May 23, 2011

I Have Been Discovered

I love getting emails from PR reps. Love them! I don't know how I will entertain myself when they stop coming. Over the past few days, I've been invited to peddle organic granola bars, dog food, three addiction recovery books, X-rated silly bands, "the world's first digital golf glove," and some sort of weird can opener.

I am in need of all of these products and thus am taking the invitations very seriously.

The kinds of emails that I like best are written by PR reps who actually read my blog. Like this fellow:

Hi Jana,

I hope you had a great weekend!

My name is Mark and I'm with a promotional product company called X. We have a new custom photo mug that we know you will love.

I think this mug would look perfect with some of those great photographs that you have on your blog. Your photography talent is one of the reasons why we are reaching out to you. Would you be interested in receiving a mug for free?

If you email me a picture and text we'll design a mug for you and mail it to you in the next few days.

Thanks! I look forward to hearing from you!

I knew that it was just a matter of time until the full range of my talents was discovered.

I'm thinking seriously about starting a photography business out of my home. As soon as my awesome eight year-old camera dries out.

Currently, it's buried in a bowl of dried rice. I dropped it into the kitchen sink yesterday when I was washing dishes.

Days until school lets out for the summer: 9
Feeling: optimistic


  1. Camera's don't make the best sponges. :P Hope it dries out good for ya.

  2. ha! actually, i love that you are different than the other mommy bloggers i read. you definitely have a niche on the hilarious. who cares about mamarazzi?!

  3. LOL...Mark must have a real eye for art! I think you should put his email on your complimentary mug.

  4. I don't know...I'm thinking that big picture of the garbage truck would look good on a coffee mug. Or the snake pictures you posted awhile back. I'm sure he meant those!

  5. I'm with Aubrey. Or use one of those pictures of dental floss that replaced your daughter's baptism pics. Those would make an one of a kind mug!

  6. Personally, I think that picture of the garbage truck with the text "Feeling: Optimistic" underneath it would make a great mug. Just sayin'. :)

  7. Or... that picture of all those pads your son stuck to the bathroom cabinets. :)

  8. I'd love to have a mug with the picture of pantiliners on the cabinet! Great skills. ...please don't cave in and start plugging a bunch of crap. That's usually my cue to stop reading. I love your blog how it is!

  9. Over the weekend we got a request from some production company to be a part of a docu-series on big families. The kids were so excited! I carefully crafted an e-mail, trying not to sound like the true hick that I am. Finally believing I had it perfect, I sent it bounced...apparently it was either a hoax or the company doesn't know how to spell its own name. That's great PR, don't you think? Anyway, I pulled a different e-mail address from their website and resent my message. I'll let you know how it turns out.

  10. I think you should go with the picture of your dinner in Peru. That might really impress 'em!

  11. The Chicken foot picture would be a cool one...

  12. 9?!? We get out in 28 days!! Are you counting weekends or not? Because not counting weekends and Memorial Day we get out in 18.5 days! (We have a half day on the last day of school).

  13. Days till my kids are out of school - 3. I'm trying to stay optimistic too. I have two summer goals. Don't kill anyone and don't gain more than 5 lbs.

  14. I feel sorry for the soul who has invested valuable hours of his (yep, his) life creating a digital golf glove.

  15. I'm in love with the PR emails too, always amusing and periodically something I might actually like. I'm going to a free lunch with child care next week and that feel like an amazing perk...we'll see though. :)

    Good luck with your camera and all the amazing photos you peple really need some work on their technique.

  16. X-rated silly bandz??? That's is crazy!!

  17. You should for sure post the picture of your guinea pig dinner on a mug! And give it to your neighbors who were so grossed out by your meal;)

  18. I hear ya on the camera bit. I was swinging our digital camera around by the cord and it flew out of my hands, landed on the floor & I broke the battery compartment. Now I get to use clear shipping tape to keep the batteries inside the camera thus making it operate. No, it's not redneck at all.

  19. Jana,

    This is coming to you from a long lost student of yours, one year removed and left behind in PA.

    I am glad to see that your life hasn't slowed down at all (kids will do that, huh?) Myself and three other students who sat in the trailer we used for a classroom have graduated from said school and are all doing well.

    I want to thank you for your help in making me a better writer, it paid of in Senior Seminar!

    With thanks and respect,

    the shortest girl found in New Britain 3. (Or was it 2?)

  20. I love getting emails from PR reps. Love them! I don't know how I will entertain myself when they stop coming. Over the past few days, I've been invited to peddle organic granola bars, dog food, three addiction recovery books, X-rated silly bands, "the world's first digital golf glove," and some sort of weird can opener.
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