May 20, 2011

I Threw Away My Keys

Yesterday I threw away my keys. All of them: car, house, church, and a bunch that have been on my key chain forever and open things that I can't remember.

We had just arrived home after soccer practice. My kids were hungry and tired. One was complaining about what I was planning to make for dinner. Another announced that he had a book report due the next day and had no idea where his book was.

I decided that that was as good of time as any to clean out the car. What I found in the cup holders and underneath the seats was truly atrocious: homework pages from September, pieces of paper cups, 5000 pencils, several Matchbox cars, and my daughter's missing lunch box.

I was so irritated that I dumped everything in my arms into the trash can in the garage.

The next morning, I couldn't find my keys. I realized what I had done with them at a particularly unfortunate moment.

I ran outside in a state of harried panic just in time to see the garbage collectors dump the trash can into their truck and drive away.



  1. Well, after your house gets auctioned off to the hightest bidder, you'll need new keys anyway! ;)

  2. How very sad indeed! My husband has lost his keys enough times that we started keeping a spare set of keys with my parents so that should my husband lose his keys my parents could bring the extra set over.

  3. With the house auction you only need new car and church keys! Let us know how much your house goes for. It might have appreciated in value!

  4. Everytime I am searching high and low for my keys, this is what I fear has happened to them! Our key hook is actually right above the trash can but of course I don't always remember to hang them up. I tend to find them in the dirty laundry still inside my jean pockets, or in the dryer.

    The keys that will likely be more hard to come by are the church keys! Our church doesn't give keys to just anybody and even takes months after you have been deemed "worthy" of a set of keys to get them.

  5. I looked all over my house to find my missing keys... and finally found them in the ignition of my unlocked car in our driveway!! I was glad the car was still there (although I doubt minivans are that desireable)!

  6. Wow. I'm not even sure what to say at this moment, except "Crap!"

  7. When my second child was about 2 we were absolutely convinced he had flushed my keys down the toilet (because he had done that already with several useful objects that plugged the pipe and sent water all over the bathroom). When the keys went missing...well, it was a logical conclusion. When we moved almost a year later, I found them in the top of a hanging swag lamp in my bedroom. Somebody must have flung them pretty high to have achieved such a perfect landing!

  8. It sounds like kids (for initiating the cleaning frenzy) are responsible. I'd divide the replacement cost of the keys and add it to the million they owe you.

    My 17 year old autistic brother lost my keys last month. After he proved unwilling to search his room for them. (He thought he pocketed them for later.) He tried to "replace" my keys be giving me a keyring full of spare keys and one key to my parent's truck. I took a copy of my copying cost receipt over and made him pay half.


  9. You and my husband are in the same boat. He keeps two different key rings. He lost the one with my car key on it. I'm terrified I will lose that key.

  10. It's best to just never clean out your car. That's how I threw away my garage door clicker.

  11. At least your car got cleaned out, right?

  12. Jana. Your life. Funny. At least, to others! :)

  13. So sad... :(

    I threw away my phone one..but by a stroke of luck I realized it before the truck came. I don't know what the neighbors think when I have to tip the whole thing over and crawl inside to get to the bottom to retrieve whatever I've managed to throw away on accident.

  14. AnonymousMay 22, 2011

    Never clean and throw out things the night before the trash comes particularly it it is being done with emotion. If you must do it that day then sometimes it's better to hold back that bag... especially if in the past you tossed something (like concert or hockey tickets) and had to make up for it. I've had few tours through the bags going to donation also.

  15. Does this mean you have to get a new car, a new house, and a new church?

  16. My hubby once accidently threw away his wedding ring. He had taken it off for an art project and then threw away the newspapers. Luckily he realized it and ran outside to the garbage just before the truck reached the end of the alley where we live. Thankfully we did find it! Now I have 4 kids and my youngest has a fascination with the garbage bin and I wonder everyday what has been thrown out when I take the trash out now. :) Sorry about your keys and good luck getting replacements!

  17. Best thing I ever did was to produce a 3-year old OCD child who hangs my coat on a hook and puts my keys in the key bowl every time we walk in the door. I lend him out for a small fee. (;

  18. Yeah - my mom was in charge of a set of Stk Center keys one time - and when the 1st counselor handed them over to her he said: "These are your ex-communication keys. Lose them and I might just ex-communicate you." I think he was joking about it - i think....

  19. Holy electronic doorlocks Batman.

  20. This is particularly funny to me, as JUST this week, I caught my keys placed in the kitchen trash by my helpful 18mo old son. Glad I avoided your trauma!

  21. Oh my, I am so sorry!!! The good thing, maybe you'll have to stay home for a couple of days until you get a new set made!! ~KM

  22. That is a really unfortunate time to remember. So sorry!

    I am just waiting for the day when I do this. I lose mine all the time and am constantly in a state of frustration while picking up so everything goes in the trash.

    You really just created a lesson for us all to learn from, I'm totally watching my trash throwing more closely now.

    Good luck with your keys!

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  24. dang things just have not been going your way lately. and I bet the keys are just the straw that broke the camels back or soon. or you have one strong back and you seem to be made of tougher stuff, cause I would have checked myself into the looney bin about a week ago. i hope things improve and quick.

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  27. That SUCKS. The last time I lost my keys, I found them about a week later lying in the middle of the road a few streets over from home. I must have left them on the top of the truck or something and they fell off while we were driving!

  28. AnonymousMay 31, 2011

    lol! The last time, I look for my cellphone in the garbage, look for kids toys in the ref.. :) What a mom's life!

  29. Check out the Tile App - its this little thing you put on your keys to make them beep and you can track with your phone.

    For next time - so their will not be a next time.

  30. Great article onlost or stolen car key! It's always frustrating when car keys stop working or get damaged, but your post provides valuable information on the options available for repairing them. I really appreciate the troubleshooting tips you shared, which can help readers identify common issues and potentially fix them without needing professional assistance. Your advice to seek the help of a locksmith for more complex repairs is also very helpful. Overall, this article offers practical solutions and guidance for anyone facing car key repair issues.
