February 18, 2011

Landscaping Help

Before we moved into our house, we had to have 10 trees removed from the back yard. We were sad to see them go, but they were diseased and/or dead. Two had already fallen into the pool.

Right now, our back yard is just dirt.

I've been hunting around for some landscapers to draw up a plan and help us install a new irrigation system.

I think I've found my man. While stuck in traffic on the freeway yesterday, a van pulled up next to me. I scrambled to write down the phone number and name of the company.

I'm not sure what a springler is, but I'm pretty sure I want one.

Want a chance to win a $100 gift card to Walgreens? Head over HERE.


  1. Must be a new product - you'll be the envy of all your neighbors with your new springlers!

  2. Great advertising, I'm sure they'll go far...

  3. It's a spring-loaded sprinkler. Duh. They're very efficient.

    When my dad started an ambulance business with a partner (neither of whom could spell, apparently) he ended up with a very expensive vehicle that read: "St. Micheal's." My mum said, "Wow, Honey! It's great! Can I say just one thing? ..." Yeah, he was upset.

  4. I worked with a lady that swore you pronounced and spelled desk, "dest." My degree in English and the DICTIONARY did nothing to convince her otherwise. All phone lists listed the number of the "front dest"

  5. My husband is a landscaper and he is going to love this post...but more importantly, I'm a little worried about that TORNADO cloud looming over the van???

  6. haha i laughed pretty hard at that last line

  7. One a landscaping business card was left at my door, services included "waldways" I nearly called him and offered to edit his business card, I felt so bad for him.

  8. I LOVE it! Sorry about the trees. The same thing happened to us in our new house (which we had to sell a year later). Good luck with the springler guy. If he doesn't work, I know a great outdoor plumpber.

  9. You would (or wouldn't, maybe) be surprised to learn how many "Paino" teachers there are in my area.

  10. he probably really knows his dirt and stuff since he's not wasting brain cells on spelling! love it. i can imagine it stinks to PAY to have your typos immortalized on your vehicle.

  11. We have an Aotu Seat Covering company in a town near us. Still don't know what an Aotu is and had no idea they had seats.....with covers.

  12. You absolutely need some springlers. I hear they're life changing!

  13. Ahahahaha! That is hilarious!

    From my child's daycare rules and regulations manual "No child will be given non-prescription medication 2 days in a ROLL without a doctors note"
    At least it makes me feel better that he is getting something to eat during the day!!!

  14. I want a springlers system too. :)

  15. I think it's safe to assume English is not his first language...I live in AZ and we see stuff like this CONSTANTLY!!

  16. I'm giggling here....don't kill me for pointing this out but in your second sentence you wrote, "We were sad to SEEM them go"....I think I'll stay anonymous for this comment just incase someone blasts me....Tee hee....

  17. A lady who works with me also swears "Vacuum" has an "n" in it. She pronounces it vancoom. Drives me crazy, but is also very funny. English is her first and only language.
    Funny Stuff I Write And Draw

  18. At our county fair, an elephant ear booth advertises their products with "powered" sugar. Must give a better sugar high than the usual stuff. Makes me giggle every. single. year. because they have yet to fix it, despite a friend kindly letting them know about the error.

    I did Google springler systems - because the internet knows everything. I think it's German. At least as much as "Fragile" is Italian. ;D

  19. Maybe they will be as good at math as they are with their spelling and won't charge you an arm and a leg for your new backyard! :)

  20. we actually own a landscape business in Florida, I can't wait to show this to my husband....HYSTERICAL!

  21. Oh my gosh, I am ROLLING!! I would totally hire him, just to have that van in front of your house for a couple weeks! :) I am totally checking my spelling today as I type! I bet everyone else does too!!

  22. Well you can be the first one in the neighborhood to get springlers. It will start a springler trend.

  23. Oh my goodness, this is so GREAT!! It needs to be on Jay Leno!

  24. That's just hilarious!! You have a good eye!!

  25. They're mini-Jerry-Springers, and they run all around your yard keeping it neat and tidy. It's a system that can be upgraded with mini-steves to keep the dogs & cats from fighting on your lawn, but he doesn't have the certificate to install those yet.

    Quite entertaining and the newest hollywood trend!

  26. Oh well....you can delete my old comment now since you corrected the typo "seem". :-) Guess I was the only one who saw it...or was a butthole enough to point it out because nobody else mentioned it. LOL. Love your blog!!!

  27. Too funny!

    This is my first post here and I love you! Your posts crack me up and I wish I could be so clever with my 3 year old!

    Love your blog!

  28. My husband and I have seen a sign in Mexico several times that says "Sorry We're Open! Maybe that sign doesn't translate real well
