May 30, 2011

Our Hotel Staycation

A few weeks ago, I gave my kids pieces of paper and asked them to make lists of things they wanted to do this summer.

Most of the activities had to be crossed off immediately.

"Buying a horse is not an option," I told my daughter.

"Neither is going to Hawaii," I told my son.

"I regret to inform you that you will not be joining your friends at the $300 per week karate camp," I told my other son.

Everyone hated me until I read through all of their lists. Much to my surprise, there was a common denominator. It was a strange request, but one that fit within my budget.

This weekend, we made everyone's dreams come true. Specifically, we spent the night at the hotel down the street.

"This hotel isn't even a resort," my husband said, as we pulled into the parking lot. "It's next to the freeway and it's for business travelers."

"It has a pool and a free continental breakfast," I reminded him.

"But we have a pool and breakfast at our house," he said. The idea of staying at a hotel with children on purpose confused him.

Lest you be overcome with delusions of grandeur similar to my own, here is a brief summary of our evening's activities:

* Filled buckets with ice x 3
* Unfolded sleeper sofa and folded it back up again x 3
* Tried on complimentary shower cap x 3
* Dialed hotel operator x 1
* Fought over piece of hotel stationary and matching envelope: 20 minutes
* Fantasized over possible breakfast offerings: 40 minutes
* Rode the elevator: independently, in small groups, and all together as a family: 75 minutes
* Swam in coveted hotel swimming pool: exactly 7 minutes

It was all very special.

Hope you are having a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend.


  1. About 4 years ago we started a "Summer List" where the kids could each add things they wanted to do so we didn't spend our whole summer playing video games and vegging out. Now we have a summer book club, trips to the park, HOTEL STAYS, picnics, camping in the backyard...our list is usually about 50 items long and we try to fit in all we can between Memorial Day and Labor Day. My sweetie says it's because if I can't check it off it won't happen...

  2. OMG...this is hilarious. Isn't it funny what kids think will be fun?? A night at a hotel?? Ahhahahahaha. Where are you going on your next adventure? Can I come?

  3. "It was all very special."

    I can just see your face. (And that sick, twisted, stepford wives smile pasted onto it)


  4. Can't help but wonder if you got a room with 2 queen size beds! Filling up the ice bucket is the most fun thing about staying in at the a hotel!

  5. Sounds like some serious family memory making in the works!

    I used to dream about hotel stays as well so I guess I understand where your kids were coming from with their request. Hilarious though.

    Hope you have a good week!

  6. AnonymousMay 30, 2011


  7. You are awesome. I don't know that I would have had the patience...

  8. My kids are the same! They can't wait to stay at a hotel. I don't get it....5 of us crammed into one room? that's what results in family feuds, not happy vacation memories!

  9. We did this once--there's a hotel right by the Honda repair place, so I thought instead of the logistics of dropping off the minivan for an overnight stay and figuring out rides back and forth with car seats and 4 kids, we'd just arrange to stay overnight at the hotel while the car was fixed. The kids loved it, but this was 7 years ago and my husband still teases me about it.

  10. That is so funny! And so very real...

  11. All five of my children would agree that this is their number one thing favorite thing to do. But you've got to make sure the breakfast is a good one or the poor night's sleep makes Mom too crabby to ever do it again. The Hilton Garden in Salt Lake has an amazing breakfast and hot cookies in the lobby. My kids have been asking when we are going again.

  12. You had me LOLing at "Rode the elevator..." I can only imagine the intense fun-having that lasted for a too-short 75 minutes. :)

  13. What? No horse?! You ARE the meanest mom!

  14. Oh my gosh... you are a WAY cooler mom than I am! Thanks for the laugh!!

  15. I LOVE this! When we travel to visit hub's family we stay at hotels on the way and the kids go NUTS. How fun that your kids wanted to do that down the street :)

  16. This all makes perfect sense to me. When I was eight I lived in Italy. My dad asked my siblings and me to tell him one thing we really wanted to do before we moved to Germany. At the top of my list: camp on the top of a hill near our house. I still can't figure out why that hill was so cool. Sadly, my camping trip never happened.

  17. Wow, y'all went to a hotel down the street? That is great, no travel expenses at least! We will be going to Cabo this summer, but the little one does not get to go. I am a little sad to leave him this long!
