May 31, 2011

The Best Soup Recipe in the World

This afternoon, my seven year-old son asked he could make himself a snack.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"Something healthy," he replied.

I gave him a nod of approval.

A few minutes later, the smell of burning fuselage wafted from the kitchen.

Microwaving soup--still in the can--will do that for you.

I caught it just in time.


  1. Oh boy, I am not sure they outgrow that. When my sister and her then boyfriend were 17 or 18 they went camping with some friends. The boyfriend volunteered to heat up some beans to go with dinner. He put the can right next to the campfire. It got hot and exploded sending boiling hot beans everywhere. He didn't know you had to open the can first.

  2. Boys {sigh}. At least you saved it before you had a massive explosion on your hands.

  3. Make sure you explain that METAL can't go in the microwave. Its not only boys. I ruined 3 microwaves as a kid due to that fact :).

    First it was, Spoons can't go in the microwave, then it was Aluminium foil can't go in there... finally my dad asked me what the heck was wrong with me when I put something else in... I think it was pizza.

  4. I grew up "behind the iron curtain". We never even heard of a microwave until about 1988 when we visited my dad's sister in (west) Germany. I can't remember if it was my mom or my dad - one of them tried to "hard boil" eggs in my aunts one morning. It.was.awesome! :)

  5. Our 15yo daughter used the microwave as a timer while she was cooking something on the stovetop. The only problem was she turned the microwave on instead of hitting the timer button. It was running for over 9 minutes empty before we noticed it. Lets just say that it had to cool down before we could attempt to use it again. She was so lucky.

  6. At least your microwave is all clean before your picture. Speaking of, I'd better go clean mine... =)
    One of my neighbor's sons cooked a packet of ramen in their microwave. It didn't end as well. Fire trucks appeared and a new microwave was purchased and that smoke smell too...

  7. Oh no! Was it making that zapping sound in there? ha!

  8. Mmmmmm hot radiation. Not to mention high in iron, too. :)

  9. AnonymousJune 01, 2011

    I don't think it ever ends! My grandpa just tried to heat up soup in my moms microwave (thank goodness she caught him) and he's also been known to put whole packages of hotdogs (plastic still on) in there.


  10. Oh no! I put a fork in the microwave once completely by accident. Somehow it fell down into a storage container I had leftovers in. Thankfully nothing happened.

    There was the apple pie incident though. This happened a couple years ago and was just neglectful on my part. We had a box from some place, and I wanted the leftover pie in it. I put it in the microwave thinking things would be fine. First off, there was a sticky note on the top of the box I did not notice. Strike one. Then, there was paper in the box which I assumed was fine and microwavable. Strike two! The box and microwave caught on fire. Thankfully I had sense enough to unplug the thing before it got worse, but even by that point (only a few seconds), the fire had blackened part of the outlet. I was in tears because I realized what could have happened. That microwave got thrown out in the end since the smoke smell would not go away... Not to mention it was kinda black on the inside.

  11. Oh, boy. And we were just about to renovate our kitchen and include a microwave that our 8-year-old can reach. Might want to rethink that.

  12. My then ten year old nephew did the exact same thing with a can of Spagetti-O's. Unfortunately, we didn't catch it in time, as evidenced by the large burn mark in our microwave.

    But, hey, it still works.

  13. Nice mommy save! Following you. Please follow me too at

  14. At least he is trying to cook!

  15. See that beautiful glass plate in your microwave? My 19-year-old tried to use it for a frisbee last week and it ended up in little pieces all over my kitchen floor. It's amazing what kids will do...

  16. YIKES! thats something scary!

  17. I think this would be a great picture for your mug! A good reminder too...

  18. AnonymousJune 02, 2011

    It's not just kids. A guy in my office tried to heat up a brownie, left it in for way too long, burnt the microwave. We had the fire brigade in the office. And we had to get out away from our desks on the whole floor, because of the smell of the smoke. The office replaced the microwaves with less powerful ones.

  19. Oh my goodness. We've had a uber fried pancake before but never something that bad. Scary.

  20. I AM NOT KIDDING YOU, MY SON JUST DID THAT WITH A CAN OF SPAGHETTI-O'S!!! When I came out to the kitchen to see what he was up to, he had oven mitts on both hands (in case the can got hot!) and was putting it in for another minute. I feel so much better knowing I'm not the only Mom this has happened to!

  21. AnonymousJune 11, 2011

    I have a roommate that insisted you cooked hot pockets for 20 minutes in the microwave. She wouldn't listen to reason and 20 minutes later with yellow smoke coming from the microwave,which we were never able to use again, she decided that those were the oven directions. That's awesome!
