August 12, 2011

The Teacher Meet-and-Greet

Today my kids' elementary school hosted an open house of sorts. The purpose of the event is for students to meet their new teachers and drop off their school supplies in their classrooms.

We made through all the three classrooms without incident. This is shocking because Cameron was on fire this morning and I had to spend several minutes in each of the rooms filling out forms (which usually spells disaster). On our way out, we decided to pop our heads into Kellen's first grade teacher's room to say hello. While Kellen and I chatted with his former teacher, an announcement came over the school's loudspeaker.

"Will the parent of Cortlen Mathews please come to the front office."

That's when I noticed that one of my sons didn't make it into the classroom with us.

"Fantastic," I said and ran out the door.

On our way to the office, I was stopped by no less than 10 people who told me (in case I didn't already know) that my presence was requested up front.

So much for this blowing over quietly.

Once I retrieved my son, we headed into the parking lot where we bumped into one of our neighbors and her kids.

"I lost one of my kids today!" the woman said, laughing.

I felt like a tremendous weight had been lifted from my shoulders. "Me too!" I cried and told her what happened. For a solitary moment, I didn't feel like the only bad parent on the planet.

After listening to my story, the woman wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Oh I didn't lose my son like that," she said. "I meant that he went home with one of his friends."



  1. Don't worry. One time, one of my friends (sydney) was waiting at a gymnastics class. and waiting. and waiting. So finally, she called her mom. Her mom answered the phone and said "Hello? Hold on.. SYDNEY... go to bed!" and Syd said "Ummm... Mom? I'm at gymnastics. you never picked me up"

    She wins. Hands down. You're now an awesome mother again. rest easy dear!

  2. Hee hee.
    You know you're not a bad mother. It's the child's responsibility to follow the leader, isn't it?!
    We lost my son in a department store - and he's an only child who was out with two parents that day!!!

  3. Before cell phones, I know someone who left their child at a gas station on a 600 mile trip. The highway patrol had to pull them over to tell them their child was still in the last town they stopped in.

  4. Isn't it worse if your child just left with a friend without your knowing? Schools are pretty crowded on orientation day, unless your kids are on one of those leashes you use in Disneyland how can you not lose someone?

  5. I just started a new job and the kids came to see my office and help decorate it. The four year old has to try out every bathroom on the planet. Seriously. So of course he needs to go after being inside my office less than 30 seconds. My husband offers to take him. (The joys of having only boys!) And I stayed with my older boy. Five minutes later I heard a coworker call out. Did anyone lose a kid? Turns out he didn't want to wait for his dad to finish and he couldn't find his way back. The best part, I work for Division of Child and Family Services.. aka Child Protective Services.

  6. When I had to leave Sea World with my little one who had fallen and split her lip open to go get stitches, but sweetie literally lost one of my girls. Thankfully, they found her about 10 minutes later. That can be so scary! I think really losing a child is any parent's worst nightmare. But just separating with them in their own school can't be that bad...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I lost our 3-year-old at a waterpark a few weeks ago. My husband had gone to get food, and my 18-month-old was napping, so I couldn't go too far to look for her. I ran to tell a lifeguard and described my daughter. We both scanned the crowd--me panicked, lifeguard calm--and she finally spotted her. She acted like it happened all the time, so I didn't feel quite so bad. But I did downplay it to my husband just a wee bit. :)

  9. I can top Molly. My husband tells this better, but:

    Some 40+ years ago, my husband's grandmother was taking her teens to church for Mutual. After the activity, Grandma loads up the car with her kids and heads home, about an hour away. Youngest daughter L (child 5 of 6, who is about 8yo at the time), stays behind. L is later found by another church member, who lives nearby. He takes her to his house, L parks herself on their patio, insisting that her mom will be back any time.

    Night passes. Next morning, church guy insists that they call her mom, though L keeps refusing, insisting that her mom will show up any time. Church guy tries and fails all day to call her mom (Grandma lived out in the country and didn't have phone service yet). Another night passes with L staying on their patio, waiting for mom.

    The next morning church guy finally loads L up into the car and takes her home. When L walks into the house, Grandma just looks at her and asks, "L, where have you been?"

    Two days, and she hadn't noticed that her youngest daughter was missing. Yeah, she still hasn't lived that one down.

  10. Don't feel're not a horrible mom. I'm sure your neighbor has definitely had her kid hide in the clothes rack in a department store at least once.

