August 17, 2011

My Girl Crush

After a long dry spell, my siblings now are getting hitched at a rate of about one per year. I just got back from my younger brother's wedding, which took place on Monday in the always beautiful Salt Lake City.

I could write about the wedding ceremony itself (which was perfect), but then I wouldn't have time to tell you about my infatuation with my brother's wife...and her wedding ring.

It's hard to be a good wedding helper when you are borderline obsessed with everything your soon-to-be SIL says, does, and wears.

"Stop staring at her," my sister Amy hissed. "You're making me feel uncomfortable."

Maybe it's the fact that my new SIL is gorgeous. And doesn't have a mean bone in her body. And has a seemingly endless supply of furry creatures to wear in her hair.

Whatever it is, I pretty much want to be her, or, at a minimum, just look like her. As soon as my medical insurance starts covering elective cosmetic surgery, my dreams will become a reality.

For now, I must be content to obsess from afar.


  1. Oh, good, I'm not the only one who has a crush on my sister-in-law.

  2. jana, dude, how do you just leave us hanging without the big macro shot of her ring after that big intro? Sheesh. That is so cruel.

    love the temple. if only I wasn't a non-member sinner... then I could get married there. drats. but seriously... the missionaries live in the unit above me... someday they will be RM's and be seeking brides. that could be me. Granted, i am so old I am almost ready to be kicked out of the YSA ward, but... who doesn't like a cougar?

  3. Yeah--I need a shot of the ring too! And you're right, she is lovely!

  4. She looks so happy! Is that you with your hands on your hips in the first photo. Nice one.

    I too was wanting a ring shot. Way to just dangle a carat (how many was it?) and then not let us see.

  5. I'm glad to hear that all is well and you were just in our neck of the woods for a wedding. You hadn't posted for a while and I was starting to worry that the big black snake had gotten to ya. Or maybe you got lost in your kids' school...or maybe you were still working on that pinewood derby car.

  6. That is so sweet!!
    And a little 'dingle white female'.
    But sweet.

  7. pleading for the ring shot too!!!

    How lovely that she has come into a family that adores will make life much easier :)

    Thanks for sharing...they are an adorable couple!!

  8. since everyone else is being syrrupy sweet, i will inject a nasty comment just to keep you on your toes.

    THOU SHALT NOT COVET THY BROTHER'S WIFE, or her ring, or her hair, or her furry hair creatures, or anything else that is thy brother's wife.

    :) - jessica

  9. if your brother was at byu, i swear that he was in my single ward a few years back!

  10. Gotta love weddings at the Salt Lake temple (my hometown!) I've got crushes on my SIL's as well. Cute couple!

  11. Wow, your brother looks just like your twins! I guess that means they will be marrying equal beautiful young women in the future and then you will be crushing on your DIL!

  12. How fun! Cute couple. You have such an awesome family.

  13. She is gorgeous!!

    Now give her about 10 years and a few kiddos and we'll see....

    UMMM I MEAN, What a lovely couple, many wonderful years to them ;)

  14. Gotta say, I know that last picture is s'posed to be all artsy and frame-y and everything, and that's either a rock or a branch across the top left of the image, but I would have sworn it was the photographer's thumb.

    Love the furry creature, though. I want one.

  15. Awww! These pictures are just phenomenal. They both look so happy! I hope their day was great!

  16. Oh my, too me too!! She is beautiful!!

  17. Umm OK, ah...awkward. LOL

  18. I have a "girl thing" for Zoe Saldano. You know, the girl from Avatar? Yeah, I kinda have a thing for her in human and in blue. She's just awesome. Some people just have it all!

  19. What a compliment to your brother and his wife! I love temple weddings. No trashy wedding dresses just shear beauty, love, and happiness!

  20. I want her wedding hair! I have a crush on her too!

  21. I love those pictures! So darling!

  22. She IS bee-you-tee-full! Congrats on your new addition to the family (o:

  23. Yep... for sure not the only one. My sister-in-law "has it all", including thick hair that never gets messy no matter what the circumstances. AND, she never sweats, no matter what the humidity. What is up with THAT? So unfair! :) Your brother looks very happy... congrats to him and his beautiful bride!

  24. I am laughing at that first picture with the "hands-on-hips" lady in the background. I think she is thinking the same thing as you...LMAO!!!

  25. My three SIL's didn't join the family until after I'd had kids. I felt like a frumpy fatty around them - they were all so skinny and beautiful. But now that the SIL's have had kids, things have evened out, and I don't mind standing next to them in photos.

  26. Emily Heizer Photography, I don't love a cougar.... GO UTES!!! But I agree about the missionaries. I live in NYC now and saw a missionary pair on the subway the other day looking very out of place. I kinda wanted to pack them up and send them home to Utah. Sorry for anonamous don't have a account

  27. I think a piece of my self esteem died when I looked at those pictures! But seriously, she is darling...I don't blame you for the girl crush =)
