have gotten into the bad habit of giving her a baggie of mini marshmallows to take in a bag with her at nap time. You'd never know that in my former life I was a dental hygienist!

  15. Dibs cup work too.

  16. Freakin hilarious! Why didn't I think of that? My Ex pitched a fit b/c I always gave the boy the blue utensils and the girl the green (so later if they didn't get washed, well....) He thought I was coddling them (when my son later only wanted the blue utensils... my bad). This is just brilliance.

  17. My daughter went through a phase where she ONLY ate with chopsticks. My son is going through a phase where he ONLY eats your food, even if his food is identical.

  18. lol. My son takes food in a sandwich bag too, but only when we're on the go. I dont have a tray for his carseat yet.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. TOO FUNNY! What we don't do as the number of offspring gets larger!!

    Thanks for making my day......

    p.s. Ziploc baggies and animal shape cutouts have saved my kids from starving!!!!

  21. Fewer dishes for you, right? I don't see the problem.

  22. My oldest daughter did the same thing! Everything tasted better if it came froma baggie. Her favorite snack at church was frozen peas in a baggie. Blueberry waffles in a baggie were also a favorite.

  23. That's hilarious. My son likes to drink everything even from a bowl. Maybe I'll try putting everything in a cup!


  24. My theory is that you have to pick your battles. Worry about what is important and let the other stuff ride. I will bet you $100 that by the time he is in high school this will no longer be an issue

  25. I am always saying to myself "I can't believe what I let this 4th one get away with..." Why do we do it? In the end, I don't know if it's any easier...yet, I do it too...gave a bottle before bed until (shhhh, don't tell the dentist) almost 3 years old, and I still rock at bed and naptime...

    You always make me feel normal :)

  26. Awesome! I love this idea!

  27. My 3 year old wants everything in "a tiny bowl". I use the condiment bowls. lol.

  28. One piece of advice: Buy stock in ziplock lol!

  29. This made me laugh so hard! I love it!

  30. Oh how I adore ziplock bags! I mean, these little toddler bowls with lids may be a nice idea in theory but let's face it, toddlers aren't the sturdiest creatures, nor do they really understand how to hold things level. But in bags? No worries!
