January 18, 2011


Today one of my new neighbors (not Louise) invited me to attend something called "Bunco Night."

I'm not exactly sure what Bunco is, but since it involves all the women in my neighborhood, I'm guessing that it has something to do with two things I'm against: fat-free desserts and ritual sacrifice.


  1. Close...it is a fun dice game. Usually followed by a treat of some-sort and always followed by a trip to the grave yard!

  2. I hope you win the big screen TV!

  3. It's actually pretty fun provided you aren't playing with a bunch of women who talk as if they are sailors on leave.

  4. I've heard "Bunco" being thrown around up here in NJ. And I've never tried it before. Can't wait to hear how it goes!!

  5. Mormon gambling! Need I say more?

  6. Bunco is fun! I hope you enjoy, regardless if it's a social activity. ;)

  7. All the wealthy Junior League ladies around here play Bunco. You must have made the cut.

  8. Very simple and very fun game, in my opinion. And where I'm from, you eat VERY fattening foods throughout game play (think M&M's and Chex Mix at ever table!), which is personally my favorite part. Ha! Enjoy it!

  9. specifically outlawed by our stake prez at stake conf a few years back--women told to leave bunco and GNOs and return to their husbands and marriages. (men also told to leave all-night video game parties and return home.) enjoy~

  10. Run as fast as you can.

  11. If you like to gossip, you will like bunco.

  12. I love our month neighborhood Bunco night. It is a great way to get to know your neighbors, make friends, and catch up with friends I just don't have much time to just chat with. Hope you have fun.

  13. I LOVE Bunco ( my parents used to be in a league. Yes... there are silly leagues out there)

    The best part about it is you can talk smack to people and pretend it's about 'the game' when really... you're talking smack because they are annoying.

  14. Bunco is so much fun! You'll love it!

  15. At the very least, it will give you another thing to blog about. I'd do it but purposely don't bring your purse or calendar so you can't put the next meeting date on your schedule.

  16. It sounds almost dangerous, keep us posted.

  17. I look forward to my monthly bunko! It's a time for no kids and no husbands. We have a blast and although there may be plenty of gossip, food and "beverages" there is no child hating or husband bashing allowed!

  18. bunco is a fun way to get to know others. Considering it's your neighbors and not sisters in your ward, I'd plan on explaining why you don't drink wine and not bringing your purse cuz there might possibly some monetary bets...that said, it is a fun little game and a good way to get to know the people in your neighborhood.

  19. It took me a couple minutes to figure out what GNO at the top of your post meant...Girl's Night Out....guess it's been awhile.

  20. If you're lucky all you women will get to scissor each other!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I've been in the same Bunco group for 13 years now...the original "Founding Mothers" of the group started it roughly 23 years ago....There's Bishops wives, RS presidents, Stake RS presidents ect. in our group....no gossiping, just family and personal chatter....I've heard of other groups being just a big "Drunco" party...hope that isn't the case with your little shin-dig.

  23. I know little about Bunco, other than it is a game. My issue with this post was with the title. Took me a full ten minutes to figure out what GNO stood for.

    Think I need one?

    Yeah, me too.

  24. Um....nope. Where I live, at least, it's about mass amounts of alcohol and all the good food you can eat!

  25. Did you make it? Don't do that GNO thing again.I'm pissed I had to read the comments to figure it out. Kinda sad

  26. Bunco orginated in the 18th century England. It made its way to San Francisco around 1855. College students are also known to play this game, but it's taken on the name "Drunko" - I think we know why!

  27. Run for your life. Seriously.

  28. I was worried the first time I was asked to play too...little did I know that there are always great snacks, no kids, lots of adults to talk to and alcoholic beverages to partake of if one is so inclined! Have fun!! I think the best part of the whole thing is that you are kid free for 2 whole hours!

  29. Don't do it!! I have no idea why people think it's fun. All you do is roll dice. It's a decent excuse to get out of the house though.

  30. gambling + fatty foods = love
    BUT BEWARE if a sign-up sheet gets passed around...if you are a "regular" then you have to host one week which = cleanup and sadness.

  31. What if it's a ritual sacrifice OF fat-free foods? Ditto above, beware the Sign-up sheet!

  32. You have officially arrived if you have been invited to your local bunco game. From what I hear, they don't invite just anybody to those things. :)

  33. I have been in a Bunco group for 5 years and for the last 2 1/2years we haven't played! It has turned in to a once a month girls night! WE just tell people we play bunco!

  34. I always cringed when invited to Bunco night in my ward. Socializing and games are not my thing though.

  35. And wine, if played correctly. Can be a good time with the right crowd.

  36. Bunco is totally awesome!
    I play it a lot, the time with women is soooo much fun. Sometimes we make it a rule, not talking about kids or husbands. It's a great time. Enjoy and meet the neighbors...

  37. Just found you! You crack me up...I'll be checking in regularly.

  38. LOL - Go and have fun!

  39. Wow, my mom used to play Bunco in teh 70's with our neighbors... I had no idea it was still around! hahahaha!

  40. :) what a cute blog you have! check out my baby product blog!

  41. Bunco = Bingo for the younger crowd. Find a more productive way to spend your time/money. Bowling with the kids will cost the same and provide better excercise. Visit the neighbors one on one, you get to know them better and you can snoop around their house as a payback!

  42. I have a problem with fat-free, sugar-free desserts as well! But just recently I discovered fat-free Fudgesicles and fell in love.

    Interested to read about your "Bunco" party which honestly sounds like some sort yoga/pilates/unflattering type of workout?

  43. We don't pretend to do Bunco, we have a drinking brunch on the days that the kids have off of school. The kids are put in the playroom or basement with stuff to do and we have um mommy beverages. Everyone is happy.