  11. Never fear Jana, I lose children all the time! Once (the worst) I lost my 2 yr old in a crowd of 60,000 people!! I took the bigger kids to the porta potties and he followed. My dh was with the baby and thought I knew so he wasn't worried! We also lost our youngest at the age of 3 at the water park in Lagoon- twice!
    Ahhh mother of the year over here!!!

  12. Feel Better - My mom picked me up from school and then left me. She made me get out to shut the door that my younger brother refused to shut and when I shut my door and then he shut his, she took off. She didn't heed the cries of my brother that I wasn't in the car. She drove and registered us for gymnastics before she realized I wasn't there. WOW! We never let her forget this one.

  13. About 15 years ago (I was 11 or 12), my parents almost left me at a rest stop in Orlando. We had just gotten a RV a couple days before and I really did not like having to use the bathroom in there. We'd pulled in to a rest stop because my folks were lost and wanted to look at the map. I told my mom I was going to the bathroom and got out of the camper. I walked out of the rest stop to see them headed to the entrance ramp (a good 400 yards away). The only reason they stopped? I hadn't closed the door to the camper all the way when I got out, so it swung open when my dad turned the wheel hard. My sister (3 years younger) NEVER said a word to them, even though she'd seen me get out of the RV and not get back in.
    Worst part? I got yelled at by my dad for getting out of the RV without permission (of course while I'm bawling because I was terrified that they were leaving me).
    Same trip, they went off and were about to pull out of a gas station on to the interstate, in Arkansas, leaving my sister inside the store. At least I spoke up and told them she wasn't inside. She didn't even realize that the RV had moved a good 80 yards from when she went inside to when she came out.

  14. Mom of the year award! I would vote for you. As a fellow mommy blogger (, I COMPLETELY understand. I am ALL about embarrassing myself and my offspring on whenever I get the chance. Don't believe me? Check this post out: Told ya!

  15. Love your share, Jen. Been there. Oh, the tales I could share.

    Would you be so kind to (& tell your friends) comment on my BLOG ONLY (emails don't count), for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~

  16. I enjoyed reading your blog. You have a much "lost" story than the other mom.... I bet her blog post wasn't nearly as funny!
    Feel free to visit my blog as well. I am just starting.

  17. My mom once left one of my younger brothers at my aunt and uncle's house when he was 5 or 6. We had picked up my cousins so nobody else was at the house. The best part is, she didn't notice until my grandparents brought him home. Thankfully they stopped by before coming to our house. My aunt and uncle live 3 cities away from my parents. I'm pretty sure she's the winner.

  18. Ha! that was me with both my kids at 1st grade open house! They ran ahead of me to get their PTA ice cream treat and then I lost them in the mob. I searched all over. About 20 min later I was paged to go back to the classroom. There I find my 6 yr old and 3 yr old, and a teacher who is ready to leave! At least the teacher started with VERY LOW expectations about my parenting skills, I could only improve.

  19. Anyone who hasn't REALLY lost a kid yet has never really experienced parenting! Only real parents can say "been there, done that!" At least only honest real parents! On that note, been there, done that! Glad you found your baby again but I hope you enjoyed a split second of peace and quiet while the little bugger was missing because let's face it, only really honest parents would fess up to THAT too!! =)

  20. Yeah, lost my youngest when she was about 2.5yo in the men's section of Target. She was hiding in a clothes rack going # 2 in her pull up. Had to get the fitting room person to help me track her down while I stayed on the aisle to make sure she did run out that way. She is all about silent and stealthy when she wants to be.

  21. Love your blog. New to all this and having fun getting to know you all.

  22. Awww, don't worry about it! You're not a horrible parent - we've all been stressed and done stuff like that before, even those moms who were judging you. And if they haven't done it, karma is a bitch so they will!

    I passed on a blogging award to you - it's one of those blogger's choice things. If you would like to check it out, please click below.

    The Crunchy (Grouchy) Mommy -

  23. I agree. You're not a bad mother. That's like saying the Fashion Fantasy Game is a bad game.

  24. oh i am so sorry, so would be my day. i think at some point we all either lose our kids or at least think we have lost them.

  25. Losing a kid is the worst feeling in the world...and I think it happens to ALL of us at some time or another. Ugh.

    Surprised at all the blog self-promotion in these comments. I must not be the cool kid I don't have a blog to promote lol.

  26. ha ha ha ha ha I heart this post!!!!
